The Anti-Islam American Fascist Christian’s Network

Traditionally, American fascists and the American Right Wing as a whole have turned their racial and cultural hate onto Native Americans, Asians, Jews, Mexicans, and Blacks, who they have persecuted and murdered millions of. But now, the ‘Christian’ Klan hoods have turned toward allying with Jewish Apartheid Israel to churn out new hate and murder onto the Muslim community.

I am not pro-Islam at all, as I am an atheist. Still, it is quite easy to recognize fascist and genocidal campaigns like the current anti-Muslim one for exactly what they are…. thugs going after new victims. See the link page of one of these anti Muslim hate groups, The Religion of Peace dot numbskulls

If there had been an internet back in the ’20s, these nubskulls would have certainly called their site….… where they would have put great effort into trying to convince us that Black males were a rapacious menace to White women and must be stopped by lynching them.

3 thoughts on “The Anti-Islam American Fascist Christian’s Network

  1. “American fascists and the American Right Wing as a whole have turned their racial and cultural hate onto Native Americans, Asians, Jews, Mexicans, and Blacks, who they have persecuted and murdered millions of.”

    WTF? I have never heard such radical leftist rhetoric in my life. get a freakin clue man. educate yourself, please. go back to high school or something…

  2. If your idea of education is high school, I’m afraid John you might have wandered in over your head.

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