Gates v. Crowley Case is black and white

Selma Alabama 1965
While pundits pit Professor Gates against Police Sergeant Crowley, I recommend a white man’s refresher course in Black v. Cop. The above photograph depicts the officers of the law who came from all over Alabama in 1965 to prevent the SNCC civil rights marchers from leaving Selma. Most of the images we recognize from this day were taken seconds after this one, as the southern gentlemen eagerly bludgeoned the kneeling marchers. It took the interference of the President of the United States to send Federal troops to defend the peaceful protesters from the police. Have things changed?

Now they use tasers?

If you are not African-American, ask an African-American.

President Obama’s interference, tiptoeing with niceties for the boys in blue, couching his criticism as if his words carried no more authority than Uncle Tom, falls well short of representing the complaints about still overwhelming racism which black Americans face from law enforcement. Still Obama’s opinion has not been welcomed by the police department which arrested Professor Gates for being uncooperative in his own home.

Policeman Crowley and his superior and his buddies on the force and police unions across the country are telling the president he should not butt in? And they’re assuring us that they’re not racist? Let’s poll the LAPD on the matter, or any of the squads who’ve been caught on video tape beating their charges, (double-entendre intended) usually black.

We need to give equal time to the majority of our prison population. Or the people of New Orleans.

Sergeant Crowly et al are positive they are not racist. They’ve taken the courses, they’ve given the cross-racial CPR. They do not believe they are racist, and I believe them. I don’t believe I am racist either, although clearly I am. I am uncomfortable about being racist, and I’m not sure what to think about the degree of comfort I take as well.

And now the insolent bastards are second guessing the president for second guessing them.

This is that what comes of the post-9/11 theme of deifying First Responders. They’re big galoots –brave, no question– who rush up high-rise stairwells with no premonition the steel structure would be coming down, and next thing patriots are hawking chatchkes of firemen and policemen raising the Stars and Stripes over the rubble, as if they’re under fire in Iwo Jima. So now they’re qualified to tell the president he’s unqualified to make a judgment?

I can criticize the president because he’s not delivering what he promised. What basis do his employees have for grievance?

Crowley and ilk are none too bright, obviously, and they’re racist. They offer their own proof. What would a dutiful policeman’s reaction have been when a white president deigned to weigh in on a matter. I’m guessing deference. To the Commander in Chief.

I did my duty as I knew best, I am open to criticism, and welcome certainly anything the highest executive office holder might offer by way of suggestion, I am most humbled that he might have granted his attention to my personal case, which to guess from the offense people have taken was evidently a lapse in judgment on my part.

Deference. And that’s not what’s being shown their Boy in the White House.

3 thoughts on “Gates v. Crowley Case is black and white

  1. I wouldn’t know for sure whether that Crowley was ‘racist’ or not? What is known is that Gates was ‘uppity’ and cops hate that whether it comes from a Black or White. The use of an arrest by Crowley to put Gates in his place was standard policing in this fucked up country.

  2. Wait! The latest is just in. Gates has agreed to go have a beer with his friend Obama and also the big bad Cop Crowley! Since race relations is what Crowley does for a living, amazing as that be, will Crowley go out for this beer?

    I recommend that he drink OJ if he does go out in a night with the boys though. He wouldn’t want to be caught drinking alcohol since he might definitely become the designated driver… lol.,,, sirens and all.

    There is no racism problem in America so I and Barack can become good friends! And so can Peace Officer Crowley! I love this New America! If anybody amongst these 3 reasonable dudes would to get hurt, at least unlike this particular health care worker and his family, they would have good medical coverage though.

  3. I believe that Gates is a victim of the “victim mentality” that the NAACP has tried to push for years. “A white police officer is confronting me, therefore it MUST be because I am black” . I believe that Gates is an otherwise intelligent human being, who has been conditioned to react in a certain way, in a certain situation, regardless of the facts.

    Racism will never go away, because deep down, all people have a certain degree of xenophobia. However, mandatory regulations and forced association are not the way to fight it, and the double standard of “if he is black, he can’t be racist” doesn’t help. Frankly, if people would stop trying to force others to think and act in a certain way, those others might be more receptive to persuasion in that direction. Those that cannot be swayed, will be marginalized. Those that would not be swayed by coercion, may be swayed by reason or evidence. Convince me that people who are different, may not be so different, do not force me to take your word for it.


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