Mr Haddad, I’ll try not to be mean…

JAN 18 rallyBecause there’s 7 billion persons on the planet and at any given time about a tenth of them really need to be spoken to in a harsh manner. Just because.

Sometimes, when dealing with people, some of them will practically beg you to slice off a big steaming hunk of Nasty and serve it to them RAW.

In a way, I’m flattered. You chose this particular site and my friends as the targets of your wrath or whatever the hell it is.

It shows that our opinion truly matters to you.

And really, I like people, even when they’re , a, je ne sais pas, on some kind of a quest to shout me or my friends down.

Of course the continued sniping wears kind of thin, and it could come to the point, easily, where those at whom you continuously snipe start to give less and less of a damn about what you have to say.

Unless you’re knocked out of work for a lang time, such as Moi, due to accident or to your boss being a dumbass or whatever, you could conceivably buy your own website and start your own blog.

You could then tell anybody who stumbles into your blog how stupid you believe everybody at NMT is.

And, overall, it would have the same “net” <<<—==<< funny joke there Effect as coming to this site repeatedly.

Unless you’re one of those strange individuals who thrives on abuse.

In which case you have my pity.

Salaam aleikut.

Yes that’s an English phonetic spelling of a non-English phrase.

No, I don’t really care if you actually WANT somebody to wish the peace of God upon you and your house.

I’ll do it anyway.

Just because.

And really, if you believe us to be Stupid and Insignificant, as you imply and sometimes much more than merely Imply, why exactly do you try to argue with us?

22 thoughts on “Mr Haddad, I’ll try not to be mean…

  1. I just started reading your blog, but, am dismayed at the anti-Israel tone exhibited by the content and the remarks of your staffer, Tony something or other. You need to instruct him to take the Israel-bashing down a couple notches. I think your blog would be more successful and you’d have more credibility and integrity if you weren’t so totally devoted to dissing Israel. If that’s all you want to be, fine, but if you’re just preaching to the choir, why even bother? And, yes, I do support Israel, which, I suppose makes me a dreaded Zionist.

  2. The tone is well matched by people calling names on The Other Side.

    As of now Israel is a big issue, something to do with them invading a neighboring country and killing up a whole mess of folks.

    There’s been some talk from, appropriately, the Talking Heads, that “The problem with Americans is that we always tend to root for the Underdog” which I suppose is not nearly as defensible as the other position of Might Makes Right and Always Supporting the Empire and To the victor belongeth the spoils.

  3. Israel’s “invasion” of Gaza was provoked by 6,000 separate acts of war, representing the number of missiles and rockets Hamas had fired into Israel since 2001. You conveniently omit this or you seem to think that the IDF just woke up one day and decided to “invade” Gaza. EVERY nation would have responded the same, the only difference being that no other nation would have tolerated rockets for 7 YEARS before responding. Indeed, Israel has a duty to protect its citizenry against rocket attacks. What about this concept do you not get?

  4. and it was 4 and 5 years ago respectively that Israeli tanks were in Bethlehem,

    The Ghetto was instituted as soon as the Palestinians committed the “act of war” of electing officials to represent that the Knesset disagreed with.

    Since it’s not YOUR kids and not YOU being blown to Hell or Heaven, or slowly starved, denied medical care or the simple dignity of labor, or of the right to vote for whoever you choose, rather than the government of the Neighboring Country, the one that says it’s not trying to run Palestine, I guess it doesn’t matter to YOU.

    But some people, they’ll object when the 4th largest military in the World invades a country whose “Army” doesn’t even exist.

    About the IDF making the demand that Consumer Goods not be “smuggled in” to Gaza, that would be things like food and medicine.

    Ordinarily, one nation worrying about “smuggling” would mean unlawful or prohibited goods passing over ITS OWN borders into ITS OWN Territory.

    Israel no longer OWNS Palestine but has, ever since the Palestinian Authority was commissioned, been attempting to run the internal affairs of Palestine, along with the killings of quite a large number of Palestinian CITIZENS.

    The Pogroms into the Gaza Ghetto have been ongoing for all those years.

    What is it about the concept of AUTONOMY that YOU don’t get?

    When a pregnant woman being taken to a hospital to deliver her CHILD gets murdered by IDF border guards, along with her husband, it didn’t bother quite a few “Israel is Always Righteous and Always Right” people, because hey, it wasn’t THEIR mother or sister or daughter, son or brother or father.

    The Knesset is bowing before the Bu’ush Regime even though that Empire is rapidly being dismantled in favor of Freedom and Democracy.

    And I DON’T have to bow before either the Knesset nor their failed Imperial Sponsor.

    I use the terms Pogrom and Ghetto and Anschluss to remind Jewish PEOPLE, of the vast similarities between what the Israeli GOVERNMENT is doing in the name of MY God and theirs…

    And with what the minions of Adolf Hitler did to the Jewish PEOPLE and to the neighboring Sovereign Nations of Germany before and during the Nazi Reign of Terror.

    Because some people have a conscience and it helps them to have that conscience awakened.

    What was the “act of war” committed by the three young girls who were murdered the other day?

    The IDF said that there was sniper fire in the area.
    But the IDF were the only witnesses who reported it.

    I’d say it was Targeted Retaliation for their father giving a live telephone interview earlier in the day.

    Well, Mr Haddad, I’M doing essentially the same thing their father the DOCTOR was doing.

    What are YOU going to do about it? Have the IDF or just the Colorado Springs Police Murder ME for it?

    Because I know already that YOU don’t have the raw courage to do it.

  5. “The Ghetto was instituted as soon as the Palestinians committed the “act of war” of electing officials to represent that the Knesset disagreed with.”

    “Electing officials to represent that the Knesset disagreed with.” LOL. You make it seem so innocent and benign. You conveniently omit that those “elected officials” are classified as terrorists by the US, Canada, The European Union, Australia and Japan. You omit that most of the Arab states “disagree” with Hamas. You omit those elected officials call for the destruction of a sovereign state, Israel. You omit that Hamas poisons the minds of Palestinian children with hateful cartoons like this…

    Would you want your children to be exposed to Hamas?

  6. “Since it’s not YOUR kids and not YOU being blown to Hell or Heaven, or slowly starved, denied medical care or the simple dignity of labor, or of the right to vote for whoever you choose, rather than the government of the Neighboring Country, the one that says it’s not trying to run Palestine, I guess it doesn’t matter to YOU.”

    You guess wrong. Nobody wants to see Palestinian suffering, which is reflected in poll after poll among Israelis who want to live in peace with the Palestinians and who want a Palestinian state. Have you given any thought to the relative peace between the Palestinians in the West Bank and Israel? That is a result of Abbas and Fatah accepting Israel’s existence and ceasing antagonistic conduct against Israel. So, it is demonstrably true that Palestinians and Israelis can live in peace, just not in Gaza, evidently. Hate will always live in the hearts of some people. I can guarantee you that if the Israelis elected “officials” who openly called for the death of all Palestinians, you’d hear an outcry from one end of the world to the other.

  7. “But some people, they’ll object when the 4th largest military in the World invades a country whose “Army” doesn’t even exist.”

    Then you really must have been beside yourself about the fact that 8 Arab nations have gone to war with one little tiny nation, Israel. Perhaps that’s why the IDF has had to become so powerful. Maybe the IDF should fight Hamas with one hand tied behind each solder’s back to make it more even. Let me clue you in to something: The purpose of going to war with an adversary is to wipe them out, not to play games with them. Hopefully, Hamas has learned a lesson.

  8. “About the IDF making the demand that Consumer Goods not be “smuggled in” to Gaza, that would be things like food and medicine.”

    I’ll cede your point, I would like to see Israel relax the border blockades for essential materials. On this we agree.

  9. “Israel no longer OWNS Palestine but has, ever since the Palestinian Authority was commissioned, been attempting to run the internal affairs of Palestine, along with the killings of quite a large number of Palestinian CITIZENS.”

    You lose your credibility, in my mind, when you write about Israel killing Palestinians, suggesting it’s planned genocide. There are, regrettably, casualties in war and I feel terrible about day-to-day suffering of Palestinians. I also grieve for Israelis whose lives are turned upside down by Palestinian suicide bombers and rockets fired into their schools and homes.

  10. “What is it about the concept of AUTONOMY that YOU don’t get?”

    I “don’t get” the autonomy of a terrorist regime. I “don’t get” the Taliban, either.

  11. “When a pregnant woman being taken to a hospital to deliver her CHILD gets murdered by IDF border guards, along with her husband, it didn’t bother quite a few “Israel is Always Righteous and Always Right” people, because hey, it wasn’t THEIR mother or sister or daughter, son or brother or father.”

    Murdered? I think you need to be more careful with your rhetoric if you want to be taken seriously. And, what of Gilad Shalit being kidnapped, possibly murdered, by Hamas?

  12. ‘I can guarantee you that if the Israelis elected “officials” who openly called for the death of all Palestinians, you’d hear an outcry from one end of the world to the other.’

    What a clown. Israel has some of the absolute most blood thirsty politicians of any country, and only an IDF Megaphone could come up with the likes of a ‘David’ the Clown spouting such nonsense about none of them ever having advocated the extermination of all Palestinians. One begins to think that these spokesmen that blog online for Israel are all pathological liars about everything.

    And what a persecution complex from a thug. Nobody calls for the extermination of all Jews except for a few neoNazi teenager brats. I hardly think that this IDF propagandist who calls himself David the slingshotter is slingshotting anything other than pure shit our way. The blog here is getting sunk under all this slime from these thugs. Ugly.

  13. “The Knesset is bowing before the Bu’ush Regime even though that Empire is rapidly being dismantled in favor of Freedom and Democracy.”

    I guess you missed the leader of the new “regime”, Barack Obama, visiting Israel and, in response to a question about his point of view on the Hamas rockets being fired into Israel, responded that if someone were firing missiles into his house, where his children slept, then he would do everything in his power to stop those rockets.

  14. “I use the terms Pogrom and Ghetto and Anschluss to remind Jewish PEOPLE, of the vast similarities between what the Israeli GOVERNMENT is doing in the name of MY God and theirs…”

    The Palestinians in Gaza live in squalor because their “elected officials” have diverted millions and millions of dollars that could have been spent on infrastructure and, instead, bought rockets.

  15. IDF, you are now spamming our blog with a machine gun. Our patience is running out with you.

  16. “What a clown. Israel has some of the absolute most blood thirsty politicians of any country,”

    You would do yourself a favor by stopping the ad hominem attacks. As for Israel having “blood thirsty politicians”, Olmert has made peace with Abbas. Sharon, whom nobody ever thought would accept a Palestinian state, has done just that. The vast majority of Israeli citizens want a Palestinian state. I suppose most countries have their share of blood-thirsty politicians, however, being a democracy, the Knesset represents the wishes and desires of its constituency—Unlike most Arab nations where there is no representative government, just repressive dictatorships run by tyrranical despots.

  17. “IDF, you are now spamming our blog with a machine gun. Our patience is running out with you.”

    You regard a point of view contrary to your own as spam? And, I suspect the IDF is too busy to be spamming you. You sound just a bit paranoid. You would live very nicely in an Arab dictatorship where only one point of view prevails, as long as you are the dictator in control.

  18. No, it is you that is out to destroy any true conversation here, and it does take on a clown like quality the way your spam machine works, Mr. Israel.

    I might add also that Olmert has not made peace with Abbas so much as the fact that Israel and the US have installed Abbas as a paid agent of our lovely 2 little countries. Plus, Israel is not a true democracy because democracies are not founded under the idea that one racial-cultural-religious grouping is to be given the State for themselves, and themselves alone. Remember that phrase, ‘The Jewish State’, Mr. Israel?

  19. Olmert has made peace with Abbas. I attended a lunch with both gentlemen and they were shaking each other’s hands and hugging. Yes, I believe they have a least a temporary peace, which is the best that can be expected in the ME. How he was “installed” I’ll leave to the conspracists, but, the result is peace between Israel and those in the West Bank and that’s what matters. As for whether Israel is a “true democracy”, if you want to quibble, I think you have bigger fish to fry with Arab dictatorships where there is no debate about their tyrranical regimes. When I lived in Israel, I enjoyed the same human rights, as an Arab, as the Jewish Israelis. Arabs living in Israel know they have the best lives, generally, of Arabs living anywhere in the Middle East, perhaps except for the ruling class.

  20. Our new friends-of-Israel comment spammer(s) have some similar email IDs. If David won’t come-clean to NMT, NMT will come to David…

    “Marc” Marc Randy
    “David” David Hayat
    “Ken” Kenneth Rubinstein
    “Don” Donald Kurtis
    “Mary” Mary Walters
    “David” David Haddad

    IP: is Bell Atlantic, via Verizon, Reston, Virginia

    David, we’ve no need for credibility advice from you. You’ve overstayed your welcome.

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