Let them eat army boots!

After the airport in Haiti was passed into US control, the Guardian newspaper is reporting controllers are diverting aid flights in favor of US Army landings. International aid efforts are being sent to the Dominican Republic while the US concentrates on getting boots on the ground. Meanwhile the US Navy has positioned an aircraft carrier to serve as a “floating airport” for flights to where?

I’d like to get a picture of that, gunboat diplomacy in Port Au Prince, a moated Green Zone, towering over the rabid masses ashore. Will American soldiers be taunting the Haitians “Boukies” still, or resort to the term from Somalia everyone learned from Black Hawk Down: they called them “Skinnies.”

1 thought on “Let them eat army boots!

  1. I’m bumping this simply because it’s a) relevant and b) somebody spammed a post from the Big Earthquake 8 years ago…

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