Hillary, Bernie, and Elizabeth Warren

I have read often that it was time for our first woman President (Hillary). As a man I would agree with that. But I would also remind the reader that Lizzie Borden was a woman and we know how that worked out for her parents, when she hacked them to pieces with an axe.

If a man and woman were equally qualified for the presidency, I believe I would vote for the woman. But Hillary and Bernie are not equally qualified.

I base my decision on two factors; where did Hillary and Bernie get their financial support? Hillary got her money from the bankers and corporations, while Bernie’s money came from the people. We would be very foolish and naïve if we fail to understand the word “PAYBACK”. When the dust of the presidential election has settled, the bankers would have their first woman in the white house. If it was Bernie, then the people would have their president.

Of equal weight in my decision is Elizabeth Warren, a WOMAN that I deeply admire and respect, who just prior to the Iowa Caucus failed to endorse Hillary. When a woman like Elizabeth fails to support one of her own, it speaks loud and clear for Bernie.

Hillary wants to be president for all the wrong reasons; her legacy, the bankers who gave her the opportunity, while Bernie wants to be president for all the right reasons, The American People who gave him the opportunity.

Hillary wants to be the first woman president; but she is not that woman that America needs.

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