All in a day’s work

Sept arrest on Lindsey Flanigan Courthouse plaza
10TH US CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS, DENVER, COLORADO- By 9:00 this morning I had been arrested by federal police for asserting a person’s right to enter a federal courthouse and observe an open court proceeding where the federal government denies any person without a valid state or federal ID.

Not only is there no requirement to carry ID or papers in this free country, but any person, regardless of who they may be or where they may have been born, has the right to observe open court.

If an ID is required to observe court, then vast numbers of people are being barred from a public part of government by the people.

This is unacceptable and is nothing short of justice by the elite, for the elite, and on the backs of the second class people.

David Lane was of course nearby and I was promptly unarrested and we got what we needed to bring this issue to the courts to test. I was uncuffed and released without new charges but I was still not allowed to attend court.

I finished with my planned arrest by 9:30.

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