Was the Jesus statue blowjob teen penalized too harshly? Maybe not.

A Pennsylvania 14-year-old is facing two years in juvenile detention for mounting a statue of a Christian mortal-diety and simulating receiving oral sex. The teen is charged with defacing public property, if merely symbolically. Critics assert authorities are punishing an act of blasphemy, not vandalism, which is probably correct, but I see a teaching moment here beyond a so-called religious offense. I ask: was the teen GAY? I would have chosen to urinate on the prophet-creature if I was going to desecrate it but since this teen invoked an unsolicited blowjob, I’d be more comfortable if I could infer that both participants were homosexual. Involuntary or not, the pose of two males of equal weight suggests they are probably engaged in something consentual. As a scene of heterosexual sex however, I think the posture smacks of male-dominant rape-culture, and doesn’t win any points for humor. For me, the longer this macho emulator can be detained from opportunities to clasp real heads into forced acts with his groin, the better. Especially with his predeliction for casual sidewalk encounters, however long he may have had his eyes on this particular object of his lust. The aspiring blasphemer rapist can be thankful he wasn’t African American or he’d be tried as an adult.

4 thoughts on “Was the Jesus statue blowjob teen penalized too harshly? Maybe not.

  1. You speak of participants? Other than the boy, the cameraman is the only other person. So you mean the boy & the cameraman are gay??? Well, as you see, they are the only two close enough in proximity capable of performing any acts on each other. Oh wait, you’re just more comfortable with the subjects being gay & capable of defying reality all together? Ahh. So we’re clear, we’re gonna go ahead & move past the fact that statues are inanimate & incapable of physical acts. In actuality, no vandalism or defacement has occurred and simple public indecency is at hand. The mere suggestion of vandalism is the self-righteous backlash of a local congregation with way to much influence over local courts. Not to argue the merits of proving the existence of, but do you honestly think Jesus Christ would punish the boy with confinement or just speak with him & his parents? to request penance at most? And just for your own edification, it takes a male plus a female for heterosexual sex. In fact, nothing heterosexual can be inferred from this photo, which leads me to your identity as a female, coupled with the fact you mention “male dominant rape culture.” As a writer, do you now see how you have alienated yourself & your audience? Good luck on expressing your views in the future, young lady. From now on, don’t allow your sex to influence your emotions irrationally when penning anything.

  2. I personally don’t think he should be punished for vandalism or blasphemy. Hit him with 5-10 years for that…no problem, at all!!

    What I think he should be seriously, and harshly punished for is for his lack of good judgement, and his total disregard of anything thing of moral value taught to him during a period of 14 years.

    He should be punished for not taking into consideration his parents’ efforts to bring up a valuable, moral, and civic member of society.

    At the time when 10 year olds are forced to drop out of public school to help sustain their families shinning shoes, or selling newspapers in crossroads in third world countries, this ungrateful motherfucker encounters solace and entertainment degrading himself.

    Yes. He deserves harder punishment.

    I advocate 5,110 slashes (one for every day he’s lived since his birthday).

    This is what we are raising in America!!

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