Obama nails presidential debate. With Romney made viable, the election is on

President Obama nailed it! He had to lose last night’s presidential debate and how else was that going to look credible unless he out-Romney’d the reigning court fool? Arrogance would have been easier, and sloughing it off would have been unconvincing. Neither would have resuscitated Mitt Romney’s credibility. And while Obama’s brilliant turn may appear ego-less, it reflects the ease with which he has been betraying all his supporters with higher hopes. After turning his coat on every issue A-Z, it took a debate to infuriate his Democrat supporters? Where was the anger on Guantanamo, Immigration, Civil Liberties? They only care that he didn’t show up Mitt Romney. On the positive, they’ve all spent the next morning going over in their heads what Obama should have said, probably the arguments they’ll make in now revived voter-drives. Denver’s debate was psy-ops at its crudest.

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