Bank steals roof from over the head of a 90 yr old woman who lived in her house for 38 years!

How many years do you need to pay a mortgage off in the US to make it go away? When this woman in Ohio first started making payments on her mortgage she was 52 years old, and yet at 90 the banks were stealing her property from her! Outrageous! The story turns even more tragic as the woman now has tried to commit suicide with a gun. Ohio woman, 90, attempts suicide after foreclosure

One wonders just how it might have been, too, if the gun loving nuts had worried more about mortgages and banks instead of their stupid guns? We might have control over the banks and control over gun proliferation both and it would be a better world altogether!

The man in Nebraska who abandoned his 9 kids at the hospital this week was worried about losing his home, too. Kin of 9 abandoned kids say they would’ve helped

What a country we live in today! These types of stories are going to be popping up soon all over the place. No bailout for the people down below at all. Look, too, at the Gulf Coast. The rich have no compassion for the Common People! They seem to think of us as cattle?

8 thoughts on “Bank steals roof from over the head of a 90 yr old woman who lived in her house for 38 years!

  1. What NONSENSE! Where did this writer get his information? This was not a mortgage she had paid on for the past 38 years. This was a 30 year equity loan for $45,000 she took out FOUR YEARS AGO. The sheriff attempted to serve her 30 times, but she never answered the door. She always tore up the notices when they left, so she was ambulatory and able to understand what was going on.

    I understand she laid out her insurance and loan paperwork for authorities to find before shot herself. Apparently to make it appear that she was distraught enough to commit suicide. But shooting oneself in the arm does not seem to me to constitute much of a suicide attempt.

    Now I don’t know why anyone would give a 86 year old woman a $45,000 loan on a house valued at $28,000. But I do know this has nothing to do with “gun nuts” or the right to bear arms. If this is an example of the thought process of the gun control crowd, maybe we need to open more mental hospitals.

  2. It is you who doesn’t have his info down correct, Jim. This woman and her husband bought the home way back in 1970, and just because Fannie Mae (the actual lending company) came along and wrote her a ‘loan’ when she was 86 years old, doesn’t let them off the hook at all for evicting her. In fact, they are now nationally embarrassed that they got publicly caught with their thievery from a very old lady indeed, and are writing the whole thing off now. Shame on them, and shame on you for being such a heartless fool! Both of you think it right for banks to steal people’s homes from right underneath them.

    See CNN’s report at titled ‘Fannie Mae forgives loan for woman who shot herself’

    What a total jerk you are, Jim. It’s dangerous to have jerky fools like you with shitloads of guns around to use on others. We need better gun control starting with controlling the guns the Pentagon is using.

  3. Sorry buddy boy! It is YOU who lied about the facts of the case. You claimed the bank had been bilking her since she was 52 years old. This was an EQUITY LOAN she got 4 years ago. If you want to argue the woman didn’t get a fair shake from the bank, then do so without lying about the facts! Or didn’t your momma ever tell you not to lie?

    And again, this has NOTHING to do with legal possession of firearms. This woman had the gun in the house because either she or her husband or both of them wanted it there. And SHE made the decision to pick it up, and shoot herself in the shoulder. The gun didn’t leap into her hand and command her to pull the trigger.

    Unlike you I feel REAL compassion for human beings who feel so hopeless that they try to harm themselves. They need help, financial or mental, and love.

    You on the other hand are using this woman’s misfortune to push your own personal agenda. You resent the system that millions of other Americans get along fine with. They don’t take out loans they can’t afford and they pay their mortgages.

    Grow up and learn some words other than “Jerk and Jerky”, and sh..load”. Sounds extremely uneducated and immature.

  4. Actually, Jim, I said exactly this below, and it was no lie at all. Quoting myself here… ‘How many years do you need to pay a mortgage off in the US to make it go away? When this woman in Ohio first started making payments on her mortgage she was 52 years old, and yet at 90 the banks were stealing her property from her! Outrageous!’

    ‘Equity loans’ are extensions of mortgages, Jim. Apparently you don’t see the connection between ‘equity loans’ and mortgages though? In fact, they are made by banks as addendums to mortgages, add ons to them, and extensions to them. You seem to not to understand this reality though? How much over all interest do you think that this woman and her deceased husband paid on the naked equity of this property through the 38 years? Care to guess?

    Further, I said banks in the plural had screwed this old lady over, and not just one bank alone as you imply I had said when claiming that I lied about the facts of the case. There is nothing at all unusual about this case, as many legal and financial institutions, as well as medical ones, are entirely accustomed to bilk the elderly and take advantage of them in as many ways as they possibly can. You act as if this is not the case, and that I think it is as only because of my own ‘personal agenda’, as you put it.

    Lending institutions always are out to give you the worst interest rates and the worst possible loans they can, and they simply did just that with this elderly woman. Government could regulate against that, but instead under the domination of the banks they choose to do exactly the opposite. Your own ‘personal agenda’ seems to be to defend that for some reason or other? Why is it so?

    I simply think that your ‘personal agenda’ is simply to defend American capitalism, warts and all. Yuck! And like I said, I think that you are a jerk and your definite ‘personal agenda’ seems to quite illustrate that in Spades.

    Dude, it is an honor to be called uneducated by the likes of a ‘Educated’ Fool like you. I am absolutely sure that you are amply credentialed.

  5. You were lying when you started this blog, and you are still lying now. So apparently your momma didn’t teach you not to lie.

    An equity loan is RARELY a continuation of the original mortage. It is usually a new loan with new terms, and often through a different organization. You don’t know if this was the same institution. So you can’t blame the original bank for “screwing her over” all these years. You don’t know that the woman didn’t pay off the original mortgage (or even if there was one.) You don’t know what the loan interest rate was, or what the rate was on the subsequent “equity” loan. You don’t know how this woman came about getting the loan, why she took it out, what her situation is financially, or what steps the bank went through to negotiate with her.

    You think the world owes you a living because it has “rules”. POOH POOH, The big bad bank was mean to me! So everyone YOU THINK needs free money, should get it. Screw everyone else who has to pay.

    No, I don’t think the bank should have given her the loan. And I don’t think the situation should have gone to the point where she felt desperate enough to shoot herself in the shoulder.

    But your brand of juvenile socialist /communist world where everyone that is responsible and hard working has to pay for those that don’t doesn’t fly ANYWHERE, but in your own sick mind..

    Your “personal agenda” is that you don’t care one Iota for this woman. If she walked up to you and asked you for a dollar you’d push her away. Instead, you use this incident to push your socialistic / gun control obsession.

    I’m not revisiting this blog, because you’re’ one of those lost causes that are incapable of learning.

  6. ‘You don’t know that the woman didn’t pay off the original mortgage (or even if there was one.’

    Actually I do, Jim. She had not paid off the original mortgage when she got the loan from Fannie Mae and if you had read the details of the case in the articles I linked to you would know that, too. But you are a dumb twit, now aren’t you?

    ‘But your brand of juvenile socialist /communist world where everyone that is responsible and hard working has to pay for those that don’t doesn’t fly ANYWHERE, but in your own sick mind..’

    Oh spare us the bullshit, please!

    ‘I’m not revisiting this blog, because you’re’ one of those lost causes that are incapable of learning.’

    Good riddance, DumbShit. Next time if I were you, I’d do a little thinking if I were you before you shoot your stupid mouth off. And by the way, socialists are not for total gun control. We support the right to bear arms within reason. You would have known that too if you actually knew diddly squat about socialism and socialists, but you don’t.

    Saying that in no way means that we are for guns all over the place and for all people to play around with them in all manner. For example, in your case I think it would be reasonable to keep even a water gun away from being legal for you to carry. You are simply to arrogant and ignorant to carry one.

  7. Jim said, “But shooting oneself in the arm does not seem to me to constitute much of a suicide attempt.” Only if you hit an artery.

    I recall a case when I was a volunteer in the Memorial ER of a accidentally successful suicide attempt much like this when she managed to perforate an artery in her shoulder and bled to death as trauma surgeons frantically tried to find the injury.

  8. Right on you are, Old Bogus, about this one. And besides, despite what Airhead Jim has to say about the 90 years old woman’s efforts to kill herself (the twit thinks it was all a big fake on her part! Imagine!), it is unclear where she actually shot herself? I have seen it said that it was her chest, and other reportage says that it was her arm?

    My guess is that she hit about her shoulder and fired with her right hand. Try imagining it? A nervous, elderly woman pointing from her rightside to the left side of her chest? It probably hit partially the left chest and into the left shoulder.

    Having seen lots of suicides go bad (case where the person pointed gun inside their mouth thinking it would hit their brain, but didn’t, etc. and a woman setting fire to the apartment they were in, and then panicking and jumping out the window to break half the bones in her body with third degree burns on her body, etc.), lots of people botch their effort to put themselves out of misery totally up.

    What makes me really despise Jim is the doubt he seemed to cast that the old woman really didn’t try to kill herself at all? For that, I call him a total and unequivocal jerk. I think he is a rather cold and heartless type altogether.

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