Obama’s slam Duncan of public education

arne duncanIt seems that the ‘Change’ President and basketball player, Barack Obama, has picked another Basketball jock like himself to head up National Education policy? In choosing Arne Duncan for the post, Barack Obama slam Dunkan-ed the Chicago community organizing group, Parents United for Responsible Education, with an Aspen Institute prodigy who specializes in closing down public schools and then reopening them as privatized ‘charter schools’.

No wonder Pastor Rick Warren will be at the Inaugural Ceremony performing for BO, because this is the favored program of the Religious Right that would have religion put back in schools forcefully, using public tax monies to get it done. Barack is on board this program, and so is Harvard Basketball jock Arne.

Who is this Arne really? He is a guy who has never been a teacher, and get this! … he has a degree in Sociology! That would get me and you a job at about $13/hr, but Arne got his Sociology Degree at Harvard. Add some extra points, because he paid some extra dollars for that degree. PLUS, he’s added on some honorary credentials from other elite outfits, too, including a ‘Doctor of Laws’ degree from Lake Forest College. Wkipedia tells us that Most (if not all) U.S. universities that award the degree of Doctor of Laws (LL.D.), award it only as an honorary degree. Read…. big shots are given it for free, this degree.

But that would not be enough alone to have gotten Barack Obama to pick the guy for Education Boss. The fact is, that Arne Duncan was one of Harvard’s greatest basketball Stars! Oh the alumni! Oh, and there’s more! Arne plays BB games with Barrack in Chicago! Never has cronyism been so narrowed!

The impact of Obama’s slam dunk of public education with this sorry choice of exHarvard BB Star Duncan, is more than just an indication of how Barack Obama wants to do yet more with the ‘No Child Left Behind’ sort of privatization mish mash of the Dubya years, but is also an indicator of how little real public heath care we shall see in the cards in the years ahead. After all, if you think that privatizing public education is a good thing, then it is not going to mean that this ‘Change’ BB Dude will be ready to change the already privatized American Health Care System for the better either. No way! He’ll just put a basketball jock, this time from Yale, perhaps?, in charge of Medicine. First the Boss would have to be vetted by the Aspen Institute or some other elite ruling class money laundering outfit like them though. Then slam dunk Health Care. It looks deadly.

Yes, it’s going to be corruption as usual in the Education Department and one doesn’t need a Sociology Degree to figure that one out from this choice. Good luck, Kids! 2+2=4 and Barack Obama is bouncing people around in court. It’ll be a real public education for all of us very soon, and could it get much worse? Social Security on the chopping block anybody?

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