Stepping up imperialism

The Colorado Springs Gazette recently reported on developments at Fort Carson. With improvements to its infrastructure, Fort Carson will be prepared to ship out over 1,200 soldiers a day. It sounds wonderously efficient. Is anyone asking why we would need to scramble that many soldiers per day? What kind of plans are afoot to suddenly require large contingents of soldiers?
Fort Carson was the primary shipping off point during the Vietnam War. Are we looking at that kind of operation?

Swiftboating Vietnam

Patriotism the last refuge of the liar   VO: Thirty three years ago, a Republican war president Richard Milhouse Nixon, hired this man, John O’Neal to discredit a young John Kerry, who was leading a nascent effort to stop the war in Vietnam.
John O’Neal lost that round. Now he’s at it again.

This time around, O’Neal has assembled veterans who are angry because their service in Vietnam was tarnished by accusations of US war crimes.

No one said that THESE men were war criminals but war crimes were committed, of that there is no doubt. Was it John Kerry’s fault for making them known? In 1971 John Kerry and the Veterans Against the War wanted to stop the crimes and stop the Vietnam War.

Are the Swiftboat Vets really arguing today that the Vietnam War should not have been stopped?

If John Kerry and the anti-war effort had not been successful, maybe today we’d see three times as many angry veterans, minus of course some of the men standing here
who might not have survived the war.
The Vietnam War was wrong. Until Bush came along, we were all agreed that we never wanted it to happen again.
  Vietnam survivors in spite of themselves

Was Iraq perpetrated by people who thought it wasn’t wrong the first time?

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