Middle East Media Research Institute (Poor MEMRI), yet another conduit for Israeli military disinformation campaigns

middle-east-media-research-instituteMiddle East Media Research Institute or MEMRI as they call themselves, is another conduit for Israeli military disinformation campaings directed at the media. They are used a lot against antiZionist bloggers by the Israeli funded Internet Megaphone directed spammers, who often go to their materials posted on youtube. Source Watch reveals that their funding comes from the American Right but that they were co-founded by Meyrav Wurmser and Colonel Yigal Carmon, formerly of Israeli military intelligence, both of whom were early critics of the Oslo accords.

According to the National Review, 250 donors—foundations and individuals—fund MEMRI’s activities. Among these private donors is the right-wing Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation , which gave MEMRI $100,000 from 1999 to 2000. In 2001, the Randolph Foundation gave MEMRI $100,000, and in 2004 the John M. Olin Foundation gave $5,000, according to Media Transparency.

For more info provided see Source Watch and MEMRI is ?propaganda machine,? expert says

This is a pretty secretive organization as one might expect. Funny how they fail to translate any hate speech fom Hebrew into
English? How is that? Is it just that Jewish Zionists have just been so loving in Israel to others that there is no hate speech to report? You decide!

16 thoughts on “Middle East Media Research Institute (Poor MEMRI), yet another conduit for Israeli military disinformation campaigns

  1. I just questioned them, DumbShit. Plus, I put online others that have questioned their work , too. We question what you’re doing in the world, Israel.

  2. You can’t be put away. Not even a silver bullet will do the job. A cross won’t stop you either and you are impervious to any and all logic or human decency. You are an Israeli Military Spam Zombie! … and feed on people’s brains

  3. “I just questioned them, DumbShit. Plus, I put online others that have questioned their work , too. We question what you’re doing in the world, Israel.”

    You use Al Jazeera as a source of your news and you’re questioning MEMRI? Oh, yeah, your head is screwed on tight.

  4. “Funny how they fail to translate any hate speech fom Hebrew”

    Um, maybe because all the hate speech is in Arabic, like Hamas vowing to kill every Jew in Israel and broadcasting shows featuring dolls preaching the virtues of being a suicide bomber.

  5. MEMRI knows how much hate speech there is in Hebrew, but simply wants to give people the contrary message that Islam is Hate while Judaism is not. If they translated all that hate speech that is actually done in Hebrew to American audiences then wouldn’t that be something to see, Little Ms. Israeli Military Man?

    But MEMRI doesn’t want people to have that memory, do they? Because they are funded from the Far Right.

    BTW, ‘Cook’, your scrawlings on this blog are beginning to look like IDF Hate graffiti left in ransacked Palestinians’ houses.

  6. You are uninformed about the origins of MEMRI and its continued purpose. MEMRI is rooted in the duplicitous Arab demagogues who speak very candidly to their constituencies with speech often laced with anti-Western and anti-Semitic themes, but who then release translations of those speeches to the media and the public that are re-worded to be more benign and more “acceptable” It was during Arafat’s unfortunate reign during which MEMRI got its start as Arafat was notorious for preaching the destruction of Israel to the Arab street and then speaking about conciliation to Western audiences. MEMRI is a crucial resource for gaining an insightful understanding of the anti-Semitism and anti-Western hate speech that is really fomenting terrorism today. As for your allegations of “Hebrew” hate speech, why don’t you provide examples?

  7. And not only is there a lot of hate speech in Hebrew, MEMRI is not going to translate that because there is also a lot of hate speech in English against Arabs already. The two languages of hate speech in Hebrew and English would mix together and prove the absolute counter point of MEMRI’s directive and core message to cast only Arabs as racist, now that would certainly happen.

    AOL used to allow all this hate speech against Muslims and Arabs on its network. A real revelation about who hates who. It is Americans and their followers in Jewish State Israel that are most full of hate.

    Hey, Cook, you are in with MEMRI… Can you ask them to translate what I just said into Hebrew and Arabic for people? I said, that as an American I know that it is the Americans and Jewish settlers of the Jewish State that are most full of hate and speak it out all the time. Go tell the truth now, MEMRI. …lol We hear this hate against Muslims and Arabs all the time in English, but the typical dumb ass American never gets to hear the Jewish Settlers in translation, do they? That’s because MEMRI doesn’t do their job right!

  8. “And not only is there a lot of hate speech in Hebrew”

    So, start your own service translating the voluminous amount of “Hebrew hate speech” You can start by showing duplicity with current Israeli leaders saying one thing to Israelis and then saying something distinctly different to the West. Otherwise, you are just spouting cliches and rhetoric that makes you look really foolish.

  9. “typical dumb ass American”

    LOL, of course, you are on a much, much more elevated intellectual level. LOL.

  10. ‘So, start your own service translating the voluminous amount of “Hebrew hate speech” You can start by showing duplicity with current Israeli leaders saying one thing to Israelis and then saying something distinctly different to the West. Otherwise, you are just spouting cliches and rhetoric that makes you look really foolish.’

    We are not part of a government entity like you are, Israeli Military Propaganda Machine. We cannot tax others to then use their monies to put Jewish hate propaganda online in another part of the world on behalf of the Jewish State.

  11. Another illustration of how you make baseless allegations and then, when challenged, you are completely ill-equipped to back them up, rendering your credibility as NIL. Just skulk away.

  12. Not a baseless accusation at all. You are a coordinated political spam operation from the Jewish State.

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