Empire says behave or the next Bradley Manning or Hugo Chavez will be you

Indefinite detention, solitary confinement, torture, and assassination are tools America does not hesitate to use to enforce its feudal corporate agenda. That the US didn’t dispatch Bolivarian hero Hugo Chavez like they did Yasser Arafat is belied by their protestation that such accusations would be far fetched. Wikileaks has already documented ceaseless US plots to eradicate Chavez, second only perhaps to their attempts on the life of Fidel Castro, whose last years bear a resemblance to what befell Chavez. It’s a testament to the magnanimity of both leaders that they didn’t immediately finger US dirty deeds. Because proved or not, it’s dispiriting and serves empire’s purpose that dissenters should take heed: you can spend the foreseeable future tortured behind bars, gunned down by a mob, under house arrest in London, incinerated via drone or LAPD’s “burner”, or tagged with carcinogens. The long arm of Western injustice gets their man.

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