Chenega and Pentagon Tomahawk cruise missile penetration of the US Native American community

tomahawk-cruise-missileMost of us know about how the Pentagon has people like Generals Colin Powell and Ricardo Sanchez on board for its penetration into the Black and Hispanic populations. Nothing too new about trying to buy off and corrupt America’s minority communities by holding out the military’s ‘socialism’ for soldiers program here. Get some Blacks and Browns on board the racist US foreign policy of pummelling Black and Brown people abroad, while offering crumbs to the minority ethnic communities inside the US. Hold up a general or two high (even a president perhaps!) to try to convince these minority communities to participate eagerly into being co-opted by the military. But…

but were you aware that this Pentagon co-option extends into the Native American communities, too, and not just the Black and Hispanic ones?

Here is a link to Chenega Federal Systems, LLC, which has its roots supposedly in the Native American communities of Alaska, but offers plenty of jobs in the local Colorado Springs area for Pentagon-military-industrial complex positions. Their real lifeline is the Pentagon, and it is the type of military operation that produces ‘pissed off Republicans’ claiming to have roots in the Native American community, like the individual who has been posting Right Wing material recently onto this blog.

How did I hear about Chenega Federal Systems? Check out Global Security’s ‘Defense Jobs Career Center’ and see how I came across this outfit here in Colorado Springs? I wonder how many little Eichmanns are working for this Pentagon tomahawk cruise missile directed at the Native American community? I wonder what destruction to Native American lands has been done overall by the Pentagon? After all, just where did that depleted uranium dumped on Iraqis by US troops get mined at? And who were the miners?

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