Todd Akin is latest GOP scarecrow, behind him, Doug TAR BABY Lamborn

When GOP posterchild Todd Akin says legitimate rape does not cause pregnancy, he not only dials up the sinister on his party’s bogeyman character, Akin also steers the national dialogue unto abortion, wedge issue territory. The public’s surprise with the GOP’s ever debased one-downsmanship masks the pattern with which media pundits skew the election themes. Yes, Akin’s comment exposes his anti-abortion partner, VP candidate Paul Ryan’s absurd obsession with redefining forcible rape, but that’s to get further mired. With Akin’s gaffe, and the memory of so many before his, Colorado local conservative baffoon Doug Lamborn’s “Tar-Baby” taunt comes to mind, let’s admit that American partisan politics is not Kabuki, it’s WWWF.

Paul Ryan! Mitt Romney picks running mate more low brow than Sarah Palin

Paul RyanHe did it! Mitt Romney picked someone more low brow than Sarah Palin, and not just figuratively. Kleptocrat Representative Paul Ryan personifies the very definition of the idiom, Low Brow, coincidentally a eugenic measure of a diminutive frontal lobe, not unrelated to pea-brained under-evolvedness. Such a Frankenstinian VP pick for the GOP ticket, means our election stage managers are pulling out all stops to scare Democrats into the voting booths. That they keep having to make the Republican bogeyman ever bogeyer, could mean they anticipate enthusiasm for President Obama to reach new lows. What unspeakably unpopular move is coming from Goldman Sachs’ man in DC, dare we ask, that we’ll need Paul Ryan playing Goober Pyle Lugosi to frighten Americans back into Obama’s arms?