Throwing a shoe at Bush was not enough- Dubya and Cheney need to be tortured for National Security reasons

It seems to me that the wrong guy is being tortured right now, pre-Christmas.
I’m talking about the Iraqi reporter who threw the shoe at America’s smirking Clown President, George W. Bush. Why is he being tortured and not the clown named Dubya?

We all know, thanks to Dick Cheney, that torture is a useful ‘tool’ for pricks like Dick Cheney. It simply gives them a sense of worth. But let’s face it, these two, Dick and Dubya, endangered US National Security for eight years, and are hiding away in secret many more of their acts of international terrorism, many of which continue to endanger the American people ourselves. It looks to me that torture is just the right thing to do to obtain this vital information from these two criminals, and possibly stop yet more subversion from taking place even after they leave their criminal posts as head mafiosos.

Let’s face it, it would not take much to break down the clown Dubya’s resistance. He squeal like a pig if even the slightest pressure is applied to his nuts. Think of the amount of much needed information that could be obtained about his still hidden collaborators and their roles in spreading terrorism world wide. They’re still active you know, and America needs this information to stop yet more acts of terrorism from being committed by the US government in the days ahead.

Sure, I know! Squeezing Dubya’s nuts is an objectionable and dirty thing to do. Under normal circumstances it would be morally wrong to do it, but today National Security is at the stake. So let’s light the fire, squeeze the nuts, and get this useful information out of Dick and Dubya. It’s the right thing to do. Our country needs this information!

If they do not squeal after their nuts are squeezed (hard to imagine happening from pigs like them), then crush the nuts and light the fire around the stake! That’ll get them talking. Oh! And buy the way, this is not really torture at all, but just some rough handling, that’s all. But why do these criminals think that they have a right to be coddled?

Free Iraq! Free the Iraqi shoe thrower! Jail Bush, and go to work on him! It’s a National Security issue and we all need to write tot he Department of Homeland Security and demand that this information being obtained from Dubya and Dick… By any means necessary… it’s the pragmatic American way!

What to do with that prick?

penisA US analysis of data has thrown a new loop into what to do with the world’s pricks? I know that many women are especially interested in this question, especially America’s nurses, who often debate this question amongst themselves for hours at a time. Shocking, but true…. but Circumcision HIV impact doubted!