US ruling class tries to put new lipstick on its pig

airplane crash wtcBanks crashed on the day of CHANGE that isn’t change, and the ruling class tried to put new lipstick on its pig. No major bank was spared the carnage as Bank of America’s shares plunged 29 percent; Citigroup’s 20 percent, and State Street Corp., which reported sharply lower earnings, saw its shares plummet 59 percent.

“The financial stocks got murdered,” said Jack A. Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank in Chicago. “They were basically cut in half.” See the AP… Banks sink deeper into crisis on Obama’s first day Obama is now the newest lipstick to this pig, the same old US military-industrial-governmental complex.

Obama doesn’t have either a plan nor a clue. What he does have is the backing of the US ruling class elite and that is why he is in office today, and none of that has to do with a ‘new movement’ yet arising. All his (their) empty rhetoric is now about to come totally stripped off his Hawaiian toned body, and his groupies may now cheer but the final result will be quite grim for all soon to see. All that this Barack Brand Lipstick really has to offer is yet more and more attempted cosmetic sales for a decaying, disintegrating global economic system of war and poverty, racism and genocide.

There is no agenda for change in the making in the US of today. The population remains passively accepting of any sort of new cruelty offered up by its own ruling class to all others in the world, as somehow they still think that that will continue to salvage some sort of world for themselves by doing so? All we can do for the moment is wait and see if some new awakening will begin to come forth, though it appears that first total disintegrating disaster must gain the reign supreme.

Americans still just don’t want to change nor have CHANGE come about. And until they might, we will continue to plummet all into the abyss. Sorry, but one just cannot prettify much this new lipstick on the same old pig. It simply really is the same old stuff as before, and while we expect lots of prettifying of it in the press, some minor efforts to do away with some of the worst, and lots of talk, the reality of capitalist worldwide depression will soon hit. Then the real suffering will actually begin. We are in a complete economic down spin now and Pilot Barack will not be laying us down lightly into the Hudson River on this one.