We’re not really pulling US troops out of Iraq, Barack, now are we?

barack obamaPresident Obama, we hear your sense of urgency to ‘reform’ American Healthcare for American business within weeks, but not any sense that you will pull US troops out of Iraq where you plan to keep them there for another 29 months! Hey! In fact we don’t really believe that you will pull them out even then, now will you? You promised all of this though simply to quiet your supporters within the now dead US ‘Peace Movement’, a large group of Democrats now off into a slumber party.

We’re not really pulling US troops out of Iraq, Barack, now are we? You plan to keep them there simply because the US government has destroyed the ability of the Iraqi people to hold their own country together in one cohesive nation. That’s the US government’s big secret they are withholding from the American people. The national cohesiveness of Iraq has been utterly destroyed by American belligerence and incompetence.

Yes, the American people themselves are real good at supporting tearing down government (and the governments of other countries) but real stupidly incompetent about being ever able to CONSTRUCT. That’s the reason that Americans have made a mess of not only their own country, misusing its vast resources and squandering great wealth away, but have also left SE Asia, Korea, Africa, Central America, and now much of the Middle East in chaos and poverty through the US corporate government foreign policy of promoting continual wars. Not a pretty record to look at post WW2. Lots of money made for the Big Guys though.

Barack, you are simply playing a delay game here with Iraq and the American people. The Iraqis know it, but most ordinary Americans seem just too stupid to figure it out.

Obama: U.S. on track for 2011 Iraq pullout
Cites ‘substantial progress’ after meeting with Iraqi prime minister

…Not a lot to be proud about in the USA these days.

John Kerry puts his warmongering act into action against Iran

kerryHave I mentioned how repulsive I personally find all the Democratic Party enablers? The party is uniformly as disgusting to me as the Republicans are and more. The Republicans are just what they seem to be but the Democratic Party are a group of great pretenders.

If John Kerry had been elected in 2004 we would have gotten yet another guy pushing for war with Iran! You just cannot win with the Democratic Party since they are war mongers on the same level of magnitude as the Republican Party. It’s not for nothing that antiwar.com refers to both together as the ‘War Party’. Here is John Kerry pushing for yet more war making to feed the military-industrial complex of the US…

‘Kerry said the U.S. must not be lured into protracted negotiations with Iran. A timetable must be established and consequences set if progress isn’t made, he said.’

Full report at Pressure grows on Obama to engage Iran directly, and they’re not talking about Republican Party pressure either, but rather the repulsive, John Ketchup Kerry.

Iraqi Occupation, Abomination! Iraqi Occupation, Obama Nation?

dennis-apuan.jpg APUAN HOSTS JOBS AND THE ECONOMY TOWN HALL sez the El Paso County Democratic Party website here in Colorado Springs! Dennis Apuan is a very nice former head honcho of the local Peacecrat grouplet called the Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission.

Special Guest Speaker Terrance Carroll to Join and he is a very nice man too, who has so very little power despite being Speaker of the Colorado State House of Representatives.

Saturday, February 7, 2009
12:00 noon to 1:30 PM

Ruth Holley Public Library
685 North Murray Blvd.
Colorado Springs, 80915

Both these Democrats are very nice folk, and I believe that Dennis Kucinich is, too. However…..?

Aren’t they also now shills for Obama? Aren’t they also loyal members of a War Party? Aren’t they both essentially silent on the major issues of the day? In fact, don’t they both pretend that the Democratic Party is something much better than it really is? That’s their job as Democratic Party decorations.

According to Dennis Apuan and the local chapter of the DP, As Democrats We Believe:

Defending all of the human rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
A clear separation of Church and State.
Swift and appropriate punishment for criminal behavior.
Freedom from undue government interference in our private lives and personal decisions.
Fiscal responsibility in government.
Equal opportunity for all citizens.
A quality education that gives all individuals the opportunity to reach their potential.
A quality environment in which to raise our children.
The value of diversity within the community.
Rewarding honest, hard work with a living wage and fair taxation.
Community support for strong families.
Security in our homes, our communities and our nation.
A nation that will serve as a model of economic and social justice to the rest of the world

Really now? Is that anything like the national program of the Democratic Party or is it in fact the polar opposite of the positions that Barack Obama and his herd of Slick Willie retreads takes? A message for this meeting would best be…

Iraqi Occupation, Abomination! Iraqi Occupation, Obama Nation!

Neither one of the keynote speakers seems to even remember anything about Iraq? Why is that? The Democratic Party is still keeping Iraq an occupied nation and by doing that, gives the lie that the national Democrats actually believe in all those nice things the local folk say they believe in.

Afghanistan Occupation, Abomination! Afghanistan Occupation, Obama Nation?

Get the message, Dennis? Your political party stands for bad times every much so as the Republicans do.

(There is Dennis Third from the Right in the picture… Black banner behind him)

Stop Obama’s Wars!

Obama’s faith-based outreach office? Oh spare us, PLEASE!

snake“He [Obama] created a 25 member advisory council and named 15 of its members yesterday, including several high-profile evangelicals — the Rev. Joel Hunter, senior pastor of a Florida megachurch, and the Rev. Frank Page, president emeritus of the Southern Baptist Convention — as well as representatives from secular nonprofits, which largely had little association with Bush’s faith-based initiative. The council members are to advise the faith office on policy but will not play a direct role in allocating federal grants. The office will be headed by Joshua DuBois, a 26-year-old Pentecostal who worked on religious issues for Obama’s campaign.”

This is really sick stuff! Obama is trying to erase the line between secular and religious with this nonsense, as it just keeps getting worse with this president! What a total numbskull he is!

He’s assembling torturers, religious charlatans, crooks, war mongers, and cons all together into his government, and doing it all under the name of Unity! We’re all going to be ‘born again’ in ‘Lincoln’! Wow!

Faith-based office to expand its reach under Obama. Yes, I suppose it will…. Good Grief!

Barack in Iraq- freezes US inside Iraq

barack-in-iraqThe big news about the new Democratic Party Administration is the obvious one. Barack Obama is not pulling the US government out of Iraq. He is stalling us there and is committed to doing that as long as the US government can get away with it, which might be quite a while? If the US were to pull out anytime soon, the simple reality is that the puppet government left behind would have its remaining days quite numbered.

Yes, the US is stalled in Iraq, and it is also stalled in Somalia where the last Ethiopian troops have just left. Now that US puppet government left behind is hanging on by a single thread, as it holds control over no more than a few blocks inside Mogadishu, the Ethiopian capital. Iraq might well follow along the same scenario eventually and that is why the US stays stalled inside the country with its troops, Barack Mr. CHANGE Obama or nothing? He is turning out to be Mr. NOTHING as far as changing US foreign policy for Iraq seems to be concerned. He is stalling us there right now, and nothing much more.

The USA government simply does not want to admit that it cannot run a country from afar when it can’t even find more than a few of its own people who speak the same language as the inhabitants do. How stupid it was to invade a country and try to occupy it when your ties to the area or so slim! What arrogance! Unfortunately Barack Obama is just another arrogant numb skull with US cultural immunity from ever admitting his ignorance to what he is actually trying to do there with his troops in Iraq. He is simply stalling us there, and stalling hundreds of billions of much needed American give away dollars (to the military-industrial complex) there, too. Hardly the same ‘economic stimulus’ he likes to talk about so much with his fellow Clintonite neo-liberals mouthing the same babble.

The solution? Pack up the bags. Stop moving the lines of conflict farther ahead into yet more countries. Bring the troops home now, Mr. Obama.

Obama Is freezing the US military into a stupid commitment to occupy Iraq as long as he can get away with it. That’s the Republican Party for you! Oh… I forgot! Obama is a Democrat, isn’t he? I thought he wasn’t!

French again put Americans to shame

french and american flagsContrast the French to Americans once again, as they respond to their country’s elite government delivered handouts in a way today unimaginable in pacified Obama nation USA. Huge crowds join French strikes Meanwhile, in America, crowds actually turn out to cheer as Obama hands out bales of paper dollars to the rich corporate world. They’re in trouble, you see?

American liberals seem to think that they can just go out and vote, and then return to their houses with their thumbs up their asses and watch TV. From that, they think that CHANGE will magically occur? …and it will….Oh YES it will!… but just change they will not actually much appreciate when it does arrive.

America’s Left is not there, having been almost totally destroyed. But the French still have a Left, and they will challenge the power of their own rich with it.

Americans are left to face the rich without any organization of their own at all. Most of them have let themselves become convinced that the Left is the actual root of all evil, and that Satan himself commands it. And truth be told many Leftists are actually demonic idiots missing in all action. To create a Left that does do anything, America will almost have to spontaneously combust before that will happen once again. Meanwhile, the French are way ahead of the Americans in being able to challenge this Brave New World of total catastrophe and meltdown that the elites are trying to force down the throats of the world population. They join Latin America in this aspect.

Barack Obama hugs the Republican Right instead of trying to erase it

GOP certified designMost rank and file Democratic Party voters loathe the Republican Right Wing of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O’really? and want to destroy the dominance of this ideology within American politics over the last 3 decades. When they hear the word CHANGE, that’s what they want it to mean.

But what does it mean when Barack Obama verbally hugs people like Pastor Warren, John McCain, and brings into his own Administration the most tepid political types possible? It means that Barack Obama is not one with this desire of the rank and file Democrat voter to destroy the Political Right’s influence in American politics for good.

The Democratic Party makes public policy in alliance with the US Political Republican Right, and that is what they will continue to do since that is what their corporate funders and backers want them to do. The Democratic Party voters do not control the Democratic Party politicians, but rather the Democratic Party politicians control the DP voters. And both are controlled by the Democratic Party funders. That is just how politics works, so get out of the bad habit of being one of those Democratic Party voters.

And most of all, do something other than just only voting. Without your activities outside of the electoral con games being played, no elimination of the Republican Right will ever occur in this country. You do want them gone for good, don’t you?

US ruling class tries to put new lipstick on its pig

airplane crash wtcBanks crashed on the day of CHANGE that isn’t change, and the ruling class tried to put new lipstick on its pig. No major bank was spared the carnage as Bank of America’s shares plunged 29 percent; Citigroup’s 20 percent, and State Street Corp., which reported sharply lower earnings, saw its shares plummet 59 percent.

“The financial stocks got murdered,” said Jack A. Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank in Chicago. “They were basically cut in half.” See the AP… Banks sink deeper into crisis on Obama’s first day Obama is now the newest lipstick to this pig, the same old US military-industrial-governmental complex.

Obama doesn’t have either a plan nor a clue. What he does have is the backing of the US ruling class elite and that is why he is in office today, and none of that has to do with a ‘new movement’ yet arising. All his (their) empty rhetoric is now about to come totally stripped off his Hawaiian toned body, and his groupies may now cheer but the final result will be quite grim for all soon to see. All that this Barack Brand Lipstick really has to offer is yet more and more attempted cosmetic sales for a decaying, disintegrating global economic system of war and poverty, racism and genocide.

There is no agenda for change in the making in the US of today. The population remains passively accepting of any sort of new cruelty offered up by its own ruling class to all others in the world, as somehow they still think that that will continue to salvage some sort of world for themselves by doing so? All we can do for the moment is wait and see if some new awakening will begin to come forth, though it appears that first total disintegrating disaster must gain the reign supreme.

Americans still just don’t want to change nor have CHANGE come about. And until they might, we will continue to plummet all into the abyss. Sorry, but one just cannot prettify much this new lipstick on the same old pig. It simply really is the same old stuff as before, and while we expect lots of prettifying of it in the press, some minor efforts to do away with some of the worst, and lots of talk, the reality of capitalist worldwide depression will soon hit. Then the real suffering will actually begin. We are in a complete economic down spin now and Pilot Barack will not be laying us down lightly into the Hudson River on this one.

Indian elephants fail to apply Gandhi’s theories of peaceful resistance

elephant friendOK, this is a gratuitous commentary but don’t blame me for it, since I’ve merely overdosed on the religion from the Colorado Springs Justice and Peace Commission, a group supposedly dedicated to fighting US war making and not just for going to some sort of New Age Church on off days of the week. Wild elephants kill 3 in northeast India

Pacifists always are counselling others on non-violence, but rarely are under any direct attack of their own that they have to defend against. However, elephants are in a different situation and react normally rather than spiritually as Jesus perhaps would have done. Of course, stories have it that in the Temple he did not act nonviolently either? But that’s just the Bible so what do they really know about Jesus anyway?

Actually, most American pacifists I have known think that Jesus would merely have voted for the Democratic Party ticket if Jesus were to return as an American. When you see those morph computer images of ‘Barack Lincoln’, we should realize that Lincoln is just a stand-in for Jesus and/ or Gandhi here. It is against the Christian religion to morph Jesus with people like Barack, just like Muslims don’t allow pictures of Mohammed to be waved around to all. So Barack Obama morphed with Lincoln is allowed though, so they went with that. I’d rather see a herd of Indian elephants show up at the Grand Inauguration this Tuesday though, and resist in the manner they know how to do so well.

Gaza and Afghanistan- it’s election time so it’s time to spill The Barbarians’ blood!

gaza-babyThe Israeli Zionist Jewish State waited 24 hours after Jesus’s birthday to unleash their State Terrorism yet once again, since Jews have already unfairly been judged by many Christians in the near historical past for having murdered the ‘Son of God’. So they gave the Gazan Arabs one whole day of reprieve for Jesus. Wow!

Election time was coming up, and just like in the Christian US, Zionist Jewish politicians have to show that they are tough on the Barbarian Blacks of The Third World. The core of Zionism is racism, just exactly like the core of US nationalism (Christian patriotism) is racism, too. So, it’s time to kill the Gooks! It’s election time once again (early February in Israel)! One thousand Gazans have laready been killed or maimed in this new Israeli terrorist bombing.

Much overlooked in the US is why Barack Obama was allowed by his super rich backers to take office? He simply told them that he was tough on Barbarians, too. Oops, you missed that in his campaign? The rich who made his election possible did not. Barack Obama pledged to continue the ‘Global War on Barbarians’ by surging in Afghanistan, imitating the Bush war effort just exactly. Luckily for Obama, he had a bunch of ‘Peace’crat liberals out there to cover his ideological ass.

What is it about the Christian and Jewish Right that makes them so blood thirsty? Is it their ‘Holy Scriptures’ that tell them that they are ‘chosen peoples’? Kind of reminds one of the Aztecs, Incas, and Maya. ‘God’ like that just demands human sacrifices.

They are on a schedule almost, and once the Jewish platoon holds their ‘elections’ in their racially clean ‘democracy’, then that’ll be the Democrats green light to turn Iran into a Gaze/Iraq/Somalia. Such restraint! Makes the nut cases proud to be American, I bet.

Let’s just hope that all this planned war doesn’t trigger off a nuclear row between India and Pakistan mean time? Real mean time. Like car bombs, these things (Gaza) can just blow up right in your face when you go to set them off.

Obama’s plan for Afghanistan is to arm yet more death squads under Pentagon command

The US government calls them militias but the reality, like with Iraq, is that these forces are merely US controlled and trained death squads.
Kabul embassy flag ceremony
Here is the New York Times reporting on the Obama plan for more Afghanistan occupation… Afghans and U.S. Plan to Recruit Local Militias Don’t be deceived by the title of the report, since even the US government’s Afghan puppet ‘president’ Karzai is against the Obama plan. There are no Afghans that are planning to do anything more than participate under the command of US planned death squads being launched there by Obama and Dubya. Here is the LA Times more honest title to there own report… Afghanistan’s President Karzai laments coalition use of ‘thugs’ These 2 articles are on the Libertarian site, antiwar.com today.

The ‘Peace’crats are still giving Obama the benefit of their Democratic Party voting ‘doubt’. Why are so many of these little liberal types covering up from Obama’s plan to put in more US troops into Afghanistan to ‘surge’ the area with more US organized locals, platooned into death squads? And what does Obama have planned to do to the people of Pakistan? It’s time to oppose this Democratic Party criminality not to remain silent. Raise your voices against the local ‘Peace’crat groups, since we need better organization than they will ever provide to oppose effectively the Pentagon terrorism. They’re going to stay largely silent.

(That picture is of US troops at the US Kabul ‘Embassy’ 7 years ago December- 2001, right about the time that the US allied death squads slaughtered thousands of surrendering Afghan troops in air tight cylinders by suffocation and shooting bullets into them. They had tried valiantly to defend their country from US occupation but failed. See Mass grave plundered at site of Taleban prisoners’ massacre Six years later, the US government of Obama wants to organize yet more death squads to use against Afghans.)

Obamapologists task growing Sisyphean

rick warrenThe anticipation is building for one hell of a JANUARY 21ST wouldn’t you say? While emails are flying, about invitations to this inauguration party or that, or about holding Obama’s feet to whose fire on Day One, Two or Three, the President Elect continues to stack a cabinet to defy all Hope.

What is this B-Team Obama is assembling, even beyond the Cabinet? He’s chosen pop- Fundamentalist minister Rick Warren to give the inaugural invocation.

Southern Colorado should be pleased to see its Senator, Ken Sell-Out Salazar, off to DC pastures where he can do less immediate harm, but at the Department of the Interior’s expense, where he might take a run at pal and predecessor Gale Norton’s ignoble high score. It was a supreme relief, this election season, to hear Salazar booed when he made appeared at Obama rallies.

Can you name a single office appointment with which you’ve agreed? Obama’s every single choice has been a gift to the Center Right, and Democrat Loyalists have run the gamut of excuses to describe their anointed one’s mysterious ways. His wisdom been so opaque, I’m hopeful it’s actually subterfuge.

To hear his pundits spin it, Obama’s reasons range from wanting experience, to a smooth transition, to keeping his rivals close. It won’t be until he’s in office when Americans will really know what the one will do.

But we already know twice as many US troops are going to Afghanistan, and we know a resolution to the war in Iraq has likewise been pushed off into the future. What were everybody’s reasons for hoisting Barack Obama aloft as their deliverance from Bush?

Obamapologists will no doubt spend the entire of Mr. Change’s first term reminding us that the tortoise ultimately won over the hare. When do you imagine that analogy will finally lose steam? I’m guessing lack of health insurance will compel most of us to cheer a speedier finish.

I’m looking forward to the judgment of George Bush and Dick Cheney for their crimes against humanity. I anticipate that some Democrat apologists will even preach forgiveness, undoubtedly in the name of leaving Obama unencumbered to address bigger challenges. And turd-speak like that will be fine with me. I don’t even care if he pardons Bush Co in a grand ceremony festooned with glittery Medals of Freedom and Yankee Doodle Macaroni.

I don’t even care if Bush pardons himself, and all of Fox News, indeed the whole Beltway, for their crimes of treason, theft, profiteering, usury, and illegal war. And Obama signs it and washes everybody’s clawed feet.

(Psst, no need to alert Bush, but War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity are the jurisdiction of The Hague. They’re neither self-pardonable, nor outside of the reach of the International Criminal Court. In fact, it doesn’t matter if the US is a signatory or not. There are no exemptions, and no statutes of limitation.)

The question of course then arises, would Barack Obama block efforts by the ICC to bring the Bush Cabal to trial? What sob story are Obamapologists going to contrive for that one?

Barack’s D.C. Fortress-America bunker, the Obama Nation

military bunkerBarack has been busy constructing his new, D.C. Fortress-America bunker. The going is tough because Captain Dubya and his hangmen botched the job, and the new bunker will have to be heavily fortified, buried deep in bullshit, and covered with the smoke screen of smarm.

He needs ‘advice’ and lots of it, too. How best to keep the ‘terrorist’ bunker buster bombs (TRUTH) from taking it down at the soonest opportunity? Turn to cronies, Democratic Party bipartisan and wide, and have their bodies, soulless and all, front the bunker thick and grim. Here is the scene as Chris Floyd describes it…

‘Barack Obama’s new “national security team” is a grim conglomeration of war criminals, warmongers and apologists for torture and empire who have been praised justly by some right wingers as a continuation and validation of the Bush Regime’s foreign policy.’

He goes on to paint the picture bleaker… Guts, Goo and Obama’s Imperial Dream Meanwhile, the US ‘Peace’crats community centers cover up Barack’s D.C. Fortress-America bunker with their ‘hope’. They actually think that Barack Obama is about to trick everybody out but themselves, the ‘Progressives’, and angle sharply to the Left sometime soon! Leaving Gates, Hillary, and all the others feeling betrayed, no doubt? LOL……

The bunker full of Right Wing thugs is being constructed by General Obama because he is planning an Offensive, make no doubt about that at all. Oh? You still doubt it? You planning to give Barack the benefit of your doubt, no doubt? How sweeeet……..

A lot rides on Barack’s Bunker. The US ruling class has high hopes on his newly assembled team in his newly rebuild and remodeled Fortress-America bunker, the Obama Nation. Can he carry out the Republican agenda now without the fireworks of gliberal ‘Peace’crat criticisms and gliberish? What’s that sound out there? Is it the sound of silence still? Or is it a bunker busting bomb of ‘terrorist’ venom (TRUTH)? So far, I hear mainly silence. Oh the shock!!!!!! Silence……. What an Obama Nation!

‘Patriotic’ pacifists and ‘Peace’crats to hold UFPJ lobbyfest gathering in Chicago

Hillary and JesusUnited for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) will be holding a gathering in Chicago next week to start their plans for a 2009 Lobbyfest of Barack Obama. They still haven’t figured any of it out and most likely never will. Ostensibly the UFPJ has not decided on doing anything just yet and the gathering is for the group to supposedly decide just what should be done?

That’s all a big joke since the Democratic Party and liberal Christian group controlled leadership of the UFPJ has but just one strategy, and that is to try to make themselves ‘heard’ by the Powers that be (though they refuse to try to mobilize any power of their own). They are like beggars of a sort, who will be pleading with Barack, Hillary, and Gates for some bones of recognition. They promise not to talk too much about imperialism, Afghanistan, Somalia, and anything else of dispute, say like… torture use by the US military, the US threatening Russia with nuclear weapons, Iraq, or US military made pollution… and the list goes on of none issues to these people., or the issues they just plain out want people not to be talking about.

The UFPJ are the ‘patriotic’ Democratic Party liberal middle class voters and churchly pacifists, whose ‘eyes are wide open’ onto the boots of several thousand US soldiers, but not much on the damage these soldiers actually did to other peoples. They voted for ‘change’, but they’re not too pressured about when it comes, where it comes from, or even if it will ever come? A pretty word or two from their Democratic Party gurus will keep most of them totally satisfied for years.

YES, the UFPJ will want to go lobby this new year, and that’s what they will project doing though they will smokescreen it with some sort of ‘national week’ of blah, blah, blah, etc. These are the very same folk that always say that large demonstrations don’t work, so just go out and vote DP. Don’t expect a change of heart from them, or any insight.

How happy they are at the success of that profoundly absurd strategy they must be with the New Administration? The more abjectly they get thrown to the side by Power, the more committed they get to their own masochistic policy of turning out the vote…. to always vote for those who will ignore them, piss on them, and marginalize them as much as they can.

The UFPJ has even been offered a challenge by other antiwar activists to give up their sectarianism and come together with others to help build national and unified demonstrations against the war. That is anathema to the UFPJ leadership though, and we should expect absolutely nothing from them that would help bring that about. They’re sticking with the Democrats come rain or shine, and come the chaos and mayhem the Democratic Party will work alongside their Republican Party cohorts to bring us more of.

The ‘Patriotic’ pacifists and ‘Peace’crats are like small business owners in their outlook, and they have the DP franchise for ownership over the antiwar movement, just as long as the rest of us put up with it and stay demobilized ourselves? That is the big question? Just how long will the real activists in the national antiwar movement keep pumping money and time into this US national coalition, the UFPJ, who are out to simply not do much at all?

Passively accepting such a group of incompetent and chained down to the DP leaders as the UFJP is, is just more of a loser strategy that does nothing to help out a country currently experiencing a collapse of the US economy and the bankruptcy of the corporate class, fallen deathly ill from their own total corruption. The country needs a real antiwar coalition at work for the country, and not just a prayer group of multiple paid office hacks. The longer a real Movement is not actually built, the more damage the Pentagon will actually do to the country and the world, Lockheed and all the other corporate powers behind them feeding from the public trough. The UFJP is not even close to being the leadership for a real Antiwar Movement in this country, and can never be that as it is organized and structured to not be one, but rather to just be a pacifist coalition of a few nice people who pray and vote and not much else.

The UFPJ not only cannot be looked upon to provide leadership for us in the next years of Obama Nation, but will be an active barrier against all that do try to work to build dissent against US militarism. That is sad to say, but efforts to try to change the orientation of this group will be about as futile as trying to pull MoveOn away from their Democratic Party foundation. Better to spend your time, energy, and efforts to build other organizations as alternative to these obstructionists. The UFPJ is simply their church, and not much else.

‘Peace’crats refuse to be ‘United for Peace and Justice’

United for Peace and Justice is the national group that pretends to be the leadership for ‘Peace’ inside the US, yet they cannot even bring themself to speak out against the US war upon the people of Afghanistan! I call them ‘Peace’crats because they talk about PEACE in the abstract all the time, yet remain totally tied to the Democratic Party and do not actively oppose the war of US occupation of Afghanistan or speak out forcefully against it! They don’t want to embarrass Barack Obama and the Democratic Party and that is important to them above all else.

Go to the UFPJ website and see what I am talking about? Didn’t see the mention of Afghanistan there, did you? Go to their ‘Ongoing Campaigns’ link and then link again and check out their mealy mouthed, non-opposition to withdrawal from the US War waged against Afghanistan. Is this what you call an antiwar position? Peace? I call it their UFPJ Democratic Party apologist line of crap. On it, you will read this sort of BS…

What is the US responsibility to Afghanistan? How have US interest over the past few decades, including support for the Taliban, contributed to the destabilization of Afghanistan? How do we best fulfill our obligations to the Afghan people? What is the role of the US peace movement in advocating US tax-dollars to be used in ways that promote peace, stability, and international cooperation? What nonmilitary solutions can we offer?’ YES, and blah, blah, blah. No call for US withdrawal from Afghanistan here! Barack Obama is against it, that’s why.

Here on the local Colorado Springs scene the local ‘Peace’crats are even worse. Most of them play so dumb they would not admit to being able to find Afghanistan on a map and be proud about that, too! Their folk do have the local police telephone # handy, in case anybody would like to bring the subject up? That would be trespassing! And at the national fan club for the ‘Peace’crats, a website called ‘CommonDreams’, well they just target your computers ISP address and keep you from reading their comments, or commenting on what they are pushing. Afghanistan is best kept off the list of hot topics to discuss these days now that Barack Obama’s Democratic Party team is in the process of taking over fighting the US War on Afghanistan away from the Dubya crowd.

YES, the ‘Peace’crats refuse to be ‘United for Peace and Justice’. They’re only united for the Democratic War Party when push comes to shove. Afghanistan? Please don’t mention it!

Barack’s Rahmbo is not an Arab who will be mopping floors at the White House

iraq torture dogsPoor Rahmbo! Here he is and he’s already having trouble covering up the arrogant, asshole, know-it-all smugness on his thuggish face, and his dad goes and runs his mouth. Well what can you expect? These terrorists are proud when their sons grow up and carry on in the family tradition (to paraphrase Hank Williams Jr.)! What did Dear Old Dad say?

“Obviously he’ll influence the president to be pro-Israel. Why wouldn’t he? What is he, an Arab? He’s not going to be mopping floors at the White House.”

No indeed! That’s for Blacks and Arabs to do, is it not? Now look what you’ve done to your son, Rahmbo, Dad! There’s only one thing he can do for your discourteously overt racism. He must ‘apologize’. Obama aide apologises to US-Arabs

We now all feel so much better about the new, but old, grouping around Barack Obama. With Gates and Hillary coming on board, we’ll have perfection! Barack can spend a little more time in picking the new White House dog, and cute an lovable he will be, no doubt!

Nader says that Barack Obama is the worst of Clinton

NaderRalph Nader speaks to Alexander Cockburn about the poor performance of his campaign this year, but fails to mention the main reason that was so. This was Nader’s third and most probably last run for the presidency and what it lacked was any noticeable performance by Ralph Nader in the non election years.

Where was this guy in trying to build any non-electoral Mass Movement, like one that would correctly center itself in building a Movement Against US War and Militarism? He basically was not to be found, and that showed in the results to his election bid.

A movement to replace the American Two Party Dictatorship of Corporate Power cannot be built on the cheap, Ralph. You have to try to built something other than a Campaign Committee or two. Unfortunately, your legacy is that you did not try to do this, unlike Cindy Sheehan, who is perhaps the major American figure that provides an example of somebody who has put effort into trying to build a Mass Movement against the Iraq Occupation by the US.

Still, Ralph Nader has been a major spokesperson against liberals just capitulating entirely to the Democratic Party, and continues to be so. It would be great if he would turn over a new leaf now, and call for a unity grouping with the likes of Cindy Sheehan, Cynthia McKinney and other major independent Left activists to help create a new and national Progressive Movement free of the shackles of corporate run faux liberalism that enslaves the American people inside the Two Party bipartisan shell game. Will you do it, Ralph?

More from Cockburn interview with Nader….

AC: How about the liberals and the left now?

Nader: The real crisis is the self-destruction of the liberal progressive community. It’s got nowhere to go, other than to renew its three out of four year cycle of criticism of the Democrats. They’ve nowhere to go because they’ve made no demands. He’s been a candid right-center Democrat and they’ve given him a free ride. No demands. From Labor? No demands. He gave them a sop on the card check. He campaigned for two years, promised blacks nothing, Latinos nothing, women’s groups nothing, labor nothing. Contrast the lack of demands on the liberal progressive side to what the Limbaugh crowd exacted from McCain.

Full Cockburn post election Hail to the Chief! interview with Nader Check it out!