Cheney Quotes Machiavelli… to distance himself from Caligula

Because his only hard-core fan club anymore are the more reactionary members of the Wreligious Wrong…
For 8 years, more actually, American Foreign Policy has been based on the theme “Oderint Dum Metuant” which means “Let them hate us, as long as they fear us”

A favorite of the Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar the Second, aka Caligula.

Who really has a lot in common with Cheney. The main difference is Caligula is already burning in Hell and Cheney is just waiting his turn.

Of course, he in the interview where he basically tried to COMMAND President Obama to continue the unfettered and unregulated Torture Program… pause…

(Here I’ll interject, the Right Wing Lunatic Plague will scream and whine in their Sunday-best Shrill Voices that “it’s not unregulated, theirs Judicial Review (by judges who are under the direct command of the Torture Freaks) and you lefties are just being Mean and we’re going to cry about it”)

…un-pause…So he instead trots out a line from Machiavelli

“It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.” Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 – 1527), “The Prince”

Which is very much the same thing said by ancient Italian Dictator Caligula.

Another quote from the same book

“…people are fickle by nature; and it is simple to convince them of something but difficult to hold them in that conviction; and, therefore, affairs should be managed in such a way that when they no longer believe, they can be made to believe by force.”

Which is the philosophy expressed by Lee Atwater, another fascist criminal already in Hell, and by Karl Rove, another one like Cheney awaiting his turn.
in the Project for the New American (Imperial) Century.

My what wonderful company they keep.

No wonder the Nazis vote Republican.

Now, I had forgotten to code in the end of the block-quote there at the proper place, so it kind of ran together and makes a lot less sense than if the quote were accurately finished. Here, I attempt to fix that.

“…people are fickle by nature; and it is simple to convince them of something but difficult to hold them in that conviction; and, therefore, affairs should be managed in such a way that when they no longer believe, they can be made to believe by force.”

Which is the philosophy expressed by Lee Atwater, another fascist criminal already in Hell, and by Karl Rove, another one like Cheney awaiting his turn.
Rove and Cheney and Jeb Bush (the “smart brother”) expressed that in the Project for the New American (Imperial) Century.

My what wonderful company they keep.

No wonder the Nazis vote Republican.

The Prince, by the way, was political advice given to a petty dictator in a city-state that now holds no power beyond its suburbs, on how to hold power for as long as possible. Which doesn’t extend to “eternal” or even “epic”.

There was no Golden Age and never will be one.

Take a look at this picture, Torture Freaks…

Frank Cordero, 2007That’s a Colorado Springs Police Officer holding an elderly man in a Choke- Hold and jamming his thumb under the Real Man’s ear and jaw to enhance the pain.

During that particular assault six others, mostly elderly or disabled persons, were assaulted by the Pain-Loving Uniformed Sadist Squad.

One of them is a retired Judge.

Offering me Free Legal Advice?

I don’t think so.

I think our new-found Friend is offering a Threat to use the powers of the FBI to silence any form of dissent or failure to agree with his positions.

Pigs 1 Decency 0

the non binding referendum on funding fell out on party lines, with Joe Lieberman voting with the fascists, as per expected, according to Yahoo.

Then in another link to a New York Times article about a man who was never charged with a crime, but spent two years in an American run torture hell-hole.

The fucking lying pigs made him sign a statement that he hadn’t been abused while in their “care” just like the motherfucking lying pig assholes right here in Colorado do.

They stated that they occasionally used the Taser torture devices on prisoners, but only when the PIGS felt they were in danger. LYING FUCKING TORTURE FREAKS. I FUCKING KNOW BETTER YOU FUCKING PIG ASSHOLES.

They also stated that there was a grievance procedure and that all claims of abuse were investigated. Fuck you you murdering lying torturing control freak asshole pig motherfuckers.

I was glad to hear that Jensen and Jordan got their pig asses FUCKED OFF and I was just sorry that I wasn’t there to watch as they were sent to Hell where they belong.