Barack to pardon Bush for his crimes against humanity and now we can fry others

‘While the Obama administration is turning its back on some Bush administration practices, Panetta said there is no intention to hold CIA officers responsible for the policy they were told to carry out. CIA interrogators who used waterboarding or other harsh techniques against prisoners with the permission of the White House should not be prosecuted, he said.’

Do not be misled in that Obama says he is going to stop renditions. Obama plans to keep the US troops in other peoples’ countries and many of the ‘natives’ will get turned over to others for torture, ‘rendition flights’ or not. CIA nominee says no ‘extraordinary rendition’- Panetta wants CIA to find bin Laden; says don’t prosecute waterboarders

Obamapologists task growing Sisyphean

rick warrenThe anticipation is building for one hell of a JANUARY 21ST wouldn’t you say? While emails are flying, about invitations to this inauguration party or that, or about holding Obama’s feet to whose fire on Day One, Two or Three, the President Elect continues to stack a cabinet to defy all Hope.

What is this B-Team Obama is assembling, even beyond the Cabinet? He’s chosen pop- Fundamentalist minister Rick Warren to give the inaugural invocation.

Southern Colorado should be pleased to see its Senator, Ken Sell-Out Salazar, off to DC pastures where he can do less immediate harm, but at the Department of the Interior’s expense, where he might take a run at pal and predecessor Gale Norton’s ignoble high score. It was a supreme relief, this election season, to hear Salazar booed when he made appeared at Obama rallies.

Can you name a single office appointment with which you’ve agreed? Obama’s every single choice has been a gift to the Center Right, and Democrat Loyalists have run the gamut of excuses to describe their anointed one’s mysterious ways. His wisdom been so opaque, I’m hopeful it’s actually subterfuge.

To hear his pundits spin it, Obama’s reasons range from wanting experience, to a smooth transition, to keeping his rivals close. It won’t be until he’s in office when Americans will really know what the one will do.

But we already know twice as many US troops are going to Afghanistan, and we know a resolution to the war in Iraq has likewise been pushed off into the future. What were everybody’s reasons for hoisting Barack Obama aloft as their deliverance from Bush?

Obamapologists will no doubt spend the entire of Mr. Change’s first term reminding us that the tortoise ultimately won over the hare. When do you imagine that analogy will finally lose steam? I’m guessing lack of health insurance will compel most of us to cheer a speedier finish.

I’m looking forward to the judgment of George Bush and Dick Cheney for their crimes against humanity. I anticipate that some Democrat apologists will even preach forgiveness, undoubtedly in the name of leaving Obama unencumbered to address bigger challenges. And turd-speak like that will be fine with me. I don’t even care if he pardons Bush Co in a grand ceremony festooned with glittery Medals of Freedom and Yankee Doodle Macaroni.

I don’t even care if Bush pardons himself, and all of Fox News, indeed the whole Beltway, for their crimes of treason, theft, profiteering, usury, and illegal war. And Obama signs it and washes everybody’s clawed feet.

(Psst, no need to alert Bush, but War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity are the jurisdiction of The Hague. They’re neither self-pardonable, nor outside of the reach of the International Criminal Court. In fact, it doesn’t matter if the US is a signatory or not. There are no exemptions, and no statutes of limitation.)

The question of course then arises, would Barack Obama block efforts by the ICC to bring the Bush Cabal to trial? What sob story are Obamapologists going to contrive for that one?

A Congressional resolution about the Wholesale Pardon of the Bush Criminal Cartel…

It’s a start. Last year and the year before Pelosi refused to put impeachment on the table.”Oh, goodness gracious no! It would make us seem Petty and partisan if we were to ever actually, you know, Do Our Jobs and confront the Dictator”

Now at least there’s a start.

For those unfamiliar with Legalese, filing papers on somebody effectively stops the clock on any Statutes of Limitations.

Including “executive immunity”
And this is as good as any indictment or arrest warrant

It’s not too late to defend the Constitution

If the motion is tabled until after the inauguration it would be A) far more difficult for the RepubliKlans to delay or derail…
and B) it leaves the investigation very much open.

If for instance Rove or Cheney want to Arrogantly big-ass congress and refuse to answer subpoenas, then their Cowardly Lying asses can be arrested

And they won’t have their Regime in the White House or the Attorney Generals office to bail the pussies out., the Aggressive Progressives – 500,000 strong and growing!

Rep. Jerrold Nadler Leads Opposition to Bush Pardons

Dear Activist,

Congratulations! Just one week ago we asked you to launch a massive movement against pardons by signing a petition to your Representatives. Over 46,000 of you took action and Congress took notice.

On Friday, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) introduced H.Res. 1531 urging President Bush not to pardon senior administration officials for crimes the President authorized. It notes:

President George W. Bush may have committed crimes involving the mistreatment of detainees, the extraordinary rendition of individuals to countries known to engage in torture, illegal surveillance of United States citizens, unlawful leaks of classified information, obstruction of justice, political interference with the conduct of the Justice Department, and other illegal acts

and that

Bush has been urged to grant preemptive pardons to senior administration officials who might face criminal prosecution for actions taken in the course of their official duties

Nadler’s resolution urges Congress to investigate those crimes and any pardons relating to them, and urges the Attorney General (current or future) to appoint an Independent Counsel to prosecute those crimes.

These are major steps towards holding George Bush, Dick Cheney, and other senior officials accountable for their crimes and thereby upholding the rule of law, rather than allowing Presidents to become dictators.

Rep. Nadler’s leadership is crucial because he chairs the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties and can use his credibility and clout to move the resolution forward either during the lame duck session in December or when the next Congress convenes on January 6.

So our next step is to persuade as many Representatives as possible to co-sponsor H.Res. 1531. Please sign our new petition:

We also encourage you to call your Representative at 202-224-3121 and speak with the Legislative Assistant who handles Judiciary matters.

If your Representative says (s)he will co-sponsor, please let us know by commenting on our resolution “whipping” page:

Thanks for all you do!

Bob Fertik


Forward this message to everyone you know!

I know, I know, some readers would think it’s not as much fun doing it that way as simply waiting for Karl Rove as he’s heading for his Lame-o Limo and beating his face in to the back of his head with a jack handle…

But then, in Federal Penitentiary, just imagine ….

With all those people he and Bush had railroaded waiting for the Board of Pardons and Paroles to investigate their cases… Especially the ones who were tortured….

And no Secret Service or White House Marine Guards around to step between them….

Greed is the true Republican religion

The Wimpocrats voted to let Traitor Lieberman keep his committee chair. If you thought that Obama winning meant the Dems had somehow become vertebrate, you could not have been more wrong.

Vice President and Mafia Don Dick Cheney indicted for organized crime. New office pool: on what date will Bush pardon his partner in crime?

Holy Crap. American Family Assn. selling burning cross lawn decoration.

After wave of hijackings, Indian navy destroys pirate ship. Think about that: The US Navy is the largest in the world, and was created specifically to stop piracy. Yet they sit on their butts and do nothing except spend a hundred billion dollars a year of taxpayer money, while one of the smallest navies in the world actually succeeds in combating it, with just a handful of boats.

"Man never worshipped anything but himself." –Sir Richard Francis Burton

Excerpts from Thomas McCullock’s Nov 19 notes,