Ugh Bruce, but imperturbable

Campaign sign for Colorado Springs 2011 municipal election
COLORADO SPRINGS– It was Doug Bruce himself, the anti-tax man most responsible for the region’s decaying services and infrastructure, polishing his own campaign sign, on land belonging to Griffis/Blessing. The fit was not entirely out of the realm of possibility, but I made a second pass, conspicuously taking photos that he might worry could inform a landlord. To his credit, instead of ignoring me he kept trying to wave me over, as if despite my direct attacks on him in city council sessions, he could win me over out there on the corner. He left with the sign.

PPJPC drops justice & peace in favor of Judas kiss & Participatory militarism

You don’t care what our neighborhood Pikes Peak Justice & Peace Commission has gotten its leash tangled around –I shouldn’t– but the latest is just too funny. FIRST, in November they sponsored an Israel-BDS protest to boycott a local Ahava outlet and promptly got two participants arrested. Wrongly of course, but the police were awaiting them with a letter fashioned for the occasion by the City Attorney giving the CSPD authority to drive the activists from the private property. Although planning had been kept on the QT, do you think the reception might have been due to monthly confabs which the PPJPC executive director keeps with city law enforcement? Later in debriefing, the director pronounced his incredulity that the “new policy” hadn’t been spelled out to him at the last meeting. So what kinds of things do the PPJPC & CSPD discuss? SECOND, just as the PPJPC fell for the Save Darfur intervention-as-peacemaking faketivism, then zipped it for Obama’s false hopetivism, now the pitiful dupes call their Muslim-Jewish-Christian “Evening in Jerusalem” gathering a THREE CUPS OF TEA PARTY! Would this be in deference to Greg Mortenson‘s Western Empire [school] building enterprise? That puts the PPJPC in the company of the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security, Mortenson’s biggest boosters. The next chance I get I will ask known J&P’ers I promise you — who are the Idiot Iscariots taking this tack? The PPJPC is soliciting donations from earnest yous and mes in the name of peace and justice, to advocate for forfeiting civil liberties and 3CoT’s participatory militarism.

On the AHAVA arrests, do we know who tipped off the cops? Not really, but we know the city’s actions didn’t spring from the media press releases which went out the day before. How much lead time do you figure is required to solicit a written policy from the city attorney’s office? Who had that kind of foresight?

The official word was that the “new policy” delineating which shopping centers might be major enough to be considered public spaces, and which were only average-sized neighborhood no-free-speech zones, was drafted to preempt populist petitioner Doug Bruce from assailing shoppers at will. But he prevailed against the trespassing charges pressed against him by Costco didn’t he. So that pretext doesn’t wash, and by no stretch of the law would a Costco parking lot be considered public.

There is already legal precedence for shopping centers not being considered the new town squares, and the state of Colorado has already put freedom-seekers aspiring to assemble in malls that they must abide by individual mall rules of conduct. At Chapel Hills mall is means, by permit, one at a time, no more than one day per quarter, no handouts, and a moratorium on all social causes over the holiday shopping period.

So a city-wide policy penned by their counsel giving explicit authority for police to remove activists from private property would seem redundant and by its intentional breadth, unconstitutional. But it gives cops-on-the-beat ground not to vacillate.

However CSPD learned about the J&P plans, wouldn’t it seem a crippling limitation to be meeting with the police on a regular basis to give them a heads up about any events that might concern them?

Keep in mind, the PPJPC executive director is avowedly protest-averse. He’s stated he doesn’t see the value to public demonstrations, and they certainly disrupt his ongoing strategy to ingratiate himself and his non-profit into the fabric of local conformist NGOs.

In the case of the Ahava boycott, though the protest was organized by a subcommittee of the PPJPC, toward the press the activists were told to identify themselves only as Middle East Peace Project. That was the PPJPC wouldn’t be tainted by any negativity which the action might draw. You’d think that choosing to distance yourself from motivated peace activists would be justification enough to pretend not knowing of their plans when the police are chatting you up for clues.

What good does it serve organizers if a parent organization is going to maintain plausible deniability but at the same time is helping law enforcement keep tabs on your plans.

There was nothing illegal about the plan to picket the Ahava store. There was nothing illegal about assembling on a shopping center parking lot which is open to the public. There is no need to alert the local police if the only result is that they will finagle a ruling by which you are prevented from exercising your constitutional guaranteed rights.

Judge-shooter Bruce Nozolino indicted before Facebook friends can jump ship

Bob Balink, Jeff Crank, Bob Beauprez, Kent Lambert and Dave SchulteisConservative petition-circulator Bruce Nozolino warned would-be litigants that he had a reputation, “a propensity to shoot judges and lawyers” and it turns out whoever got in his way. He poses with a rifle on his Facebook profile. Today a local grand jury indicted Nozolino for murder. While Nozolino loitered outside the courthouse beyond a boundary court-ordered by the judge, his associate Doug Bruce was granted immunity for testifying against him. Other Republican friends were not so lucky. Local cronies Bob Balink and Jeff Crank and state crazies Bob Beauprez, Kent Lambert and Dave Schulteis have ties to the self-styled gun-toting avenger, and Facebook has the paper trail! There’s also Robin Coran, whose profile pic features attack-mite Michelle Malkin, local Tea Party heavies Crista Huff and Michelle Morin (Who unfriended Nozolino as I typed this), and other locals who I’ll list here for posterity: “Bob” Clark, Andy McElhany, Carolyn Borgwardt, Jim Pfaff, Judy Rydberg Reyher, Kathy Peterson, Kay Rendleman, Mark H. Barker, Robert J. Lane, Shawn Mitchell, Tom Wiens. This “Likes Cooking bacon with a machine-gun” profile is almost too perfect to be believed, but you can’t claim a Facebook friendship without being accepted.

Jesus Springs rejects Christian values!

homelessCOLORADO SPRINGS- It’s official! Colorado Springs City Council last night renounced our city’s long-reputed (and disputed) Christian Values. In yesterday’s session, an ordinance was approved to prohibit the homeless from seeking refuge on public land. Some might see this is a step forward for the pious headquarters of America’s military religious empire, a self-suicide bomb to its pseudo-spiritual center.

The council on Tuesday listened to hours of public input, predominantly against adopting the ordinance for a panoply of reasons. The speakers thanked the councilors for their patience. More than a couple reminded them of Jesus’ words, what you do for the least of my brethren, etc. The nefarious Doug Bruce weighed in against the ordinance, not out of sympathy for the “bums” but because he thought the legalese too vague. Many speakers for the homeless agencies asked the city for more time, to delay a decision for further study. They sensed perhaps that passage of the ordinance was eminent, but ultimately gave the council its cue.

Between doing nothing and doing something, eight out of the nine councilors expressed that they had to do something, which meant the ban. Police Chief Meyers had presented no other options for consideration. In his presentation the day before, the alternatives listed were “none.”

And whether they intended it or not, a number of local advocacy groups put their name to the chief’s report. He made clear that not all of the organizations favored the camping prohibition, but more cleverly, he summarized their input as having concluded their were no other options. Included as hapless “signatories” were the PPJPC and the local ACLU. I’m not sure how several meetings about the homeless issue, led by the PPJPC, could have yielded no other options but a ban, but that was how the police chief summarized it.

The only refutations offered were testimonials to the potential efficacy of third party faith-based agencies to help the homeless, and pleas for more time. There was little discussion about what else the city might do.

Of course there is an important alternative the city can consider. More services. If the homeless present a health, sanitation, security and humanitarian problem, resolve it with better services.

I was making the point earlier about private and public property. Public land is the public’s private property. The city has just as much responsibility to provide services to the public lands and it does to the private. More so, actually. What the city has done in this case is withhold sufficient services and blamed the problem on the homeless. Is there a mess? Clean it. Is there lawlessness, police it? A fire risk? Monitor it. People living in need? Give.

The city council members assumed to help the poor with this ban, intent to lift them from their squalor. How patronizing.

Imagine if the city was to withhold services from private property. Imagine if private homes lo longer received sewer and water, garbage pickup and police oversight. Our residential areas would quickly be swallowed by tremendous squalor. Imagine telling private property owners to pick themselves up from their mess.

we need Lisners of the PEOPLE NOT Dictators of the PEOPLE! USA! ROCKS!

Television cameras today gravitated toward Doug Lamborn supporters. Thank goodness this flag-waver showed up with a sign to confirm visually the nagging suspicion that his crowd was illiterate.

Lamborn snickered, literally sniggered, about the success of the summer’s tea party gatherings and his hopes for more.

CHANGE THAT WORKS brought bingo cards with each square representing an Obamacare untruth Lamborn could be expected to roll out to frighten the audience. As he hit each phrase, players would shout “YOU LIE” until the eventual “BINGO!” The Gazette labeled us hecklers, but got a picture of Pattie scanning her scorecard, and me holding off an interloper.

I hope the Gazette goes with this photo for tomorrow’s print edition. Health Care Reform up against the forces of darkness.

As audience members challenged Lamborn’s presentation, sinister looking men would crowd in on us, some physically threatening, others trying to mumble through arguments. The net effect created a disruptive buzz which actually diverted our energies to engage the town hall forum. I found it effective to block their gaze by sticking up my hand, which also prevented their approach. Rita circulated handouts which cautioned the men against personal confrontations. News photographers captured the images, but note that none of these men would reveal their names.

lamborn-town-hall-tony-sopranoLoring documented the goons, including this one who addressed Loring’s video camera with his best Tony Soprano impression: “How ya doin? Got a little camera?”

Loring’s video is already online. Mark will put together a CSAction video shortly. Gazette comment section troll MBurke has posted pictures of the meeting.

Here’s the full image, taken after the town hall meeting, all cameras on her. Yes, that’s Doug Bruce in the background, pushing his latest attack on the Colorado Springs municipal budget.

lamborn doug bruce
Anti-tax pig Doug Bruce was there handing out brochures about his stealth stormwater fee proposal.

Putting Doug Bruce petitions on the run

Pushing tax reduction petitions
WESTSIDE, COLORADO SPRINGS- A signature gatherer pushing Doug Bruce petitions was doing miserably well outside the Uintah King Soopers today, but I was able to interrupt for the quarter hour I could spare. Give him your 15-cents worth when you come for groceries. He’ll run, watch:

As you go in, and when you come out, take a few minutes to intervene as this guy collects signatures to lower municipal taxes. These kind of measures are why the bathrooms remain locked in our city parks, and why the city and county have had to cut back on services. But the signature collectors won’t tell you who’s behind their petitions. Nor have they any answers about the ramifications of their proposed legislation.

Unfortunately this guy is otherwise very good at drawing people in. In the photograph above, note that he has three clipboards distributed, and he’s trying for a fourth, notice two customers have pen in hand.

Ask him if Doug Bruce is behind these petitions. He told me he didn’t know. I knew, so I told him, and I occasioned to help him inform others as he approached westside residents. When the name “Doug Bruce” is mentioned, people smile and steer clear. This guy kept his distance sooner than entertain a discussion. You need only stand by the door to ward him off.

Obviously I couldn’t do that forever. He resumed as soon as I left. When I came back from the car with my camera, he saw me coming, gathered his clipboards and split. Now it was no surprise to me that he wouldn’t want to be documented doing what he was, but an impartial observer might wonder, what was his hurry? This guy took off on a dead run and reconsidered only when he realized I followed straight after and was overtaking him.

petition signature collector
He ran from me so fast I wished I’d recorded the scene in video. Well, next time.

petition signature collector

petition signature collector

petition signature collector