
maize mealLack of money to pay for higher priced cornmeal is what is helping starve millions in Southern Sudan, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Somalia, and elsewhere in Africa. Many are just a few weeks from dying because they can’t buy the cornmeal at current prices.
ZAMBIA: A better meal than maize-meal.
Facing hunger in Kenya’s Kajiado.

Why not send the cornmeal in, instead of sending in the troops, setting up ‘no fly zones’, and spending money on ‘pirate control’? Not to mention all that money being spent on supplying those US troops spread all around the globe with their daily rations of hamburger with cheese? Where’s the humanitarian interventionism?

Because your government is so horrible you can do your own personal part in helping people out here. Go to any dollar store and buy a couple of dollar bags of corn meal, then go the post office, get the stamps and send it off to…

Starving Child Aid
c/o Barack Obama
White House USA

with a note…

Please make sure this food gets to countries in Africa where the poor can’t buy cornmeal because you are spending so damn much world $$$ on ‘missile shields’, wars on drugs, wars on a ghost called global terrorism, and the war against common sense.

Thank you,
Mr. President

Then again? …better yet, just send it straight to…

Starving Child
Postal service of
African Country with increasing hunger

It would get there then perhaps? Less corruption.

These meds are dangerous to your child’s health; So why haven’t they been removed from pharmacy shelves?

TylenolIt’s a multiple billion dollar industry with dangerous ingredients in them, but they haven’t been removed from America’s pharmacies shelves at all. Actually these meds are there now everywhere, including convenience stores, grocery stores, and dollar stores. There are constant ads for them on television counselling parents to buy them for their babies and kids to ingest. Find them on coupons, in magazines, anywhere you might look.

Parents misuse these ‘medicines’ thinking that they are safe to get their small kids asleep. It is a kind of toxic baby sitter for many less aware mothers and dads. I am talking about ‘Children’s Tylenol’ and like formulations. How many parents angrily must have these products prescribed, given, and even forced on their children, all the while thinking that it is malpractice if they are not?

It is a step in the right direction to now have a ‘warning’ given about their dangers given out by at least one organization, but where is the Federal government here? They have sat quiet for decades upon decades as the evidence of how dangerous acetaminophen, pseudophed, and anti-histamines can be for kids. The worst danger of them all is acetaminophen (Tylenol) the supposedly safer ‘alternative’, or so spouts the advertising by Tylenol (McNEIL-PPC, Inc).

Drug companies: No cold meds for kids under 4
New voluntary warning labels caution against use by young children

They might finally get pulled off a few shelves thanks to some American pediatricians finally doing the right thing. Unfortunately, without a bigger campaign against their use, parents may actually use the same meds in adult form (or otherwise) on their kids? These medications need to be lobbied against and not lobbied for.

Don’t do it! Don’t do it even in smaller, more dilute doses! Don’t give these unnecessary and at times directly harmful medications to your small children. And just get rid of these meds altogether if there is any chance that somebody might try to commit suicide in your household. Tylenol can mess you over (yes! adults and teenagers alike, let alone children) quick if even a few too many are actually swallowed.

Are you Middle Class?

Everybody’s Middle Class these days in America! Go to the Dollar Stores and everybody will tell you that they are mainly Middle Class. Go to Walmart and hear more of the same, whether you are in Sam’s Club or at the Walmart slums.

All the military people will also probably claim themselves to be the Great Middle Class, whether lowest grunt or if they be all the way on up. Right, Colin? Right, Ricardo? Right, David? (Petraeus) Yeah, it’s all one and the same, we are all Middle Class in America! Or so THEY say… Welcome to the USA, Where All the Classes are Middle

Higher food prices now being driven by higher fuel prices

We can now see the first effects of the world energy crisis, as local grocery stores are creeping their prices of basic foods upward. The dollar stores also are not exactly dollar stores these days, and never will be again. There are two reasons for these price hikes.

First off, the Pentagon is doing this to us. We are throwing them money (and hence the military suppliers and contractors money, too) like it is going out of style. This is money we simply don’t have, and therefore it is coming from loans to our government, who then passes it off to those that have literally bought the government.

We know who eventually will get stuck with paying off these bad debts, too. It will be the working class and lower middle class of our country. And meanwhile, the rich suck at this gigantic welfare program (teat) with absolutely no shame, as they wave the American flag outside all their offices pretending to be the great patriots. The lower echelons of this fraud get 10% off!

Second cause of the rising prices is simply that we have hit the crisis of declining world oil supplies head on, and nobody has any solution to it beyond trying to corner the world supply (Thank you, Dick Cheney and Dumbo Dubya). But capturing control of world petroleum supply doesn’t exactly increase it, even if such a plot were to be ever successful. All in all, we still have yet to come up with an alternative to the mobility of oil transport, and we are dependent on oil, as we have been for all the later half of the industrial revolution.

Some think that the solution is turning back to coal. Some think it is turning to the deadly nuclear option. Some dream of sun, hydrogen fuel cells, and wind. Meanwhile, in the real world, it is still oil that fuels civilization, uh ‘civilization’ as we know it.

We currently have a rapacious economic system that expands constantly at nature’s expense. Nature is now fed up with it, even if our family and neighbors are not. Nature is run down, and will be run out if we continue this way.

Meanwhile, the prices have begun to inch up and we grow uncomfortable here at home. Elsewhere, things have grown more desperate from the start. Ahead, it is $4/ gallon prices this summer, and the sky will certainly be the limit. Oil barrel prices flown up from below $10 a barrel (not adjusted for inflation) as close back as the mid- ’80s some 22 years ago, to heading towards $120 a barrel right now. It is easy to see how our dollars are now being turned to pennies and we haven’t seen anything yet.

There are some horrible times for the world ahead as the world begins to run into shorter and shorter supply of oil. Meanwhile, let’s shop if we can, shall we not? It’s going to be much harder to do that soon.

Problem eyes?

My 10 year old has become obsessed with eyeware in the last couple of months, not because she has needed glasses but solely because for some reason, some in her age bracket think glasses are cool? As a long time ‘four eyes’ I have been baffled by this attention to the subject she has had, that has even mandated me buying her ‘cool’ $1 glasses at the dollar store for her wardrobe. But this week she was asking me about contact lenses instead.

Basically, I told her, that there were 3 options available these days for us visually challenged, the ‘four eyes’ amongst us. Surgery, contact lenses, or glasses. Girls unfortunately seem to opt more for the contact lenses I told her, principally because they have traditionally seemed to think that glasses make them unattractive to boys. But then I confessed that as a boy I had never come to be able to want to put these damn little things in my eyes, poking around with my fingers on my eyeballs daily, and that I thought that contacts were way too dangerous anyway. As so do I think surgery still is.

And Lo and Behold, here crops up the latest contact lense caused epidemic into the news! Eye fungus outbreak is causing severe eye damage up to blindness, in hundreds across America. And it appears mainly that this epidemic is hurting women (higher percentage of contact lense users than men), making it yet another way that women searching for ‘beauty’ oftentimes endanger themselves while doing it.

This is a shame I told her, because I have always thought that women with glasses can be quite cute anyway. So lesson? Don’t go chasing shadows that aren’t even really real. You’ll still be attractive with contact lenses, or without.

Oh. And don’t let the corporations make it legally impossible to sue them for damages if they tempt you to blind yourself with their product. It’s a dangerous world out there, so be careful with the choices they try to get you to make.

Where have we heard that before?

pictureWhen Israel initiated its new incursion into Lebanon, it was deja vu at first sight and just hasn’t let up. But it’s not so much to do with Israel’s previous invasion of Lebanon, actually.
When Israeli troops prepared their offensive into Lebanon, in self-defense, they had embedded reporters with them. The media didn’t appear to be interested in covering Hizb’Allah or the Lebanese army.

When Beirut awaited Israeli air strikes, a solitary camera fed American networks a view of the Beirut skyline in anticipation of far off explosions and fires.
(Do you wonder -with webcams and surveillance cameras literally available at the Dollar Store- why wouldn’t they want to put cameras close in to the action?)
When casualty reports came in about military skirmishes, every Israeli soldier’s death was reported. Hizb’Allah casualties were unknown. Sound familiar?

Now Israel is complaining about having to overcome a problem of foreign fighters among the Hizb’Allah ranks. Iranian they were, too, apparently.

Remember how many foreign fighters we found in Iraq?

pictureRupert Murdock’s British SKY NEWS made the mistake of interviewing George Galloway about the notion of foreign fighters in Lebanon.