Thunderous Silence From The Right…

When Glenn Beck, Darling Boychild of the Right Wing Lunatic Fringe, allowed an equally demented guest, former Osama bin Laden hunter extraordinaire Michael F. Scheuer, to say that America needed another 9/11, this time with WMDs, in order to force Americans to completely abandon liberty and the Democratic Process and reinstate their Master Richard Cheney as Dictator-for-life, trade all that went before for the safety of being abject slaves.
They’re willing, for their own political power, to give up perhaps millions of American Lives and a U.S. city or two.
That’s the Classic Definition of Terrorism.

“Only Osama can… [laugh] …can execute an attack which will force Americans to demand that their Government protect them effectively, consistently, and with as much violence as necessary.”

“If you want to understand what’s going on and if you would like to get to know some of the reasons for your losing the war against us, then read the book of Michael Scheuer.” — Osama bin Laden

and with as much violence as necessary But, you see the “as necessary” part is left entirely up to them.

Reactions to this literally Anti-American speech from the Far Right Lunatic Fringe? Not even.

No “Outrage!” segments on DumFox Noose Nutwerks. No cricket chirping. Nothing.

This from a Right Wing Blogger on Fark… posterized by a friend of mine to highlight the exact meaning behind what these jerkoffs are saying…

right after the election they were saying this

My friend also posted this comment to go along with it…

I just want one person on the Republican side of the ideological aisle to justify this. You see, a joke about Sarah Palin’s daughter has Republicans marching in the streets. How does that outrage equate when one of their own is openly hoping for a terrorist attack on TV?

Why are they not denouncing this in the strongest possible terms, with no modifiers?

Why indeed.

I think George Bush and Dick Cheney Rejoiced when the towers went down.

Their Regime was, in the words of Bush Daddy, “in deep doo-doo”.

Their friends and accomplices at Enron were being investigated, for the last time as it turned out, their ties to THAT massive ripoff of America was being mercilessly exposed… and an old family friend of Bush engineers an attack on American soil… and, thanks to among many, Michael F. Scheuer, never caught. How Convenient.

My sister the Air Force Sergeant was Horrified that I would say such a thing “How DARE you! Thinking he would get thousands of ‘His citizens’ KILLED like that?”

Well, Sis, he DOES consider us HIS property, although they only used the term “citizens” when spouting propaganda, and then he got thousands more of “His” citizens killed in Iraq, fighting for “his” oil.

And, his accomplices and friends at Enron were given 8 more years to complete their original job of stripping America bare.

How Very very very convenient.

But you read it here first, folks. Cause you KNOW the Right Wing NutJobs at DumFox and KVOR ain’t gonna tell you that they want Americans killed, by the millions if necessary.

Not in those exact terms. Or, not usually.

They DID for ten years publish exactly that kind of plan in the Project for the New American Century.

If McBush and Obama were in collusion all along…

They sure were sloppy about it. Logic, people, logic.. why would an intelligent group of people condone and inflame a very large group of very heavily armed very stupid people, like the McPalin Supporters, who are somewhat to the right of Attila the Hun?

McPalin of course weren’t the brightest bubbles in the bath.

Aren’t. They’re still alive.

Nutjobs with guns don’t make much good for anything or anybody.

Even Hitler had to get rid of his version of Our Dear Friends here who, amongst other lovely tokens of peace, threw a rotten deer head at an Obama rally.

Palin’s BrownShirts might not be as easy to get rid of from the P.O.V. of either an Obama or McCain administration.

And many of these FruitBaskets simply and plainly stated intentions to Kill President Obama.

Assuming a small amount of rational thought processes and attributing them to a man, who, unlike our current President, actually went to Harvard on his own merit, rather than Legacy Points, or “Affirmative Action for Stupid Rich Kids”…

…and assuming that he had the intelligence AND the calm determination to see it through all the way to even being nominated, far less elected,…

These are the actions of a Rational, Intelligent, Educated man.

NOT somebody who would either take one gun and place it against his temple, and pull the trigger in a game of Russian Roulette, much less place thousands or even tens of thousands of Lunatics carrying fully loaded, round in the chamber, finger on the trigger guns against himself.

Somebody who would do that would be either an Idiot or a Lunatic or Both.

I could see, you know, Palin believing that she could control a herd of Armed Lunatics, but she IS an idiot.

McCain’s concession speech should be an eye opener.

These weren’t the usual Street Rabble who throw bottles at us from their moving cars when we stand vigil, you know, not the Shock Troops…

Hand-picked, more thoroughly vetted than Sarah Herself was, …

And they were ready to go for the throat.

The first round of cat-calls and boos, when he shut them down, then said a couple more sentences, they started booing and cat-calling again and chanting John McCain John McCain John McCain, then he shut them down again, and at the conclusion the boos were louder, and this time they verbally abandoned him, in response to his making the first really rational attempt to calm their blood-lust he made since before the convention… they started chanting USA USA USA USA USA

Another bit of Hysterical Revisionism…

This one from a purported former head of NORAD, allegedly had his finger on the Nuclear Trigger for 3 years therefore he knows all there is to know about radical Islam.

He spouted that Islam had been attacking the West since the 7th century, that it was and is and always will be about envy of Western achievements.

This doesn’t jibe well with the fact that in the 7th century, Europe was in the darkest part of the Dark Ages, Rome had just fallen forever, and none of the Kings of Europe including Charlemagne and his Daddy, Charles Martel, could even so much as write their own names. Some enlightened Western thought there, yes?

While and at the time what we now think of as the Muslim World were far far ahead of the West in every matter of art, literature and science. They invented Chess, Algebra, and chemistry. Amongst others.

But the Good Major General Some-name-or-other doesn’t let facts get in his way, no sir…

Next up is the assertion that the European powers decimated Islam to the point that they took centuries to crawl up to the level of whatever…

Again, REAL History rears its ugly head…

The European Powers managed to kill more Europeans than they did Arabs, and far more Europeans than the Arabs did. These would be European Jews and CHRISTIANS.

People who cite the Crusades as a shining example of Christian virtue, well, damn, what if they’re right and that actually IS the best Christianity has ever accomplished? I as a Christian am constantly defending my faith against the best efforts of these Bozoes to defile and destroy it. But never mind.

After getting kicked out of Jerusalem a scant 70 years after they had finally won it, they brought back to Europe the beginnings of the Renaissance, mainly in the form of Persian and Turkish and Arabic technology. They also opened up a corridor of Plague which not just figuratively Decimated Europe, it was like 3 and a half TIMES decimated…

Decimation means dropping your population by 10%.

So, according to the NutSack General, (God, PLEASE let the punk read this, PLEASE?) what happened was the diametric opposite of what actually did happen.

Another thing the Crusades brought to Europe, (and the Crusades aren’t officially over, mind you, nor is the Inquisition, just ask Pope Ratzinger) were more Christian-on-Christian and Christian-on-Jew crimes like the 30 years War, the Hundred Years War, war after war after war and all in the name of Religious Purity, and…

using the Crusades as their guideline.

World War One and the Spanish “Civil” War and of course WW2 were the almost culmination of it, but, wait, THERE’S MORE! Every stinkin’ single war of the 20th century can be traced to the massive defeat Europe took during the Crusades.

But hey, they put a Hate-Freak like THAT in charge of America’s Nukes?

…and he has the ear of the Bush Crime Family and their newly adopted son, John McCain.

so long, Mom…
I’m off
to drop
the Bomb…