Sean Hannity & the Global War OF Terror

The quicker we get Sean Hannity waterboarded the better. But we can hope for better than merely shutting him up about whether or not waterboarding is torture. Let’s figure out WHAT we can waterboard him for!

Is there a secret we want to extract from Sean Hannity? Or is there just something he’s done for which America could feel comfort in exacting redress? Wouldn’t that be the real point of torture? And actually, not to draw Hannity’s blood, but to extrude the shit from his colleagues looking on, who might fancy themselves next, O’Reilly, Limbaugh, et al.

I understand Hannity already has a volunteer to administer the procedure, what we really need is the person to direct it. To issue the thumbs up or thumbs down, irrationally, to heighten the torment.

Hannity has volunteered to subject himself to what he considers no more than fraternity hazing. Olberman has offered $1,000 for ever second Hannity lasts. Which I predict will be calculated in fragments of the first second. A subject of waterboarding can hold his breath, but the torturers will start the clock by forcefully expelling that reserve. Waterboarding begins when the victim gasps for air, and inhales water instead.

The media debate around waterboarding asks two questions. Is waterboarding torture? And does torture work? Both questions are flawed. The first is simply an insult, the second is misdirected.

Perhaps the average American is disconnect enough from reality to question whether the unimaginable can be. If you’ve never stepped into the sea, you can speculate that water is not really wet. Fast-food eating television viewers can wonder, does the stove burn?

Does torture work? Of course it does. To wonder if torture is an effective method of interrogation is to get the question entirely wrong.

In one debate about the efficacy of torture, the FBI claims the with one terror suspect they were making gains with psychological methods until the CIA seized custody in order to give the waterboard a try. Apparently with no success, after which the FBI had another promising run interrupted by another CIA inter-department rendition. Sound like the ol’ good agency, bad agency interrogation ploy to you?

Ignored in the torture efficacy assessment is the absence of a control sample. Did the subject have anything to reveal? How unfair to judge an interrogator if his subject doen’t have a secret to crack. And even that misses the point. What is the purpose of torture? Is it to extract information, such as learning of ticking time-bombs to save innocent lives, or is it about preemptive subjugation of people?

To torture someone is to terrorize them with their own helplessness under the thumb of brutal inhumanity. Torture is directed less against the terrorized subject themselves, than the public looking on. Torture is terror. It get the predicate reversed in the phrase “Global War On Terror.” Terror is the subject not the object; actually the objective. It’s the Global War OF Terror. In our GWOT, torture is an important weapon in the US arsonal, and of course it works. Against brave people, it “works” solely to provoke them.

KVOR advertising on Bus Stops…

And billboards.

For those who don’t live in or near the Springs, that’s our Local Right Wing Talk Radio AM station.
Hosting Limbaugh, Beck, Gunny Bob, Hannity, you know the ones…

So they’re now paying out what looks like a couple of Million dollars so far to advertise on the bus stops, and billboards and taxis and the local “news” paper…


They consistently boast that they’re a Number 1 station in the local ratings.

Maybe so. Colorado Springs once advertised itself as the most “conservative” city in America.

You would think that the local outlet for such luminaries as Rush and Hannity wouldn’t need to advertise… except, they are.

And doing it expensively.

To quote Mr Dylan, “the times, they are a-changin’…”

I’ll go for that and order a second helping.

Barack Obama hugs the Republican Right instead of trying to erase it

GOP certified designMost rank and file Democratic Party voters loathe the Republican Right Wing of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O’really? and want to destroy the dominance of this ideology within American politics over the last 3 decades. When they hear the word CHANGE, that’s what they want it to mean.

But what does it mean when Barack Obama verbally hugs people like Pastor Warren, John McCain, and brings into his own Administration the most tepid political types possible? It means that Barack Obama is not one with this desire of the rank and file Democrat voter to destroy the Political Right’s influence in American politics for good.

The Democratic Party makes public policy in alliance with the US Political Republican Right, and that is what they will continue to do since that is what their corporate funders and backers want them to do. The Democratic Party voters do not control the Democratic Party politicians, but rather the Democratic Party politicians control the DP voters. And both are controlled by the Democratic Party funders. That is just how politics works, so get out of the bad habit of being one of those Democratic Party voters.

And most of all, do something other than just only voting. Without your activities outside of the electoral con games being played, no elimination of the Republican Right will ever occur in this country. You do want them gone for good, don’t you?

What in the HELL is wrong with the Palin Disciples?

Do Right Wingers take daily Stupid Pills or something? The man’s Grandma died and they’re saying it’s a conspiracy te bury their bogus claims about his citizenship, and an attempt to gain a “sympathy vote” WTF?

Some Stupid Palin Prick got on my case Saturday because I used bad language to describe their Decadent Warmongering Bitch of a VP candidate and their War Criminal Candidate for president.

But they get to use abusive language like that to describe Obama’s grief, to attack a man when a close member of his family DIED.

I just know Hannity and Rush are going to be spouting off with their BULLSHIT first thing in the morning. And Local Assholes like “Gunny Bob” will happily chirp right along with the Demented Chorus coming from the Right Hand Side of the Orchestra. McCain is supposedly going to be in town as well, with that stupid Prick Not-Joe the Not-really-a-Plumber.

Maybe McCain will be a little bit decent about it, not dance on Grandma’s grave… But you can bet the Local Asshole Squad are going to be doing it, probably at his mini-rally, and he, Strong Leader that he pretends to be, will let them.

The McCain Palin people who were out Saturday with their kids along, Waving the flag in people’s faces and gloating over having gotten 4200 American Soldiers killed for their oil companies, and of course the Iraqi victims of their Pillage,…

Had signs saying “Drill, baby Drill” but the war they support…

Any of you ChickenHawk Republicans reading this, A more HONEST sign would have been Kill BABIES, Kill!

Rather than teach your kids that it’s ok to go over and KILL little kids just like them, why don’t you Bastards for once in your Literally God-Damned lives gain enough Moral Courage to sit them down and show them pictures of Dead Babies and Dead Soldiers.

Tell them that’s the REAL War.

Instead of telling them it’s some Great Adventure, a Noble Deed that God commanded you to do?

YOUR coward little president said Jesus leads him in the war on so-called terror.

YOUR psychotic Bitch VP-Candidate says the same thing.

But, hey, go ahead and LIE to your kids and to yourselves, but mostly to your KIDS, tell them that Mommy and Daddy are real Christians and Righteous People who deserve to take the Oil from those godless heathen Enemies like the little kids you killed with your support for Mr Bush’s War…

Go ahead and tell them that it’s Good and Righteous to send other people’s kids off to kill and die for their Tank of Gas.

You have Blood on YOUR hands for supporting that.

Bet you don’t actually have the courage to tell your kids the TRUTH.

Murderers, liars and thieves, the whole lot of you.

You chickenshit chickenhawk pricks want to get on MY case for using Naughty Words after what you did?

Well Fuck You with a brillo-pad, punk-ass bitches.

Fox Terrorist Network Exposed!

Fox Terrorist Adkisson, who shot up a liberal church, was a fan of Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, and Michael Savage. Like anyone with an triple digit IQ didn’t see that one coming.

Bad karma. Bob Novak — who joked about Ted Kennedy getting brain cancer — has brain cancer.

There must be an election coming up, Dept. of Der Fatherland Security is ratcheting up the scare level again. Boo!

Another right wing lie is exposed.

Study proves media has been harder on Obama than McCain.

Remember when McCain said he would run a “clean” campaign? What a steaming pile of shit!

Bush to completely bankrupt the country on his way out.

Excerpts from Thomas McCullock’s notes July 29,

Knowing we are in over our heads

One reason we have governments, for you inquiring civil libertarians, is for guidance. I can certainly think of two matters which might always evade common man’s grasp: nutrition and economics.

In spite of all best efforts to educate a public, we may have to agree that nutrition and economics are too big for the layman to grapple. We elect representatives to Washington to advise our lives about complexities like these.

Take for example the fudgsicle, it’s “low fat” but probably not on the whole going to make you skinnier. By the taste, the fudgsicle is made of sugar. So where does that put it, as obesity causal factors go?

Regulating calorie intake vis-a-vis carbs, electrolytes, supplements, additives, toxins and who knows what, is not a static math problem. It’s about maintaining a buoyant equilibrium as we move our bodies forward in our mortal trajectory. It’s like keeping the steam pressure up on an old locomotive, there was a reason the train drivers were called engineers. A steam engine didn’t start and go like its Lionel Train facsimile, it had to be tended, coaxed and fed lest it a) falter or b) explode.

Not everyone can be an engineer. We can read how-tos, and feel good about taking the levers, but ultimately the pop-guides are written to take us in circles to the next self-help over-simplification.

Likewise, not everyone can understand economic theory. We like to apply our bookkeeping common sense, our coupon-clipping savvy, and Nike GTD ethic to the federal budget: just balance it, but spreading greater prosperity is much more complicated than that. Try conducting even domestic trading with “neither a borrower nor a lender be.”

That’s why we elect administrators, that’s why we make them give big speeches to demonstrate their competence. We know we want smart people to be in charge. You’d think that concern would be intuitive, but we have learned it to be otherwise.

Evidently we need at the very least to be taught in our schools that our leaders must have more than the common sense of our drinking buddies. Our educational system must keep citizens up to speed to appreciate that governance is a demanding task. We don’t need to know the complexities, but we need to know enough to tell buffoons like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, and Sean Hannity that their homespun drivel is for uneducated morons.

John Paul Second, the sequel…

Catch the Easter Morning Mass ? I bet the NeoCons are real sad about this… hee hee hee…
They have been anxiously awaiting a Casus Belli and Jus ad Bellum from him, something that they never got from JP2.

Without those 2 pronouncements, basically which would make it not a sin for a Catholic to kill somebody in a war, Catholic soldiers would have to go to confession every time they do.

You know, when Hannity was babbling about Ratzinger having effectively stopped a “Marxist takeover” of the Vatican, by writing a pastoral letter denouncing Liberation Theology, he was pronouncing “a death knell for Liberalism in the Catholic Church” and all the NeoCon pundits were howling for joy because they thought (or at least said, sometimes they say things they don’t really mean in their heart of hearts) that a “Conservative” pope had been elected.

In a case of long term memory kicking in, they were crowing the same way when JP2 got elected… because JP2 was opposed to the Soviet Bloc.

Also, Liberation Theology is the way the Catholic Church justifies the existence of the United States as a Legitimate Government…

Guess there is no joy in Mudville tonight, or Crawford either.

This makes Ratzinger’s second Urbi et Orbis Easter Mass, and he shows no sign of being a “tame” Pope.
Last night, I stayed up all night wondering where the Sun had gone….
and then, suddenly, it dawned on me…