UCSB Prof William Robinson pro-Semite

Putting down the Warsaw Ghetto uprising
Wouldn’t you think it bad form for Israeli militants to behave like Nazis, while immunizing themselves with the self-righteous indignation that any criticism of their actions can simply be dismissed as “anti-Semitic?” Photographs and confessions emerging from the IDF’s atrocities in Gaza just beg comparison the German Einsatzgruppen in Poland. Earlier this year UC Santa Barbara professor William Robinson forwarded an email photo essay to a UCSB listserv, the already much-circulated side by side comparison to the WWII atrocities. Two students complained, plagiarizing stock IDF lingo. Now the Anti-Defamation League wants Robinson to recant. With IDF propagandists pouring on the bullshit, let’s revisit the documents.

As has already been noted, Professor Robinson is a harsh critic of US foreign policy, and already a likely target for the goon squad enforcers of Western Capitalism. Not many of America’s actions are defensible, so Robinson has to be attacked by desperate means. Lucky for the lackey-jackals, Robinson chose to criticize Israel’s atrocities against the Palestinians of Gaza. Bingo!

The Israeli propaganda machine has armed aspiring Israel-defenders with a blanket rebuttal: just yell “ANTI-SEMITISM!” And what a load of crap that is. Much turns on the definition of “anti-Semitism.” It packs the punch of meaning someone who hates Jews, but the advocates of Zionism have expanded the definition into 3-D! Zionist apologist Nathan Sharansky has coined the 3D definition of ant-Semitism: demonization of Israel, double standards, and delegitimization. You don’t have to look closely to note that those points outline all the rebuttals of criticisms of Israel and any question of the legitimacy of the Zionist usurpation of Palestine.

The criticisms posed by those concerned for the fate of Gaza are the same expressed by a large portion of the Israeli Jewish population as well. But the US Israeli lobby, militantly Zionist, has the complicity of the US war-mongering corporate media, thus the IDF Megaphone protestations get traction. These are the same cheap shots leveled against Ward Churchill. By flooding the internet to create the sensation that the indignation was shared, the IDF spammers have been successful in slandering these dissenting academics.

Since we’re seeing this technique being slopped unto our comment forums, let’s examine the statement for which Robinson is being attacked. First we’ll present Robinson’s email. The next post will feature the ensuing letters of complaint, two from UCSB students, and third from the ADL.

Original Email
Here is Professor Robinson’s original email, including his attachment of the Judith Stone article. This accompanied the aforementioned photo essay he forwarded.

Subject: [socforum] parallel images of Nazis and Israelis
From: “William I. Robinson” …
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 21:00:05

If Martin Luther King were alive on this day of January 19, 2009, there is no doubt that he would be condemning the Israeli aggression against Gaza along with U.S. military and political support for Israeli war crimes, or that he would be standing shoulder to shoulder with the Palestinians. I am forwarding some horrific, parallel images of Nazi atrocities against the Jews and Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians. Perhaps the most frightening are not those providing a graphic depiction of the carnage but that which shows Israeli children writing “with love” on a bomb that will tear apart Palestinian children.

Gaza is Israel’s Warsaw – a vast concentration camp that confined and blockaded Palestinians, subjecting them to the slow death of malnutrition, disease and despair, nearly two years before their subjection to the quick death of Israeli bombs. We are witness to a slow-motion process of genocide (Websters: “the systematic killing of, or a program of action intended to destroy, a whole national or ethnic group”), a process whose objective is not so much to physically eliminate each and every Palestinian than to eliminate the Palestinians as a people in any meaningful sense of the notion of people-hood.

The Israeli army is the fifth most potent military machine in the world and one that is backed by a propaganda machine that rivals and may well surpass that of the U.S., a machine that dares to make the ludicrous and obnoxious claim that opposition to the policies and practices of the Israeli state is anti-Semitism. It should be no surprise that a state founded on the negation of a people was one of the principal backers of the apartheid South African state not to mention of the Latin American military dictatorships until those regimes collapsed under mass protest, and today arms, trains, and advises military and paramilitary forces in Colombia, one of the world’s worst human rights violators.

Below is an article written by a U.S. Jew and sent to a Jewish newspaper. The editor of the paper was fired for publishing it.

Quest for Justice

By Judith Stone

I am a Jew. I was a participant in the Rally for the Right of Return to Palestine. It was the right thing to do.

I’ve heard about the European holocaust against the Jews since I was a small child. I’ve visited the memorials in Washington, DC and Jerusalem dedicated to Jewish lives lost and I’ve cried at the recognition to what level of atrocity mankind is capable of sinking.

Where are the Jews of conscience? No righteous malice can be held against the survivors of Hitler’s holocaust. These fragments of humanity were in no position to make choices beyond that of personal survival. We must not forget that being a survivor or a co-religionist of the victims of the European Holocaust does not grant dispensation from abiding by the rules of humanity.

“Never again” as a motto, rings hollow when it means “never again to us alone.” My generation was raised being led to believe that the biblical land was a vast desert inhabited by a handful of impoverished Palestinians living with their camels and eking out a living in the sand. The arrival of the Jews was touted as a tremendous benefit to these desert dwellers. Golda Mier even assured us that there “is no Palestinian problem.”

We know now this picture wasn’t as it was painted. Palestine was a land filled with people who called it home. There were thriving towns and villages, schools and hospitals. There were Jews, Christians and Muslims. In fact, prior to the occupation, Jews represented a mere 7 percent of the population and owned 3 percent of the land.

Taking the blinders off for a moment, I see a second atrocity perpetuated by the very people who should be exquisitely sensitive to the suffering of others. These people knew what it felt like to be ordered out of your home at gun point and forced to march into the night to unknown destinations or face execution on the spot. The people who displaced the Palestinians knew first hand what it means to watch your home in flames, to surrender everything dear to your heart at a moment’s notice. Bulldozers leveled hundreds of villages, along with the remains of the village inhabitants, the old and the young. This was nothing new to the world.

Poland is a vast graveyard of the Jews of Europe. Israel is the final resting place of the massacred Palestinian people. A short distance from the memorial to the Jewish children lost to the holocaust in Europe there is a leveled parking lot. Under this parking lot is what’s left of a once flourishing village and the bodies of men, women and children whose only crime was taking up needed space and not leaving graciously. This particular burial marker reads: “Public Parking”.

I’ve talked with Palestinians. I have yet to meet a Palestinian who hasn’t lost a member of their family to the Israeli Shoah, nor a Palestinian who cannot name a relative or friend languishing under inhumane conditions in an Israeli prison. Time and time again, Israel is cited for human rights violations to no avail. On a recent trip to Israel, I visited the refugee camps inhabited by a people who have waited 52 years in these ‘temporary’ camps to go home. Every Palestinian grandparent can tell you the name of their village, their street, and where the olive trees were planted. Their grandchildren may never have been home, but they can tell you where their great-grandfather lies buried and where the village well stood. The press has fostered the portrait of the Palestinian terrorist. But, the victims who rose up against human indignity in the Warsaw Ghetto are called heroes. Those who lost their lives are called martyrs. The Palestinian who tosses a rock in desperation is a terrorist.

Two years ago I drove through Palestine and watched intricate sprinkler systems watering lush green lawns of Zionist settlers in their new condominium complexes, surrounded by armed guards and barbed wire in the midst of a Palestinian community where there was not adequate water to drink and the surrounding fields were sandy and dry. University professor Moshe Zimmerman reported in the Jerusalem Post (April 30, 1995), “The Jewish children of Hebron are just like Hitler’s youth.”

We Jews are suing for restitution, lost wages, compensation for homes, land, slave labor and back wages in Europe. Am I a traitor of a Jew for supporting the right of return of the Palestinian refugees to their birthplace and compensation for what was taken that cannot be returned?

The Jewish dead cannot be brought back to life and neither can the Palestinian massacred be resurrected. David Ben Gurion said, “Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves…politically, we are the aggressors and they defend themselves…The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country…”

Palestine is a land that has been occupied and emptied of its people. It’s cultural and physical landmarks have been obliterated and replaced by tidy Hebrew signs. The history of a people was the first thing eradicated by the occupiers. The history of the indigenous people has been all but eradicated as though they never existed. And all this has been hailed by the world as a miraculous act of G-d. We must recognize that Israel’s existence is not even a question of legality so much as it is an illegal fait accompli realized through the use of force while supported by the Western powers. The UN missions directed at Israel in attempting to correct its violations of have thus far been futile.

In Hertzl’s “The Jewish State,” the father of Zionism said, “…We must investigate and take possession of the new Jewish country by means of every modern expedient.” I guess I agree with Ehud Barak (3 June 1998) when he said, “If I were a Palestinian, I’d also join a terror group.” I’d go a step further perhaps. Rather than throwing little stones in desperation, I’d hurtle a boulder.

Hopefully, somewhere deep inside, every Jew of conscience knows that this was no war; that this was not G-d’s restitution of the holy land to it’s rightful owners. We know that a human atrocity was and continues to be perpetuated against an innocent people who couldn’t come up with the arms and money to defend themselves against the western powers bent upon their demise as a people.

We cannot continue to say, “But what were we to do?” Zionism is not synonymous with Judaism. I wholly support the rally of the right of return of the Palestinian people.

Israeli government admits to having committed war crimes

Israel admits using white phosphorous in attacks on Gaza (on its attack on a UN sponsored school). This will bother Barack Obama about as much as his own military murdering civilians in Afghanistan does. Karzai Confirms: US Forces Killed 16 Civilians
Latest Civilian Killings by US Forces Spark Outrage Across War-torn Afghanistan

Lest anybody think that this is somehow an aberration and not representative of the face that the Barack regime will present to the world, Richard Holbrooke, a Clintonite/ Carterite Democratic Party retread elaborates on his opinion that the US government he is now the representative of will be fighting in Afghanistan longer than it did in Vietnam, all to be now under Barack Obama’s direction as US Commander in Chief. See Fata toughest challenge for Obama, says Holbrooke where he talks about Obama’s plans to continually be at war fighting against the peoples of Pakistan, as well as Afghanistan!

We still have a state of permanent US war on the books and that is the game plan under the man who claims to represent CHANGE. It’s the same old thing though, and the only change will be the economic depression that the Democratic Party policies have helped create will also be a happening for the US population in the coming years. ‘Change’ you won’t like.

A good part of Barack Obama’s war games will include yet more future use of Israeli war crimes, like the dropping of White Phosphorus on civilians inside the UN run school for children. Despite all the slick talk by Slick Obama, he doesn’t really give one hoot for human life. It really sickens me to hear folk claim to believe that the man is sincere and wants to make change happen, when it is so blatantly obvious that that simply is not the case. Barack and his Israeli war criminal friends plan on continuing the same Pentagon terrorism in pursuit of supremacy over their neo-colonies.


The indelible shame of the Jewish State.

How Israel is terrorizing the Palestinian people: They are dropping leaflets everywhere in Gaza City warning people to leave immediately, and dropping leaflets outside Gaza City warning everyone to go to Gaza City immediately. (video)

There is no excuse for genocide. UN says Israel admits it LIED about why it attacked those schools and MURDERED those children.

UN to investigate Israeli war crimes in Gaza. The world should spend the next 50 years hunting down the Zionists and their defenders, and try them in the Hague just as they did the Nazis at Nuremburg.

The coming war with Iran. AIPAC co-founder to become Secretary of State’s top advisor on Iran. He’s been pushing for a US attack on Iran for years, there can be no doubt about Obama’s intentions anymore.

Politics is just organized corporate crime. Obama lied about not letting lobbyists on his team, he’s hired a defense contractor lobbyist to be deputy chief at the Pentagon!

IL governor Blagojevich impeached. See how easy it is? We could have gotten rid of Bush years ago, if the Democrats weren’t such PUSSIES. Seems they will only vote to impeach another Democrat!

Excerpts from Thomas McCullock’s Jan 9 notes, thomasmc.com.

The Conservative Motto: Greed is Good, Greed is God!

The trouble with optimism. I especially love the first quote, by Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, who made billions off the Great Depression.

War with Spain? Palestinians file war crimes charges against Israel. Probably moot, as both US presidential candidates would likely bomb any court that rules against US/Israeli war crimes.

Obama makes clear that he’s
sold his soul to the parasitic state
of Israel.

AntiChrist may endorse McCain, laments “It’s getting harder and harder to determine the greater of two evils in this election.”

Will Cheney have Iraqi PM Maliki killed for backing Obama’s withdrawal plan? “Oops, so sorry. We thought we were just bombing a wedding party!”

Evidence that McCain will pick Cheney as his VP?

Grumpy old man alert! NY Times rejects op-ed written by John McCain. I know what you’re thinking: “McCain can write?” Well, according to the NYT, no.

Best gov’t money can buy. Nevada GOP cancels façade of state convention, will instead just have private conference call, where largest donors will decide the nominees. Delegates, who have been locked out by the move, are suing the Nevada Republican Party. I guess it makes sense, though. The Republicans typically sell their votes to the highest bidder, so why not pick their candidates that way?

As the McCain campaign becomes little more than a joke… A senile old geezer, an angry woman and a charming black guy walk into a bar…

Compassionless Conservatives. Bob Novak isn’t just a traitor, he’s also a hit-and-run driver. He hit a pedestrian, and drove off pretending not to even notice the man splayed across his windshield.

Man ticketed for dying in car.

Will Obama “end the war” but continue the occupation?

Proof that Obama is just another war-mongering Republican.

Dark Knight, indeed! Batman arrested for assaulting his elderly mother.

Excerpts from Thomas McCullock’s notes July 23, thomasmc.com.