Great Democratic Disappointment begins

The Honeymoon is Over, America Wakes Up to No Change Obama.
O’s cabinet is starting to look a lot like W’s.

Obama making ultra-zionist wacko Rahm Emanuel Chief of Staff is nothing less than a blatant in-your-face declaration that there can be NO peace in the Middle East while Obama is president.

Ws in disguise. After voters give Obama a landslide victory, Democrats declare they do NOT have a mandate for change!

Faux journalist Chris Matthews declares he will be Obama’s bitch.

Billionaire casino owner (once the third richest man in the USA) and backer of Ultra Reich Wing causes, now bankrupt.

Is Bush planning a false-flag terrorist attack before Obama is inagurated? You betcha!

KKK News mocks African American tears at Obama’s victory speech.

mKKKain supporters display nooses in response to Obama win.

AntiChrist Dobson compares Obama win to Hitler’s destruction of Britain.

Sarah Palin apparently purloined those ritzy clothes, the GOP has sent lawyers to Alaska to demand their return.

Excerpts from Thomas McCullock’s Nov 7 notes,

Hang the Wall Street Extortionists!

Extortion is a crime. The only thing we should bring to Wall St. is a gallows. I rarely agree with Joel Stein, but I guess even a broken watch can be right twice a day. The bailout won’t fix anything, it will only transfer the debt from the guilty to the innocent. And that debt is still going to bring down the economy either way. It’s like moving a big pile of radioactive waste from a nuclear power plant, to the grocery store down the street. The power plant’s problem is solved, because now the problem is yours. The only thing a bailout will accomplish is to encourage the guilty to try and get away with it again.

Why is it the Republicans think everthing that happens is an opportunity to help the filthy rich get out of paying their fair share of taxes?

Class War. Bush wants a trillion dollars to hand over to the filthy-rich, but threatens to veto bill that would give a pittance to the poor.

China cuts off US credit line. Today the Great Depression begins.

Bailout deal reached, until McCain arrives and scuttles it so his campaign can have center stage. [video]

McCain lied. He hasn’t suspended anything.

Egomaniac John McCain declares himself winner of debate, before it even occurs.

John McCain, the antibipartisan. Didn’t the last guy also claim to be a uniter, not a divider? And McCain thinks we’ll fall for that again?

AntiChrist to endorse McCain this Sunday. [NYT] Make no mistake about it, this is nothing less than the Dominionist Theofascists challenging the Constitution of the United States for authority over all our lives.

If Palin has “nothing to hide,” then why the big coverup?

Conservative columnist who supported Palin now says Palin should quit campaign.

CNN anchor decries McCain campaign’s sexist treatment of Sarah Palin.

Excerpts from Thomas McCullock’s Sept 26 notes,

They Call Him “W” So He Can Spell It

Bush brings back nuclear brinkmanship of the Cuban missile crisis. Bush announced that he will be putting missile shield in Poland, Russia responds with threat of nuclear anhilation if Poland allows it. Putin isn’t stupid (like Bush is), he knows the US is bogged down in two senseless wars, and can’t do a damned thing, and NATO will likely collapse rather than follow the idiot W into a nuclear war with Russia.

This is what McCain thinks of Social Security.

John McCain for alzheimer’s patient.

McCain claims he created national “do not call” list, 2 years after it was actually announced by the FTC.

McCain campaign tool CNN suggests Obama is the Antichrist.

Excerpts from Thomas McCullock’s notes Aug 16,

Conservatism Is For Sociopaths

Oh, those caucasians. Russia and Georgia go to war over Ossetia. Thousands are dead, capitol of Ossetia is in ruins, and Bush has declared we are on Georgia’s side…against Russia. So enjoy your weekend, it might be our last.

Pakistan is toppling dictator Musharraf. Pelosi says “What? You can’t impeach a dictator!”

Condi Rice gives Israel a “green light” to attack Iran and start WWIII.

Witness the Nazi State of Israel.

As we all suspected, Cheney has his own private torture dungeon underneath the White House.

Cheney’s flying monkey Douglas Feith forged document linking Saddam and al Qaeda.

New McCain ad calls Obama the AntiChrist.

A country this stupid can’t survive for very long.

Jury gives Salim Hamdan (bin Laden’s driver) a 66 month sentence, including time served — which means he can go home in January. Needless to say, der Führer is pissed, he was demanding a 30 year sentence.

Excerpts from Thomas McCullock’s notes Aug 8,

John Edwards Fathers Bat Boy, Mother is Space Alien!

Nurse! Confused old man camplains, saying surge started almost a year before it did, and that it protected a man who was actually assassinated. [video]

Remember: McCain had a “love child” with a black prostitute! National Enquirer claims John Edwards has a “love child” with another woman. Considering the source, I’m surprised they didn’t claim the baby was Bat Boy, and the mother was a space alien. Oh, and never mind that the alleged mother says the story is total bullshit. Republicans love bullshit!

A government of lies. One of the most deceitful rules our joke of a Congress runs by, is that members have a certain number of days when they can “revise” their testimony in the Congressional Record. So, they can lie their asses off in front of the cameras, and change their story later. Lamar Smith (R-TX) has now taken that to the extreme. While Karl Rove committed contempt of Congress by refusing to obey a subpoena to testify about his involvement in the prosecution of AL Governor Siegelman (D), Lamar has now submitted a fictitious account of Rove actually testifying, thus removing the possibility of contempt charges being filed.

This is the history the delusionists can’t wait to destroy. National Geographic issue on the wonders of Iran.

With apologies to Monty Python. Nobody ever expects the Domionist Agenda! When Dominionism started its rise to power back in the 80s, I was a fundamentalist myself. I remember an issue of Christianity Today warning there was nothing Christian about the movement, and suggesting it was actually the religion of the AntiChrist. Maybe there are prophets, after all.

Reagan worshippers revive their demand that Reagan’s face be put on the $10 bill. What more could you ask to reward the man who brought us all the concept of deregulation, which has destroyed the American economy, and made WE THE PEOPLE little more than slaves to the Corporate Elite? On the other hand, we could put his face on the penny, and then quit minting it because it isn’t worth anything anymore.

Uh oh. Israel is now losing the support of the NeoCons.

Obama quickly losing support of antiwar activists.

What’s missing from The Reich? Slavery!

Can’t get on a plane because someone with a name just 8 letters different is on the terrorist watch list? Can you get off it? Politiburo says “nyet!”

Kinky! Charles Rangel (D-NY) files ethics probe…of himself.

Congresswoman Sally Kern (R-OK) caught trying to smuggle a gun into Capitol. Maybe the gays made her do it? She blames them for everything else.

Hatemongering bigot warns House hearing of black gang raping lesbians if Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is overtuned. “Oh, and did I mention they’re black!

Speaking of rape. Congratulations on your winning bid to buy Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. I wonder which of the Bush clan is making a billion off of this bailout?

Excerpts from Thomas McCullock’s notes July 24,

The Conservative Motto: Greed is Good, Greed is God!

The trouble with optimism. I especially love the first quote, by Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, who made billions off the Great Depression.

War with Spain? Palestinians file war crimes charges against Israel. Probably moot, as both US presidential candidates would likely bomb any court that rules against US/Israeli war crimes.

Obama makes clear that he’s
sold his soul to the parasitic state
of Israel.

AntiChrist may endorse McCain, laments “It’s getting harder and harder to determine the greater of two evils in this election.”

Will Cheney have Iraqi PM Maliki killed for backing Obama’s withdrawal plan? “Oops, so sorry. We thought we were just bombing a wedding party!”

Evidence that McCain will pick Cheney as his VP?

Grumpy old man alert! NY Times rejects op-ed written by John McCain. I know what you’re thinking: “McCain can write?” Well, according to the NYT, no.

Best gov’t money can buy. Nevada GOP cancels façade of state convention, will instead just have private conference call, where largest donors will decide the nominees. Delegates, who have been locked out by the move, are suing the Nevada Republican Party. I guess it makes sense, though. The Republicans typically sell their votes to the highest bidder, so why not pick their candidates that way?

As the McCain campaign becomes little more than a joke… A senile old geezer, an angry woman and a charming black guy walk into a bar…

Compassionless Conservatives. Bob Novak isn’t just a traitor, he’s also a hit-and-run driver. He hit a pedestrian, and drove off pretending not to even notice the man splayed across his windshield.

Man ticketed for dying in car.

Will Obama “end the war” but continue the occupation?

Proof that Obama is just another war-mongering Republican.

Dark Knight, indeed! Batman arrested for assaulting his elderly mother.

Excerpts from Thomas McCullock’s notes July 23,

Ctrl-Alt-Delete: Time to reboot America

Understatement of the year: CNN Poll shows 69% of Americans say the signers of the Declaration of Independence would be disappointed by the way the nation has turned out.

God of Hate. The AntiChristians are boycotting McDonalds, for not hating gays enough, in Jesus name.

Rabid racist and vitrolic gay-basher Jesse Helms burns in Hell.

Gotta have a “beard” if you want to be considered for VP! FL governor Crist is engaged. To a female.

Barack Obama: just another Republican in Democrat’s clothing.

Excerpts from Thomas McCullock’s notes, July 4,