The unconstitutional National Day of Prayer: yes, its advocates live here

Oh for God’s Sake. Is there no end to Colorado Springs’ dumbshittedness? The Colorado supreme court rules against the constitutionality of a national Day of Prayer, to the objection of, the National Day of Prayer Task Force, whose headquarters are HERE in Colorado Springs! Of course the annual proclamation is a violation of the separation of church and state, and the NDPTF doesn’t plan to appeal the decision, but they’ve put out the call for you to appeal it, and they want Governor Hickenlooper to defy the court. Who are these litigious theocratic fascists? Oddly the Gazette article paraphrased the group’s press release without attributing its statements to any spokesperson, perhaps the Gazette is embarrassed for them, you’d like to think. I shall not be surprised if next I learn that Colorado Springs submits an application everyday for its anti-intellectual prowess to be recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records.

We’ll all be neo-know-sumpin’ Texans

Texas State Board of EducationThe conservative majority of the Texas Board of Education thinks school textbooks are “skewed” too much toward education. They want social studies to smile more favorably on Neoclassical Economics, America’s Christian heritage, and the legacy of today’s Neocons. Does it matter if Texas children are being taught dillwad propaganda? Well, the Texas school system is such a quantity buyer, scholastic publishers tailor national texts to conform to Texas know-nothing standards.

If your glass is half full, you might think the Tex-idiots have finally pushed illiteracy so far that American parents and teachers will simply laugh it off and adopt supplementary reading. On the other hand, this conservative surge compounds the devastation of No Child Left Behind. American schoolchildren are being made into absolute idiots, in the image of these 10 Republicans who voted along party lines to teach a history that challenges the separation of church and state.

If your kid doesn’t learn anything from the past, you have these folk to thank:

Don McLeroy– TA&M, dentist, veteran, sunday-school teacher
Gail Lowe– LSU, Lampasas County Conservative Club “Conservative of the Year”
Terri Leo– TA&M, Republican op
Barbara Cargill– Baylor, Methodist Wonders of the Woodlands Science Camp,
Ken Mercer– Texas Homeland Security Council
Geraldine “Tincy” Miller– SMU, TA&M, realtor
David Bradley– TA&M, insurance agent, Beaumont’s Citizens on Patrol
Cynthia Noland Dunbar– Spirit of Freedom Republican Women’s Club
Bob Craig– Texas Tech, SMU
Patricia Hardy– Howard Payne University

Stop recruiting US soldier terrorists

Did I hear this right — Minnesota families are alarmed that their young men are recruited to travel overseas to commit acts of terrorism? Except reporters aren’t talking about shadowy military recruiters with unfettered access to US classrooms and kindergartens enticing American youth to join the global capitalist Jihad, the alarm is about Somali relatives enjoining their fellow refugees to return to their homeland to defend Somalia against Ethiopian invaders.

Trouble is, al-Shabaab, the organization leading the fight in Somalia is being declared a terrorist organization by the US Government. Strange really, because the only acts of terrorism in Somalia are being committed by the US military or their Ethiopian proxy. But terrorism has always been defined by authoritarian propagandists as only what the enemy does. Whether it is a state or an insurgency.

I should think this is problematic when the definition of terrorism is linked to a religious cause. Radical Islam, it would seem, becomes by definition a terrorist goal. Is there not something about the separation of church and state that should hinder the US from deciding that one religion can be outlawed?

Doesn’t this mark an escalation of US state oppression — for the state to decide on which side of foreign struggles its citizens are permitted to weigh? How are foreign populist movements to manage lobbyists in Washington to ensure their struggle isn’t blacklisted as “terrorist?”

It does open the door to American domestic counter-recruiting efforts. Declare the US military a terrorist organization, and we can halt its recruiters in their tracks. No more fresh recruit pipeline to the occupation zones, no more “underground railroad” to Fort Hood. Have the US Congress declare our military a perpetrator of terrorism. It’s not a difficult argument to make. Evidence goes back to before US independence, when “Americans” fought dirty against the continent’s aboriginal population. Now examples of US state sponsored terrorism are gratuitous. The young men we send on Jihad return with haunted consciences from the acts they inflict on innocent populations. What are the motives of indiscriminate bombing, apprehension and torture, but pure terrorism to buttress subjugation to US goals?

The Pope versus Obama and the American people

The Pope in America‘The Vatican has vetoed three of Barack Obama’s potential nominees as US ambassador amid a growing dispute between the White House and the Roman Catholic church over the new administration’s support for abortion rights and the lifting of a ban on stem cell research.’
Full story at
Vatican vetoes Barack Obama’s nominees for US ambassador

Yes, but wouldn’t it be perfectly GRAND if the US government was to just say,

‘Catholic Church, you are not a country anyway, and we don’t send government ambassadors to churches.’ That would shut those silly ass bishops and the Pope God figure up for good, wouldn’t it?

Just who the Hell does the Pope and his Catholic church groupies think that they are anyway? The Anglican Church doesn’t have an American ambassador sitting in London or wherever that church’s HQ is located at for their leader to chat with. The Muslims don’t get an ambassador sent to Mecca or any of the other Holy Cities of their religion. There is no US government ambassador sent to Salt Lake City to hobnob with the Mormon Big Shot there. Simply to send an ambassador to the Vatican violates the separation of Church and State that is the foundation of modern democracy. It simply privileges one religion over others and the Catholics do not deserve this extra privilege at all!

Obama, just tell the Pope that you’ll send them Nobody as the US ambassador to the Vatican. And start taxing all that Catholic Church property, too. OH? And start applying the law to its fullest extent to those in the Catholic Church that have covered up sex crimes within the Catholic Church. Time for the special treatment for this church to come to an end. Time for them to end their interference in politics and stick to talking about God, instead of always trying to push their religion off onto others.

Iraqi Occupation, Abomination! Iraqi Occupation, Obama Nation?

dennis-apuan.jpg APUAN HOSTS JOBS AND THE ECONOMY TOWN HALL sez the El Paso County Democratic Party website here in Colorado Springs! Dennis Apuan is a very nice former head honcho of the local Peacecrat grouplet called the Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission.

Special Guest Speaker Terrance Carroll to Join and he is a very nice man too, who has so very little power despite being Speaker of the Colorado State House of Representatives.

Saturday, February 7, 2009
12:00 noon to 1:30 PM

Ruth Holley Public Library
685 North Murray Blvd.
Colorado Springs, 80915

Both these Democrats are very nice folk, and I believe that Dennis Kucinich is, too. However…..?

Aren’t they also now shills for Obama? Aren’t they also loyal members of a War Party? Aren’t they both essentially silent on the major issues of the day? In fact, don’t they both pretend that the Democratic Party is something much better than it really is? That’s their job as Democratic Party decorations.

According to Dennis Apuan and the local chapter of the DP, As Democrats We Believe:

Defending all of the human rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
A clear separation of Church and State.
Swift and appropriate punishment for criminal behavior.
Freedom from undue government interference in our private lives and personal decisions.
Fiscal responsibility in government.
Equal opportunity for all citizens.
A quality education that gives all individuals the opportunity to reach their potential.
A quality environment in which to raise our children.
The value of diversity within the community.
Rewarding honest, hard work with a living wage and fair taxation.
Community support for strong families.
Security in our homes, our communities and our nation.
A nation that will serve as a model of economic and social justice to the rest of the world

Really now? Is that anything like the national program of the Democratic Party or is it in fact the polar opposite of the positions that Barack Obama and his herd of Slick Willie retreads takes? A message for this meeting would best be…

Iraqi Occupation, Abomination! Iraqi Occupation, Obama Nation!

Neither one of the keynote speakers seems to even remember anything about Iraq? Why is that? The Democratic Party is still keeping Iraq an occupied nation and by doing that, gives the lie that the national Democrats actually believe in all those nice things the local folk say they believe in.

Afghanistan Occupation, Abomination! Afghanistan Occupation, Obama Nation?

Get the message, Dennis? Your political party stands for bad times every much so as the Republicans do.

(There is Dennis Third from the Right in the picture… Black banner behind him)

Stop Obama’s Wars!

Salvation Army lives off government funding and pushes crazy religion too

Salvation Army kettleThe Salvation Army has steadfastly promoted itself as being a rather saintly organization and is out there every Christmas asking for your donations. Did you know that you already donate to them? That’s right! The Salvation Army, a religious charity, has received millions upon millions of government dollars to help spread their Far Right Wing brand of Christianity far and wide, but most surely off onto the homeless and more dependent populations of our country.

The Salvation Army has gotten much government money obtained through your taxes from all levels of government; local, state, and federal. It has gotten quite a bit of money from the government in Canada, too. Plus, many private corporations give special privilege to the Salvation Army, allowing them into areas with public access that they normally close off to almost all others. Every time you donate free items to the Salvation Army, the government is helping out their religious program by making the donation tax free. So there is a lot of government and major corporate assistance to this Right Wing Christian charity.

The Salvation Army no longer appears to be overtly turning away those who refuse to participate in the religious services at their shelters, but….. The need for Homeless service is nationally very poorly met, so there is still much pressure if you are in need of assistance to appear to fit in with any religious proselytizing done, simply to get any personal favoritism being dished out. And the Salvation Army is an rabidly anti-Gay, anti-Spanish speaking, and pro religious discrimination in their hiring practices. How bad can these Right Wing Christians get with their prejudices? MSNBC reports Salvation Army leader to lose job over marriage
Rules (which) require officers to only marry a person within the organization
Pretty bad, it would seem.

Why are the various government bodies helping promote this sort of stuff with tax monies pulled in from people with multiple religious and nonreligious points of view? By not providing adequate services run by government agencies for The Needy, government is promoting a need to go to these Right Wing Christian run shelters, too. The Christian lobbyists are always out to try to erase any separation of Church and State, and as a result, the Salvation Army keeps on kicking, though most people totally disagree with their brand of aggressive Religious nuttiness. Time to take these outfits off the government dole! There are simply many, many other ways to help The Needy out, and government should be forced to do their job, rather than you just dropping a buck or two into the kettle and going on your merry way.