Barack’s BIG accomplisment

…..What is the big accomplishment of the Democratic Party’s candidate for President of the United States? It is the rehabilitation of the sad sack Republican Party, that’s what! Just read the latest poll results… McCain takes lead over Obama: poll

This is a Zogby poll, too, and Zogby is firmly in the Democratic Party corral. He gives John McCain a 5% lead in the polls, and an incredible 9% lead for voters worried about who might be in charge of handling the US economy! That took some doing, Barack.

How does The Democratic Party do it? It is simple. They just ape the Republican Party platform, since nobody wants to see a copy cat plagiarist program. Even Dennis the Not Much of a Menace Kucinich is leading hte Democratic Party way in this regards. Go to his website and see for yourself. Congressman J. Kucinich Do you see what’s missing here? That’s right! Instread of addressing the issues Dennis has spotlighted ‘Polka, Bowling, and Kielbasa’, I kid you not! Even under ISSUES, Dennis has not a thing to say about Iraq, Afghanistan, or NATO in Georgia. What a poodle the guy turns out to be.

Yes, together, Dennis and Barack and Pelosi, et al can help rehab the Republican Party, build up their image as somehow being competent, and being big authorities about the economy. And the tail along Lesser-of-Two-Evils ‘Progressives’ will do their part, too. This is not an opposition, but a Republican Party callaborative society!

Sick, sick, sick.

Honor Above Orders.

Not about the Mai Li – Lt Calley Massacre, or the Kent State Massacre, or other well known incidents when U.S. soldiers refused to question orders.

See, I get a little flack from ReichWing Trolls saying that Scottie McClellan was a “traitor” for documenting SOME of the lies and other machinations BushCorp did to start the war against the Iraqi people, for the profit of the shareholders of BushCorp.

And that Tony Snow was a hero for not “ratting out” his Accomplices in Treason. And Thefts. And Murders.

So I dug into my extensive memories, and came up with this one incident.

It involves Ronald Reagan, Maggie Thatcher, George Bush Sr and ONE USN seaman who disobeyed an order.

It’s not surprising, Ronnie did associate and do a lot of business with the Bush Klan. (Kartel?) and other unsavory types. Gordon Liddy, Ollie North, Bill Casey, Dick Nixon, Dick Cheney…

All of them are the type who, when you shake hands with them, you have to count your fingers afterward to make sure they didn’t Steal any of them. Theft and Lying, to these guys, is as natural as eating worms is to robins.

Bush and Family, they made one fortune financing the Slave Trade. Yep, not content to just steal people’s property, they went ahead and stole the people as well. Arguably, the ones alive today didn’t do the actual dirty deed, but they still have the money, now, haven’t they?

And they fight tooth and nail against the concept of Reparations.

But that’s not the focus of this story, just an unpleasant diversion.

Treaty law comes into the story, so allow me to explain, yes?

According to the Constitution, the Constitution itself is the Law of the Land, and the final decider in any court in America. In a related Article (VI, if I recall correctly) Treaties are given equal weight in all matters of Law to the Constitution itself.

English Law has similar provisions, that’s where the Framers got it.

Seeing the Company Kept By Reagan, one of whom has declared the Constitution to be “just a goddamned piece of paper”, it’s hardly surprising that Reagan, also, treated the Law as something to be used for his own pleasure and convenience, and put aside when it was more convenient to do so.

Organization of American States. A treaty organization to which the United States belongs. So does Grenada, which is why the invasion had to be called a “rescue operation”.

So does Argentina. Which fought a war with Britain during Thatcher and Reagans Rein of Terror.

A war involving an island where the sheep outnumber the people by tenfold at least.

An island which is strategically located and has a Naval Base and an Air Base.

A war in which, we, the United States, were either Treaty Bound to support Argentina, or stay way the hell out of it.

Charleston Naval Station. British Navy ships refueled and provisioned there, at the expense of the American Taxpayers. Considering the treaty, that was illegal.

Which is probably why the U.S. Navy ordered the sailors not to mention it to anybody.

One of those sailors defied those orders and told of all people, ME.

I am honored to know such a person. A REAL hero, unlike North or Reagan or Liddy or Bush, or their bootlicking accomplices like our own Local Liar “Gunny” Bob.

This impinges on current events because, you see, Reagan had his poodle, Ms Thatcher, Bush had HIS poodle Blair, and they had and have a whole regiment of lying coward pukes who insist that Orders are more important than Honor.

National Day of Prayer versus May Day

Join us this May DayA billion years to raise the tree frog
A hundred million years of lovers curling against each other in sleep
Half a million years of campfire sparks ascending to the stars
Twenty-one centuries since Spartacus and his fellow slaves brought Rome to its knees
Two centuries since the Luddites demonstrated the proper treatment of workplace technology
One hundred and twenty years since the Chicago government used the Haymarket disturbance to justify the execution of seven innocent men: “Hang these men and you kill Anarchy in this country!”

A century since anarchist Leon Czolgosz proved them wrong by assassinating President William McKinley

Eighty years since Henry Ford tried to buy off workers with the weekend

Sixteen years since the rioters of Los Angeles showed what it takes to get justice in this country

Eight and a half years since the WTO protests shattered plate glass in Seattle and complacency across the world

One day to gather in our communities, to celebrate the coming of spring and the potential of resistance

Counting the days to our next chance to make history

Eleven weeks to the international day of action against climate change called to coincide with the G8 meetings in Russia*

Eight months to plan unpermitted marches and rowdy street parties for New Year’s Eve

Nine months to prepare a surprise for the next Presidential Inauguration

A decade to establish radical social centers and free schools in every community

Twenty years to explore everything that can be accomplished while wearing a mask

A generation to replace grocery stores with gardens and cough syrup with licorice root

A century for dairy cows and toy poodles to go feral

Five hundred years to melt down cannons into wine goblets, water pipes and sleigh bells

A millennium for the dandelions growing out of the sidewalk to become redwoods

…and the rest of eternity to enjoy

(*Adapted from Crimethinc, MAYDAY 2006)

Washington’s new nasty little attack dog- the French poodle Sarkozy

Tony Blair, Washington DC’s British poodle has now been replaced with a French poodle, it seems. That little rabid asshole is the new leader of French imperialism, Sarkozy. Sounds like a STD, doesn’t it? Below is the funniest headline (in a sick sort of way) I have seen in a long time…

What a scum bag is this DC puppet, Sarkozy!

Sarkozy: I’ve reached the end of the road with Assad

French president says he’s outraged by Damascus’ intervention in Lebanese political process, expects ‘actions, not talk’ from President Assad
report by Roee Nahmias

Doesn’t it take the cake for a French leader to talk about intervention in the Lebanese political process? France was the colonizer that enslaved this region and has caused so much heartache ever since from its constant and eternal meddling in the affairs of other nations and its exploitation of them. And here is this twit doing it again and making his war mongering threats?

The world should pull France off the Security Council of the United Nations and reprimand this country for its belligerence and interference in the affairs of other nations. Our country is not the only one with sickies in power. To think that this thug Sarkozy is actually in charge of WOMD? Good Grief!

The Doctor’s Plot revisited

In 1953, Stalin launched his ‘defense’ against Jewish doctors he said were involved in a plot to kill him. Today, with Britain’s Labor Party now thoroughly discredited for being a poodle, barking alongside Bush always in support of the US occupation of Iraq, there comes another doctor’s plot.

A plot to show the world that TERROR is a really big deal to justify spending trillions of dollars on fighting against it. A plot led by a renegade religion! But this time it is the Muslims and not the Jews.

Jews are out (or is that in?) and Muslims are in (or is that out?) for ‘plots’ to be formed around. So we seem to have a Muslim doctors plot instead of Jewish doctors making headlines in the news. Go figure. There is another evil race, culture, and religion to justify wrapping oneself in the British and US flags with, like once Germans wrapped themselves in their flags under Hitler’s guidance. And like the Jewish doctors of the ’50s, these Muslim doctors of the present seem only capable of burning themselves alive with their nefarious manipulations. How convenient.

And what is it with airplanes and airports? Are we to believe that it is not our Homeland Security bureaucracy that has an obsession (to keep their cush ‘security’ jobs loafing around) with airports and flying, but Muslims? I don”t think so. They don;t have billions of dollars invested in running around in circles like our ‘security’ burrocrats and underlings do. They will attack in other ways than using airplanes to fly into buildings next time along.

I know some stupid doctors in this world, but to believe that Muslims docs are involved in running trucks filled with flammable liquids into airport areas is just too stupid to be believable. It is much more likely a ‘terror story’ to be spoon fed to stupid kids developed by cops. Don’t be a stupid kid, hear? The fetish for airports comes from ‘our’ side, not theirs. Green, Yellow, Red… it’s all baloney for the gullible. And the modern day version of the doctor’s plot is for the gullible, too. Tony Blair needs to be in jail, and his successor probably needs to follow him quite quick for this current campaign of fabricated bullshit. WOMD anybody?

The supposed Muslim doctors’ plot to kill us all seems to follow the same plot line that Stalin used to blame Jewish doctor’s for all the problems of the world, including a supposed effort to assassinate him. Paranoia, religous hatred, stupid us-first nationalism, and lots of lies make up the basic recipe for ‘doctors plots’. Oh, and today one must throw in a dash of airport, too.

Is Bush losing Pakistan?

Everywhere the US and its military goes, ethnic and religious unrest unfolds. Now that the US has torn apart Afghanistan like it has torn apart Iraq, Lebanon, and the Horn of Africa, it is turning its scopes on Syria and Iran, too. The Bush Administration seems addicted to its ethnic & religious divide and conquer policies.

However, this approach to foreign policy and military domination can easily spill out of control in ways not even thought about previously by the US government fat cats. Such seems to be the case with Pakistan, whose leader ‘Busharraf’ rules as military dictator, thoroughly compromised by how the US has turned him into a poodle puppet in its insanely termed ‘War on Terrorism’. In short, just as the US War Against Iraq threatens to spill over into a US attack on Syria and Iran, the failed US occupation of Afghanistan threatens to spill over into Pakistan, a country of 170,000,000 Muslims.

See Pakistan political unrest and this peek by the think tank Council on Foreign Relations entitled Pakistan’s Political Future

Fighting to rob Iraq of control of it’s own oil, the bipartisan Cheneycrats now risk continuing to destabilize a Muslim country with atomic weapons. Even now they are thinking of initiating a war with Iran supposedly designed to keep us safe from a nuclear attack! All this neighboring strife continues to destabilize Pakistan, a country already so destabilized it is hanging by a thread.. What a bunch of pathetic clowns we have leading the US today. Please, God, protect us all from these sad corporate promoted dummies as their corruption spreads itself around the planet disrupting everybody’s’ efforts to sanely govern themselves.

Destabilizing country after country along ethnic and religious lines is hardly any way to bring about any ‘national security’. If we don’t wake up soon and throw this Klan out in D.C. we might soon see much worse than 9/11 was inside our own borders. Destabilizing the Indian sub-continent following what our government has done in the Middle East is a clear recipe for nuclear disaster. And that’s exactly what seems to be happening in slow motion before our very own eyes.

We need to get out of Afghanistan as well as get out of Iraq. And we need to stop murdering, torturing, and allying ourselves in Pakistan with thugs like Musharraf and his dictator controlled Pakistani military. ‘Construction, Not Destruction’ needs to become our new National Security plan. Corporate leaders running our government are not the people that can implement this sort of new direction for the US. They are the people now ‘losing Pakistan’. And even losing America itself.

Happy Easter, Canada

For what unearthly reason has the Canadian government sent its troops to occupy Afghanistan? These are tag along American-led imperialist troops not defending Canadian national interests in the least. One wonders how Canada has any national pride at all these days, when that country’s citizens allow their government to be led by the nose into these stupid imperial occupations of other countries, all directed by the Pentagon in Washington D.C. This Easter Day, the Canadians lost 7 of their young people there, while serving their US masters.

Similarly, the British government is secretly planning to stay in Iraq for 5 more years according to reports, and the European Union is being besmirched by having cooperated with US crimes against humanity now taking place in Mogadishu, Somalia, and in the hidden torture cells the US is running for prisoners taken captive in that country.

Shame on all you ‘poodle’ countries for letting Bush misguide you into being involved in our government’s war crimes and torture. Rebel, and we in America will certainly follow your example, though belatedly for sure. The whole world is involved in the US government’s terrorism at this point, and only the whole world together can stop it.

US out of Somalia! US out of Afghanistan! US out of Pakistan! US out of Iraq!

End the US government torture and its terrorism worldwide!

more stories, all showing the bubble

the one that’s fixing to bust, you know…

There’s a Chinese sideways curse, “May you always live in Interesting Times”…

• Deadly week in Iraq shows al-Qaida’s strength, mobility
• White House backs Gonzales as more Justice officials testify
• U.S. shifts trade policy, sets new duties on Chinese goods

Ok that last was sloppy cut ‘n paste, I wasn’t trying to get the China story in but it works anyway…

The ones above the Deadly Week line were about the Australian citizen who was tortured into confession in Gitmo and the British Marine who has confessed in the Iran / Blair standoff.

And the Administration (and George’s poodle) are saying, in a SURPRISE development and of course totally out of character for them, that the guy was coerced into making the statement and was being used for –get this– PROPAGANDA purposes…

The Poodle saves a head

While American homeland Security were playing the clowns in Boston, America’s cross-Atlantic poodle, Tony Blair, also did his part to crank up mass hysteria. He and his troops of national security saviors moved into action to keep a ‘serviceman’ from being spit on by antiwar protesters, uh… I meant Islamic terrorists. The plan was to kidnap the British ‘serviceman’, spit on him in unison (what torture!), and then to behead him (such theater!). And I guess then, to box the head and then mail the head to Buckingham Palace? As a result, a Red alert was declared and airplanes began to fly over Birmingham to stop the people of wrong faith from getting away!

One would like to think that these are just nutty aberrations of uniformed zealots gone mad without any ulterior motivation? But is it really a coincidence that Homeland Security-America went bezerk in Boston, while at the same time Homeland Security- Britain went bezerk in Birmingham? Hysteria means war. I smell war with Iran in the air.

Blue Monday, ah blue Monday

so ok. I somehow knew that Monday morning would bring the follies of a political writers wildest dreams. The first, y’all heard tell of that bomb scare at the Port of Miami, well, it was a false alarm.
The po-po’ s were talking about the incident in which 3 Arabic men, who didn’t speak much English, were detained and their container truck searched and probed and scanned and all kind of ugly nasty things… but they are claiming that the incident wasn’t spawned by the fact that the men were swarthy and arabic. No, it was a miscommunication at the front gate, which had cleared the truck to pass, and counted all the men inside, but the next checkpoint didn’t see but one of them as they pulled up to it. Nope, no racism involved, and America can rest easy knowing their Homeland is Secure. This reminds me eerily of the Shoney’s incident of 5 years ago.

The second story, a great victory for Saddam, the charges were dropped in court today… Of course the only reason they were dropped was a formality, of course also the conviction for which he was hanged still stands.

and on to the Third… Prince William, Billy the Kid so the Queen can sue me… (she specifically demanded at the announcement of his birth that no one was to call him anything but William, and particularly not Bill or Billy.)

Well, he has finished Military School and about to take up residency and duties in the Blues and Royals Household Cavalry. He is expected to familiarize himself with the regiment he is to command. He will eventually, after training, be the leader of an armored vehicle squadron.
Good Show, Bill! A large question looms in all our minds, and I suppose you know what it is, Bill.
Are you going to lead the troops by example, and volunteer to be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan?

Here’s a better plan, and within the prerogatives of Royalty, and in your family, it was never very uncommon.

ooohh royalty and un”common” all in the same sentence heehee I make a funny…

But seriously, Mr Bill, why not off your daddy and grandmum and just make off with the whole pie?
Be a self-made orphan and put yourself on the fast track to the Crown. It is fox hunting season, you know.

There have been hunting …accidents… in your family before, you know.

Then declare victory in Iraq and get the fuck out. The decision to make war rests with the Crown, does it not?

You would need Commons to fund it, the Lords to sit around looking silly, in order to start a war.
On the other hand you need no such approval to STOP your subjects’ participation in it. Even Tony “the Poodle” Blair would be powerless to prevent it.

Suck it up, lad! Do it for your Patriotic Honor! Your grand-mum is a senile old bitch and your Pater is a dangerously inbred idiot who isn’t fit for the throne either. Keep a stiff upper lip and show some Royal guts! Literally.