Was Aught Eight an inauspicious omen?

obama zero posterI remember the discussion in the nineties of what to name the coming decade. In a previous century yrs 1900-09 were aught years, but “the aughts” is an archaic term. Aught means: no thing; not anything: nil, nothing, null, zero, nix, zilch.

In bookkeeping terms, as with data processing, an aught with its diagonal slash helps the accountant differentiate a zero from an O.

I’m amused obviously, that O stands for Obama, optimism and Oprah; and figuratively it represents a zero. With a slash, we can make the distinction, and association, more pointed.

Admittedly, the 00 decade was defined by George W. Bush, and zero fits, doesn’t it, to describe his gas gauge, if not obviously his mileage? In 2008 Barack Obama promised a return from the brink of meaninglessness, this decade, not later, but how far has he got? His followers hold still plenty of hope, things being complicated in Washington and what not, but Obama is looking more like Bush’s fall guy than his arresting officer.

With his legislative majority, George Bush proved you can take a world to war, dismantle regulatory protections, rape the environment, eliminate rights, screw every last living earthly being, and raid the treasury for the bankers, each act performed faster than a Sotomayor confirmation.

With majorities everywhere, even with public opinion on his side, Obama can’t reform health care. And he didn’t have a stolen election behind him.

We’re fast approaching the anniversary of September 11, an impressive benchmark if you will, for George Bush’s first term. I’d be surprised if Obama could put a Cessna into the Hudson by then.

Of course I recognize that Obama is up against more than the Republicans. He faces the powers that be, the corporations, financiers and oligarchs, the “deciders” whose deciding Bush pretended to do by himself. But if the President of the United States is not the Leader of the Free World, is not the most powerful figure on Earth, as his office is held to be, what is he? Are we prepared to accept that our democratic election accounts for naught?

Obama was elected in aught-eight. Judging by the job he’s doing, the superlatives flying from the corporate media about how he’s turned world public opinion, brought change, ended racism, and pretends to be drawing down bad things, Obama will be a shoe-in incumbent. Come next election, we’ll still need someone to offer us hope for mini-versal health care. So from ’08 we have eight years of aught.

‘Patriotic’ pacifists and ‘Peace’crats to hold UFPJ lobbyfest gathering in Chicago

Hillary and JesusUnited for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) will be holding a gathering in Chicago next week to start their plans for a 2009 Lobbyfest of Barack Obama. They still haven’t figured any of it out and most likely never will. Ostensibly the UFPJ has not decided on doing anything just yet and the gathering is for the group to supposedly decide just what should be done?

That’s all a big joke since the Democratic Party and liberal Christian group controlled leadership of the UFPJ has but just one strategy, and that is to try to make themselves ‘heard’ by the Powers that be (though they refuse to try to mobilize any power of their own). They are like beggars of a sort, who will be pleading with Barack, Hillary, and Gates for some bones of recognition. They promise not to talk too much about imperialism, Afghanistan, Somalia, and anything else of dispute, say like… torture use by the US military, the US threatening Russia with nuclear weapons, Iraq, or US military made pollution… and the list goes on of none issues to these people., or the issues they just plain out want people not to be talking about.

The UFPJ are the ‘patriotic’ Democratic Party liberal middle class voters and churchly pacifists, whose ‘eyes are wide open’ onto the boots of several thousand US soldiers, but not much on the damage these soldiers actually did to other peoples. They voted for ‘change’, but they’re not too pressured about when it comes, where it comes from, or even if it will ever come? A pretty word or two from their Democratic Party gurus will keep most of them totally satisfied for years.

YES, the UFPJ will want to go lobby this new year, and that’s what they will project doing though they will smokescreen it with some sort of ‘national week’ of blah, blah, blah, etc. These are the very same folk that always say that large demonstrations don’t work, so just go out and vote DP. Don’t expect a change of heart from them, or any insight.

How happy they are at the success of that profoundly absurd strategy they must be with the New Administration? The more abjectly they get thrown to the side by Power, the more committed they get to their own masochistic policy of turning out the vote…. to always vote for those who will ignore them, piss on them, and marginalize them as much as they can.

The UFPJ has even been offered a challenge by other antiwar activists to give up their sectarianism and come together with others to help build national and unified demonstrations against the war. That is anathema to the UFPJ leadership though, and we should expect absolutely nothing from them that would help bring that about. They’re sticking with the Democrats come rain or shine, and come the chaos and mayhem the Democratic Party will work alongside their Republican Party cohorts to bring us more of.

The ‘Patriotic’ pacifists and ‘Peace’crats are like small business owners in their outlook, and they have the DP franchise for ownership over the antiwar movement, just as long as the rest of us put up with it and stay demobilized ourselves? That is the big question? Just how long will the real activists in the national antiwar movement keep pumping money and time into this US national coalition, the UFPJ, who are out to simply not do much at all?

Passively accepting such a group of incompetent and chained down to the DP leaders as the UFJP is, is just more of a loser strategy that does nothing to help out a country currently experiencing a collapse of the US economy and the bankruptcy of the corporate class, fallen deathly ill from their own total corruption. The country needs a real antiwar coalition at work for the country, and not just a prayer group of multiple paid office hacks. The longer a real Movement is not actually built, the more damage the Pentagon will actually do to the country and the world, Lockheed and all the other corporate powers behind them feeding from the public trough. The UFJP is not even close to being the leadership for a real Antiwar Movement in this country, and can never be that as it is organized and structured to not be one, but rather to just be a pacifist coalition of a few nice people who pray and vote and not much else.

The UFPJ not only cannot be looked upon to provide leadership for us in the next years of Obama Nation, but will be an active barrier against all that do try to work to build dissent against US militarism. That is sad to say, but efforts to try to change the orientation of this group will be about as futile as trying to pull MoveOn away from their Democratic Party foundation. Better to spend your time, energy, and efforts to build other organizations as alternative to these obstructionists. The UFPJ is simply their church, and not much else.

Nader says that Barack Obama is the worst of Clinton

NaderRalph Nader speaks to Alexander Cockburn about the poor performance of his campaign this year, but fails to mention the main reason that was so. This was Nader’s third and most probably last run for the presidency and what it lacked was any noticeable performance by Ralph Nader in the non election years.

Where was this guy in trying to build any non-electoral Mass Movement, like one that would correctly center itself in building a Movement Against US War and Militarism? He basically was not to be found, and that showed in the results to his election bid.

A movement to replace the American Two Party Dictatorship of Corporate Power cannot be built on the cheap, Ralph. You have to try to built something other than a Campaign Committee or two. Unfortunately, your legacy is that you did not try to do this, unlike Cindy Sheehan, who is perhaps the major American figure that provides an example of somebody who has put effort into trying to build a Mass Movement against the Iraq Occupation by the US.

Still, Ralph Nader has been a major spokesperson against liberals just capitulating entirely to the Democratic Party, and continues to be so. It would be great if he would turn over a new leaf now, and call for a unity grouping with the likes of Cindy Sheehan, Cynthia McKinney and other major independent Left activists to help create a new and national Progressive Movement free of the shackles of corporate run faux liberalism that enslaves the American people inside the Two Party bipartisan shell game. Will you do it, Ralph?

More from Cockburn interview with Nader….

AC: How about the liberals and the left now?

Nader: The real crisis is the self-destruction of the liberal progressive community. It’s got nowhere to go, other than to renew its three out of four year cycle of criticism of the Democrats. They’ve nowhere to go because they’ve made no demands. He’s been a candid right-center Democrat and they’ve given him a free ride. No demands. From Labor? No demands. He gave them a sop on the card check. He campaigned for two years, promised blacks nothing, Latinos nothing, women’s groups nothing, labor nothing. Contrast the lack of demands on the liberal progressive side to what the Limbaugh crowd exacted from McCain.

Full Cockburn post election Hail to the Chief! interview with Nader Check it out!

Rupert Murdoch FIX NEWS moves to sink Palin 2012 campaign for good

Fox’s Carl Cameron: Palin ‘didn’t understand that Africa was a continent.’ Well now they tell us, do they?

Let’s just say that the Republican Party Fat Cats know exactly what lost them the Presidency for 4 years, and they don’t want Sarah Palin being a continual noose around all their necks.

Maybe, too, this is what John McCain meant when he said that he alone was to blame for the loss? He picked her because he had lust in his heart, and she was one hot potato! Too hot, in fact, for the Republicans to have her around for long.

African continent

Rahmbo shoots down ‘Peace’crats fast

RamboHow fitting it is that the first announcement of a major figure in the newly forming Obama Administration is a pro-war Zionist nicknamed Rahmbo. Rahmbo accepts job as White House chief of staff Yes, with Rahmbo, Barack Obama is already shooting down the ‘Peace’crats who stubbornly refuse to do anything other than stumble about with HOPE in their teary eyes. It’s a HISTORICAL moment of stupidity on their parts for these Regressives.

Rahmbo comes straight out of the Democratic Party Mis-Leadership camp, too. A rabid Clintonite with a long history of toeing party line under Slick Willie. No… Make that he was one of the chief formulators of Slick Willieism and made the lines to be toed! Now how do we spell… NO CHANGE HERE?

Here from wikipedia is more info about Rahmbo Emanuel’s previous history… ‘Emanuel is noted for his strong style and his fundraising prowess.[2] He is co-author with current Democratic Leadership Council President Bruce Reed of the 2006 book The Plan: Big Ideas for America.’ More like more deep doo-doo for America, don’t you think?

I already have run into trouble with the Democratic Party’s ‘Peace’crats, having had them call the police on us for trying to meet locally here as more Left leaning members in Colorado Spring’s so-called Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission tried to hold a planning discussion for Peace action. And just today, the major website of the Democratic Party loving ‘Peace’crats, CommonDreams.organization booted me off from being allowed to read material there! I kid you not! They put me into a loop where I cannot log into their site to read material that most all others can read without logging in. I have been shunned! Boo-hoo-hoo??? Oh, Praise Their Lord, Barack Obama! My crime? I linked to the commentary here on NMT where I said that Obama would get us out of Iraq by taking us into Iran… Sacrilege! Block the Messenger!

The directions Obama is headed towards is a pretty obvious political place for the Democrats. He is headed to being the Commander-in-Chief of a country glued to imperialism and war. His party is headed toward continuing to try to prop up the total system of Military Welfare spending that our country is known for. No change here, My Friends. And the rest of the world, contrary to corporate reporting in this country, is not waiting a ‘new’ Adminstration with baited breath. Rahmbo and others soon to be announced will shoot down the “Peace’crats fast. They already have. And the whole world prtty much knows that already.

Bipartisan character of election fraud

baby-voteI must say that I find it utterly humorous this search with cameras for Republicans supposedly committing fraud? What are these people actually doing? So many of the Democrats are seemingly obsessed with rooting out this supposed election day fraud… but only when they seemingly might be somehow the victims of of it. They don’t seemingly give a damn that their own party’s victory is fundamentally structured and arrived at totally due to election fraud by their own party’s representatives in the first place? No concern of theirs at all, it seems… Why not though?

The Democrats dish out fraud to others challenging them for the vote, and rob the final elections’ results working in tandem with The Republican Party, their supposed enemies at the polls. Go figure now? But do you ever see the Democratic Party politicians proposing meaningful laws that would expose and stop election fraud? No. Instead, the Democrats and Republicans alike support their partisan government receipt of tax monies to fraudulently steal the elections for themselves, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars PLUS each election held inside our country. The Democratic Party stays alive through election fraud, same as their buddies The Republicans do.

Look at all the government assistance to keep these 2 parties monopolizing the voting. Schools, government buildings, policing, running their conventions for them with public monies, tax give aways for them at income tax time, and YES, paying for multiple impediments to be placed in alternative parties’ way. Isn’t that election fraud in a much bigger way than that seen when the final vote is done?

Election fraud does not just begin the day of the voting and neither does it have merely to do with the purging of voter registration lists. As bad as these manipulations can become, this is the mere tip of the iceberg when it comes to the bipartisan Demopublican-Republicratic voter fraud pulled off at each and every election in our country.

‘Elections’ where the business community is allowed to bottleneck the public into only having the choice of really being able to vote one or other of the two allowed political parties is election fraud, Folks. Don’t you get it? Get a clue now! The whole damn election thing in this undemocratic country is build on fraud, dishonesty, and corruption. No camera on hand will much help spread the news of where that basic election fraud really lies. People have to use their brains and not just their eyes to see the fraud that is.

Dixie got ditched for now

dixie-bitch-bikini-blondDixie is a mean bitch and she got ditched for now. That’s all it is. All you got to do is check out the electoral map for the election results some. See what happened to Dixie?
Congratulations to New Mexico, Colorado, and Florida for not backing Dixie up, too. Virginia don’t count because these days she’s DC, not Dixie.

It was the Hispanics that did Dixie in eventually, too. Even the Cubans just got fed up with her bitchy ways and together with the other Latino groups helped put holes into Dixie Land! Look away…look away… look away. Even Cubans in the US don’t like losing their houses and homes, and South Florida is suffering terribly from that credit crunch hurricane that we all read about and fear coming our way.

Poor Old Dixie! She needs reconstruction and beware!

Sadly, Barack Obama will probably get us OUT of Iraq by getting us INTO Iran

barack obama supermanEven as liberals like dumb Michael Moore and even dumber Norman Solomon begin to celebrate their ‘victory’ tonight, any thinking person must be asking themselves if the Obama-Biden team plan to get the US ‘out’ of Iraq by getting us into Iran? Certainly don’t hold your breath thinking that Obama, now that he has the presidency in hand, will suddenly begin to demand a new foreign policy! All that shit about CHANGE is mere hot air blown out the ass of a donkey, for donkeys, and for more WAR.

Obama and Biden have made it totally clear that they plan to win the so-called ‘Global War on Terrorism’, and that their only real gripe with Bush is that he’s no Grand Generalisimo like Obama plans to make himself into. His plan is to begin by moving more US troops into Afghanistan, and whipping up a new forced ‘consensus’ with the European vampire class to continue America’s military industrial complex into perpetuity.

Never have the Democrats had so little to offer the American public as now. People want to believe in them, yet there is really nothing being offered other than vague promises of changing America for the better and blah, blah, blah. That’s not much to deliver and people will wise up to this act real fast as the capitalist economy continues to tail spin worldwide. Black president or not.

It is historic that the US now has a Black man as its president, but Colin Powell was a historic sort of guy, too, as was Condi Rice. Change has not come to America, as Barack is so fond of stating on TV. America is still stuck in the two party con game rut, and this election was as big a fraud pulled over all of us as it comes.

I see more war ahead, and Black-face will not cover it up for long. Colin Powell has now been replaced but the murder goes on. And the sad thing about it, is that the liberals still don’t seem to have even the slightest clue to what is coming their way. Time is now for the construction of a new American Left, because the old one showed its total rot in election year 2008.

Just another meaningless election day

exciting dayExpect the cheers of delight to begin tonight, as many Americans begin to celebrate what the corporate media tomorrow will call a historic event. However, they will be wrong. There will have been no major change in America at all.

In July 2000 I was in Mexico, and got to see the jubilation as Mexicans were celebrating what they thought would be the final end of the world’s longest running dictatorship over them. They believed that all Mexico’s problems had been merely the product of having this one capitalist ruling party in place, and that by implementing 2 capitalist ruling parties that all would soon turn into a rainbow road ahead for Mexico. Wrong they were, and it should have been self evident to them at the time. However, the corporate media of that country began to bombard all Mexicans with nonstop commentaries that all had the same refrain… Mexico had now become a new country! Wrong they were.

Similarly today we will see the same delusions spread by corporate media talking dead heads and Democratic Party voting delusionary souls alike, who often like to call themselves ‘Progressives’. Wrong. They simply are not that at all, and can only marginally be called much improvement over the typical Republican voting clowns they always oppose so fanatically. And just like the Mexicans who were taken in by the believe that Mexico had turned some sort of corner in the year 2000, so too will they initially spread that very same false optimism throughout the general population. A crescendo of optimism will be built up between now and January as the Republican President is allowed to do his final corrupt actions in virtual silence from this new ‘hero’, Barack Obama.

Like Mexicans today, 8 years later from their election of 2000, we in the US will soon see how meaningless this meaningless election day actually will be for the US. Real Change must come from the furious anger of people down below and not from the manipulations of rich people up high, as certainly will be the case with Barack Obama’s cruise into power. We’re getting Obama because the US super rich finally begin to just get fed up with the poor results of what continuing to keep Dubya-like clowns in the White House for all of another 4 years would actually bring to them.

Free John O’Hara

Voter fraud? Maybe it’s those officials that block high turn outs for elections that are the real frauds and felons here? People like Colorado Secretary of State Mike Coffman who was just caught trying to throw off more than 10,000 voters from the Colorado voting lists, for just one local example?

In New York State, Pardon John O’Hara now and stop throwing people off US voter lists for stupid reasons. For more of an explanation of what John O’Hara’s case is about see the Counterpunch article of today… Voter Lockdown By JOHN KENNEDY O’HARA

Preview of Hank William Jr concert on behalf of John McCain’s third wife

sick-elepjhantOK, it was less than a week ago that Kevin Costner showed up to kiss the young female donkeys on behalf of Barack Obama, but the Republicans are not to be outdone in Show Biz and have hired gun Hank Williams Jr on hand to serenade their lovely Sarah Palin. To my looking he has a kind of tired out Merle Haggard appearance, but if you miss Hee-Haw his show might just be the perfect thing for you. Here’s a preview of McCain Palin Tradition by Hank Williams Jr See it and cr.. NO laugh! Sarah is there and she show is purty!

Is there any cure for Nervous Nelly Panic Disorder?

nervous nellyPoor liberal Nervous Nellies. They see plots everywhere! It must be quite scary for them don’t you think?

Somebody is always trying to take something away from them. Liberal Nervous Nellies are the exact flip image of the Paranoid Anti-Communist, who always sees a liberal socialist government plot ahead. So is there any cure for the American liberal’s Nervous Nelly Panic Disorder? It’s unseemly to be acting just like the Paranoid Anti-Communist Right Wingers do.

‘Once largely emblematic of the far Right, which saw black helicopters of the dreaded United Nations behind every mountain, Jews running everything, Communists working nefariously under every bed, fluoridation plots, an immigrant assault on the Anglo-Saxon gene pool, and a liberal cabal out to steal their assault hunting rifles, now the Left is awash in the same kind of fevered thinking.’

That was from The End Is at Hand (to Leftist Conspiracy Theories) by Dave Lindorff. An Obama win is not going to help, Dave. They need some Paxil instead. SHOCK!!!!!

As a long timer multi-faceted Inhabitor of Mental Wars (and Mental Wards) I know what I am talking about here, too, Dave. Don’t believe me???? Don’t believe me???? Heck I’ve even been married twice to Psychology Majors 2, Dave. Take it from me, Dave, this disorder is not over by a long shot. We need Paxil, put like Communist fluoride, into the drinking water of America before we can even begin to talk about a cure here, Dave. Believe me, PLEASE!????? There’s no plot!!!!!! No plot at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What comes after the donkey eats the carrot?

donkeyNo doubt about it, the American ruling class has decided to rewire the circuits once again. But what comes after? What comes after the big CHANGE?

Certainly a Black man and his relatively young Black wife in the White House are going to look pretty world wide. What better way to promote The Empire than this? Especially when one considers that the other possibility was having Sarah Palin in there with her Clod… I meant Todd. The entire world is going to breathe a big sigh of relief…. at least initially. However…

We have to ask ourselves how long will this relief actually last? We might ask ourselves, just how long did Colin Powell’s and Ricardo Sanchez’s presence provide relief for American image in Iraq? A couple of years maybe? But then those alarming breakdowns in US image began to occur, Black and Brown faces not withstanding. For example, who is moaning about losing the pretty little Black face of Condaleeza Rice from the international scene? Not too many.

Yes, the Republican Elephant already had a whole lot of dark skin covering for the US imperialists’ image worldwide. Now it is the Donkey’s time. They’ll have White donkeys out there, too (like Joe Biden for one) but the Black ones are the ones that certainly will stand out. Everybody will be asking themselves, just what will the Black donkey bray out next? There’ll be a lot of curiosity at first, but then folk will notice that this donkey is about the same as the White donkeys.

Obama is most likely to begin with a blast of rhetoric and action about ‘winning’ the ‘Global War on Terrorism’ and by that, he will mean that he will be advancing the frontlines against the Chinese and Russians’ national interests. He will send more US troops into Afghanistan, and, Joseph Biden, Zionist leader and African ‘specialist’ on ‘Darfur’ will be mobilizing those US troops under AFRICOM command to save people (just like the Iraqis and Afghans were supposedly saved from themselves previously) in the exotic lands of Fureigners (foreign Fur-people of the Dar-land). Joe is a great humanitarian and no doubt about it, that Barack Hussein is, too. They will be ‘saving’ people almost everywhere, just like the Republicans did before them. And like the Republicans they will claim that this is what makes America so great!

On the home front it will be like a Hollywood cop movie, where Black cop and White cop move together in gunfire and action! Evil racist creeps (US Right Wingers) will snarl and growl in response, and it’ll all look good and bang-bang at first, but then it will begin to be noticed by some that the movie has no plot. The real plot will be that the no plot script beyond superficial ‘action’ will be the plot… the DP plot as usual. Cover for the big while pretending to be for the little. Hey! That’s the same script of the Republicans, too! The economy will continue its slide down hill and the only question will be at what velocity it goes?

Liberal wimps and the sensitive people will be held up to be esteemed once more again in our American Eden. Thugs, cons, and conmen will seemingly be on vacation at first. Then, all of a sudden, some astute Americans will begin to notice that the Donkeys and Elephants are still cooperating in that so heralded ‘bipartisan’ American manner still. They will notice that the US military is even growing bigger and more all encompassing than it was before. They will notice that there is still a war with out end still going on. And they will notice that Blacks are still more held in jails than in public government offices or universities or business boardrooms. And they will notice that despite all the announced change, it is merely that the American ruling class has only rewired the circuits of their control over the rest of us once again. Most won’t notice much at all. Some will begin to holler out for the Elephant to return once again to the White House on the hill.

BBC reports how US forces murdered Ossetian civilians in Tskhinvali

south-ossetia-world-mapJust like how the Bush Administration just got though murdering Syrian civilian children in an unlawful attack on a foreign country, the US led forces of Georgia’s US puppet leader, President Mikhail Saakashvili, targeted, attacked, and murdered Ossetian civilians in that area of our world, too. Georgia accused of targeting civilians

And there’s worse, as this despicable US political party, The Republicans, is even running a torturer of Iraqi civilians for Congress! Once again we turn to the British media for a report about this. Allen West oversaw the brutal treatment of an Iraqi. Now he is running for Congress And the Democratic Party went alongside and worked alongside the Republican Party these last 8 years, following their Clinton regime of murder of Iraqi children by ‘sanctions’, their prepping of the lies the Republicans used to invade and occupy the country, and their votes that most often were directly with the Republicans in funding this huge atrocity, all which is now bankrupting our own economy here at home.

Yes, the Democratic Party under Obama, Pelosi, and Clinton, sit by and do absolutely nothing to oppose any of these moves by the Republcian Party, even as these murderous attacks on Syrians and Ossetians seem even to be almost partisan engagements on behalf of trying to get John McCain elected! What a sorry group of louts!

US government pimps US child prostitutes to justify its own worldwide terrorism against children

bush pimp‘More than 600 adults have been arrested in raids across the US targeting people who force children into prostitution. Operations took place in 29 cities in a co-ordinated action involving federal, state and local law officers, according to the FBI.’ thus reads the Reuters reportage of yesterdays US government’s mass raids US smashes child prostitute rings coming just one day after the government violated all international law and entered into a Syrian village and murdered 4 children there.

The two events, though seemingly unrelated to each other, in fact are thoroughly related. So let’s take a look at the US government ‘child prostitution raid’ and examine some how the US government pimped our own American children here at home in the country to help justify its own terrorism both at home and abroad. Shall we?

Notice that ‘operation took place in 29 cities in a co-ordinated action’. Does that seem like a normal legal action to take here? If it does, then you need to think a bit more about it some. Just what type of government or policing body sits back and does not stop child prostitution involving even a single child going on for any more time than a second?

That’s right. The US government and its police sat back and did nothing for weeks and months at a time (if you believe their own storyline???), just so they could ‘co-ordinate’ in 29 different cities! In other words (their own words), they sat back and allowed multiple American children to be prostituted while doing absolutely nothing at all to save the children from these crimes, all so as to better do their own government co-ordinated showcase raids using multiple terroristic Swat Teams! You bet! What princes of morality we have here!

Imagine? You see a child being prostituted in your own neighborhood, call the police, and they say to you…

‘Don’t worry, we are working on taking action, but first we have to co-ordinate with 28 other cities before we help this one underage girl out.’

Your reaction here? Shock? Is this responsible policing? I think not.

Imagine the absolute corruption in our US municipal police forces to have just sat back in 29 cities allowing these children to continue to be prostituted, just so that they could all ‘coordinate’ these US government Swat Team raids to occur one and all at the same time! Imagine it?

‘Sorry, Mam. We know that you saw, and we believe you, too, that a neighborhood hoodlum is prostituting this 14 year old girl next door in your building. But we have to wait for the cameras to show up in 29 cities at one time before we can take action and help her out. Plus, The Feds haven’t done their Syrian raid either, and we need to wait for that to happen, so that we can show Americans how much we care about getting these bad guys out of action.’

Can you imagine? This is the morality of the Republican and Democratic Party creeps running our country today. The Syrian government said Sunday’s attack by four U.S. military helicopters targeted a civilian building under construction in Sukkariyeh shortly before sundown, and killed eight people, including four children. Our country is run by a bipartisan group of gangsters.

Barack and John, good buddie militarism attacks Syria and Pakistan united in killing frenzy

syrian casualtyThe second coming of Christ has struck born again Democrats in Colorado and elsewhere and paralyzed them into none action, as they hardly notice that the US government killing goes on without so much as a word from their Black Jesus. The US has created 300,000 refugees in one province of Pakistan alone, continues to bomb that country’s civilians almost daily, and now is sending US assassination squads into Syrian towns in preparation for what? You might want to ask Joseph Biden on that one? Where are the Democrats? Where are the so-called American peace groups? Where is America’s conscience and consciousness?

Obama wants more troops to Afghanistan, and Biden wants to start a war with Sudan’s government. And nobody talks about the 3,000,000 PLUS refugees made in Somalia by the US-Ethiopian tag team! Nobody talks about the US-UN tag team in absolutely hurricane devastated, US occupied Haiti! American liberals just have no shame, now do they? All they want to do is spit on Sarah Palin. They have John McCain under microscope but seem blind to their own Messiah?

What do liberals really think they will get with Barack Obama and Joseph Biden? Don’t they take these guys for their word? The Democrats want better run wars, not less war. Duh…

Don’t liberal Democrats ever get the most simple truths? Don’t tell me…. I already know the answer to that question. What a hopeless gang of dumb little donkeys they are. What are these dopes going to do when they get what they want, which is the pro-war Barack Obama in office, increasing US troops fighting yet more wars in Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, and Afghanistan?

They won’t have Bush around to blame everything on anymore, but so what? Dumb, stubborn donkeys is what the Democratic Party voting block really are. (Sorry, Donkeys. You deserve better than to be associated so with the likes of this crowd!) Yes, Bush won’t be around any more, and the Democrats will only have themselves to point the finger at.

In pictures: Grief and anger in Syria
Syrian witness reacts to US war crime

Kevin Costner to kiss women voters on behalf of a donkey today at Colorado College

kevin-costnerFrom The GagZette… SUNRISE EDITION: Kevin Costner in town today These events provide ample opportunity to let the donkey voters know how you feel about their pro-war candidates and their pro-war political party. Just let them no that you want… NO MORE WARS!

The liberal University of Nebraska is encouraging terrorist threats against Americans

nebraska-huskersLet’s see… Terrorist threats are made against an American and the University of Nebraska bends under the pressure of the terrorists? The American Department of Homeland Security doesn’t act either. What’s going on here? Why are these liberal hotbeds, like in Lincoln, Nebraska at the big liberal university there, being allowed to derail the War on Terrorism? Go figure? University of Nebraska-Lincoln Disinvites William Ayers After Death Threats, Financial Pressure What would John McCain do?

Valentines Day is coming soon! Think ahead!

valentinesYou might want to take that Special Other on a Valentines Day cruise this coming February? I don’t have the money for it, but maybe John Weiss who is owner of the Colorado Springs Independent does? He could take his new wife and report back to the dedicated readers of his publication about that 2009 romantic Republican cruise! It would be of great service to the community if he would? Surprise your Sweetheart, John, and thanks ahead of time for the report back. You two will have a blast!

To book your reservation, go to Young American’s Foundation and step on board with the cruise missile leadership team under the navigation of Captain Ed Moose!

Polls, schmolls, and the future ahead

vote fraudThis morning reactionary AOL front-lined for its predominately Republican fans, that the Gallup poll showed the election was a tossup! What a joke! Reuters has a much different read on the presidential election stating that Obama lead on McCain grows to 12 points In fact, it might not even really be that close? The McCain ticket does well in only an urban area or two in the entire country (Dallas, Houston, Phoenix, and a very few others). People in most metro areas do not like McCain except in some of the suburbs.

Why is McCain sliding so fast? The reality is simply that not even the business community throughout most of the nation wants a Bush clone in office at this time. Bush did his job for them but his style and directly reactionary politics is all used up at this particular moment. And even more so, the business community doesn’t want a Fundamentalist Christian fool in office, which is what Sarah Palin would be if McCain died. The American Business Community, at this crashing moment world wide, wants a team of directors that might be able to keep the Western European countries from going into open rebellion against their own DC based Empire??? It might be a little too late for that however?

The Democratic Party will have control over the Presidency, the House, and the Senate. A perfect target for the Right to blame for the coming economic meltdown already under sway. Why is that? Because the Democratic Party political platforms are perfect for disintegrating the country even more as they continue to give the military-industrial complex all the plum economic government welfare contracts.

The Right will promote that very same too, but will then turn around and blame everybody and anybody else for the destruction that this will cause. Time for the hate filled then to get rabid. The predominantly Rightist Churches will be a preaching and praying against the supposed immorality and indecency that will be blamed on The Others, and history will repeat itself one more time as most folk will find it easier to go after the more defenseless people who’ll they find to be their victims, rather than those more responsible for their disintegrating plight.

McCain campaign crashes alongside economy

clowns mugI know it all looks so rosy out there, as the stock markets momentarily rise, the gas prices go down, and the leaves change color. What’s to worry about? Obama opens 8-point lead over McCain And to the liberal heart, the McCain campaign is crashing alongside the economy! Now surely Ship America will automatically right itself once again! Wrong. Tomorrow, you might want to go tell Joe Biden, the next president of the US, what you think about the sorry ass Republicrats that he is candidate for? Joe Biden to Campaign in Colorado Springs & Pueblo Let Joe the Plumber know that it really does stink with American politics!