Who is losing in the debates? We are.

FOX NEWS claims McCain is winning. MSNBC seems to be making an un-characteristic Obama gambit. Who’s losing the presidential debates? We are. And I’m not even talking about the exclusion of third party voices like Nader or McKinney. The Dems are winning, this last by “that one” but so is an escalation in Afghanistan, an attack on Pakistan, backing Israel in war-making against Iran, military intervention in Sudan, and the corporate profit replenishment bailout.

Lost in the concern about the Palin versus Biden match-up was Biden’s straight-up militancy. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Sudan. The Dems plan some kind of deceleration in Iraq, but more troops everywhere else. American voters haven’t become energized because they favor Dems over Repugs. They are against war! The American people prevailed eventually against the Vietnam War and they find themselves three decades later having to rise again to stop their government from waging war against the world in the name of the so-called GWOT.

Meanwhile the Democratic Party has co-opted that energy by posing as antiwar, and as the only social justice voice in Washington. Work within the system they say. But then you come against a hawkish leader like Joe Biden. What now. Are energized Dems cheering Biden’s war cries?

An audience member in last night’s debate advocated killing Bin Laden no matter where he’s hiding. Forget arguing whose borders must be respected. And the candidates seem to jostle for who is more eager to get Osama. I’d like to ask that woman if we should call in an air strike if it turns out Osama’s hiding in HER house? Should the US DoD violate American public’s territorial integrity?

Is this what American justice has become? Air strikes in lieu of day in court, rule of law, innocent until proven guilty? Do Dems and Republicans form just a blood-thirsty mob out to buttress their standard of living at any cost?

I caught some of the call-ins on C-SPAN after the debate. A number of the callers were for neither candidate and wanted to discuss the issues and candidates being cut out of the presidential debates. C-SPAN hung up on those.

What a coincidence! Good Ol’ Boy goes marching off to war the day after!

biden_briefs_de_sold_20010.jpg One day after the family values ‘debate’, Joe says good by to his Good Ol’ Boy for the cameras! What a coincidence, right? How much more opposed to the endless wars can he get? What a big stupid con artist Joe Biden really is! Biden sees son and troops off to Iraq The Democratic Party IS, IS, IS the proWAR party. Can the Obama camp make it any more explicit?

Capitalism has failed. It is time to try something else

The devil is in the details
America is Lost. The Senate of the Damned (2/3 of which is not up for reelection, so they can ignore the will of the voters) passed an $800B givaway for the filthy-rich on Wall St, nothing for Americans losing their homes. They actually added $100B in bribes to the already rejected extortion package.

Will Congress succeed in throwing a magic TARP over our eyes, and let Wall St. abscond with another $Trillion of taxpayer money? If ever there was a time for a second American Revolution, this is it.

Never mention the greed. Nutcase Conservatives again try to scapegoat minorities for Wall St. meltdown. Just like Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany’s economic collapse.

In taped interview, McCain proves what an asshole and liar he really is. I hear his handlers are worried about him going postal before the election.

Another huge success for McCain’s surge. Dozens killed in Baghdad bombings this morning.

Muslim clerics issue fatwa against new Pakistani president, for flirting with the slutty tramp Sarah Palin.

I’m going to the store to buy some popcorn, tonight is when Sarah Palin makes a complete fool of herself debating Biden, and tomorrow the Republicans will have to hide their faces in shame at the thought of having to vote for her. But hey, a contract is a contract, even with the Devil himself.

Excerpts from Thomas McCullock’s Oct 2nd notes, thomasmc.com.

Senators give Paulson keys to treasury

The Senate has signed Paulson’s blank check for the Wall Street ransom payment. Band of Thieves, Murder of Crows, Goddamn Jerk of Senators!
Overheard on the radio about Obama/McCain: “It’s amazing such similar solutions for the economic crisis can be coming from such vastly different candidates.” Not so amazing if you consider you’ve only assumed the red and blue are opposites. Both candidates colluding with the Banking oligarchs could be a tipoff that both parties represent the same interests. Time to wonder how the American people’s interest might have been represented by an alternative third [sic] party?

How well are you reconciling Barack Obama’s theme of “change” as he stumped for the Wall Street money grab. Obama likened the crisis to your neighbor’s house being on fire. Besides the implication that no one would want to be uncharitable, you might also deign to pitch in for the selfish motive of keeping your neighbor’s fire from spreading to your house. That was Obama’s clever pitch, but is that what the failing investments represent? The bankers’ homes? Hardly. I can’t even think of an analogy to represent what the jeopardized assets represent to the hierarchy of needs of the super wealthy.

Assuming they are your neighbors. Would it be their twelfth snow-machine that’s on fire? Their son’s floozy’s uncle’s twelfth snowmobile on fire and threatening your house. You need to what, pay him to buy another so that the burning one can be safely drenched without pissing him off, since the thrill he gets from that snowmobile is to keep it ablaze for the thrill of endangering you and your family.

Try that one on us Obama.


Tonight, the Senate passed an even worse “bailout” bill than the one the House defeated on Monday night. Only 25 Senators (and most of them for the wrong reasons) voted “No.” It now moves to the House for a vote, possibly on Friday. Why did Obama and Biden vote for it? I think we all know the answer. Let’s keep our eye on the ball of removing the Republicans from the White House, but let tonight be our first reminder that our work is not finished on November 4th when Obama wins. The struggle between what is best for the people and what is best in order to line the pockets of Wall Street will continue. 150 million Americans combined can’t even match the wealth of the richest 400 Americans. All we have is our vote. And there will always be more of us than them. We will all need to become more politically active if we are going to get our democracy back.

CEO Bandits and Gump

gump-posters.jpg The best temp gig in history gives a short accounting of bankrupt Washington Mutual and the CEOs that led the bank to its demise. But what’s new about any of this? Ronald Reagan started this trend off with the Savings and Loan Bailout of the 80s and what did Americans do? Why well they allowed him to be honored as being the supposed ‘Great Communicator’!

Next time you drive down the Interstate and see that stupid sign (paid for by the government) that calls the road ‘The Ronald Reagan Highway’, think about the typical dumb American citizens’s responsibility for the problems we now face? We didn’t just get to where we’re at from the crookedness of one man or one American institution or another, we got here because almost all of America’s population has played stupider than Forrest Gump for decades now. You allowed the CEO class to run away with the goods, while you feasted on WalMart and Dollar General! Chumps! And the best most of you can now come up with is to put the likes of Pelosi, Obama, Clintons, and Biden back in as secondary quarterbacks at the White House?! Today’s America is as gumpy as it comes! Make that dumber than Gump!

Two better Vice-Presidential choices- Rosa Clemente and Matt Gonzalez

You don’t have to choose between a crazy fundamentalist Right Wing woman, Sarah Palin, or a slimy used car selling crook and Zionist, Joseph Biden. Check out two much better and quite different VP possibilities, Rosa Clemente and Matt Gonzalez…

Compare Rosa Clemente Green Party VP candidate speaks at Convention to Sarah Palin. What woman from ‘the common people’ do you prefer here? And compare Matt Gonzalez Ralph Nader’s running mate 2008 He was born in McAllen, Texas. Yoo-Hoo! Compare him to that dry drunk ‘Texan’ we now have in the White House screwing up the world! Yes, and compare Matt to slime ball Joe? Who do you really want in office?

Sympathy for Sarah Palin’s self mockery

Even with the official CBS transcript cleaned up, the Couric-Palin interview remains a riveting embarrassment. Fortunately online videos have archived poor Sarah Palin in all her Bush-league ignobility, if you can bear it. Don’t the Republicans appear to be unfathomable mockeries of themselves? Yet they elicit sympathy as they are seen being mocked.

If a person says something so irresistibly stupid that a bystander cannot fail to laugh, even if it’s embarrassed laughter, and if a third party characterizes the laughter as mockery, who comes out the winner?

(I once watched someone walk out of the bathroom with a tail of toilet paper sticking from his pants. Wherever he turned people were stifling their laughter, especially as he looked into our faces for what we found so funny. Finally he discovered the toilet paper, and I still ache at the memory of anticipating his next eye contact. I have no question who emerged the loser.)

But let’s resume our previously scheduled laugh track:

1. The Interview

COURIC: You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?

PALIN: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, the land — boundary that we have with — Canada. […]

COURIC: Explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials.

PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our — our next door neighbors are foreign countries. They’re in the state that I am the executive of. And there in Russia —

The entire world has got to be referencing Miss South Carolina’s famous “US Americans, SUCH AS” essay answer. But these days who can doubt Ms. Upton was plenty qualified to be Miss Teen USA. It seems so long ago now, what was it? Early 2008? Now she could stand in for GOP running mate.

I’ll address the […] in a moment.

So now even some media talking heads are piling on, as if they cannot bear NOT TO call Sarah Palin on her obvious lack of qualification beyond the wading pool. I think the moral outrage is refreshing, and I love watching Wolf Blitzer for example, cling to the party line in the face of a colleague’s truth talking.

But I have to wonder, where were the dissenters when George Dubya was performing his interview follies? Did these now-malcontents think George Dubya was doing just fine? Were his answers making them proud? Was Dumbya’s imbecility just opaque enough that these same pundits could reassure us in good conscience that they thought Bush was the right man for the job?

2. The Debate
For yet other TV news personalities, next week’s Vice-Presidential debate cannot come soon enough. I’m sure their eagerness matches overwhelming public anticipation for Palin’s moose-in-the-headlights face plant. Oh My God is that going to be some Reality Television! It’ll be the Special Olympics, in the Roman Coliseum, costarring the Honorable Senator from Delaware as the lion.

I do not envy Joe Biden as he tries his best to be a kindly Ray Bolger Lion enlisting Dorothy’s help to find his heart. (Do you doubt that’s a task tailored for him?) While everyone knows he’s expected to eat her.

No, I think Senator Biden is going to prove his worth as a politician if he can pull this off. It’s hard enough for a man to play a woman in tennis without being seen as ruthless cad, or worse, a ruthless patronizing cad. You have to lob your serves, declare long balls to be in, spoil your swings, take foolish risks, fall behind in the score, and still rally for the win. Or not. To win.

I’m intending here only to contrast stronger athlete versus weaker, against a duel of experienced versus fish-out-of-league. But certainly sexism is going to be an elephantine domestic hazard for a rich white male, if not likely an imposing statesman chauvinist.

But mostly I do not envy Sarah Palin. She may be stupid. She may be stupid as a pit bull, as her hockey boast turns out to be more than literal. In a dog, Palin’s quality describes tenacity, in a human it distills into temerity. To judge from her interview performances so far, Sarah Palin doesn’t know much. I think it’s also clear, to paraphrase Donald Rumsfeld, Sarah Palin knows what she doesn’t know.

Would you have the courage to ascend a stage knowing what Sarah Palin knows? I’d sooner go up against Mohammad Ali.

* […]
Here’s the unexpurgated snippet:

PALIN: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and, on our other side, the land-boundary that we have with Canada. It’s funny that a comment like that was kinda made to caric– I don’t know, you know reporters…

COURIC: Mocked?

PALIN: Yeah, mocked, I guess that’s the word, yeah.

3. “Mocked”
It was the worst acting I’ve nearly ever witnessed. Sarah Palin didn’t want to be seen accusing reporters of mockery, because a proper victim doesn’t point the finger. Nor could she be seen choosing the precise word which she wanted Couric to interject. So Palin started the word “caricature” but interrupted herself and then waited for her interviewer to finish the sentence.

Now if Couric was genuinely trying to fill in Palin’s phrase, she would have had to suggest “mock” in the present tense. Not “Mocked.”

And if Palin had really intended to use the word “caricature,” she would have had to preface it with something like “paint a caricature” to make sense. Although, should I presume to straighten Palin’s English mis-usage? Maybe she was about to invent the word “caricaturize,” the way I’m self-satisfied with misusage.

I am confident enough, however, to conclude that Couric was holding the “mocked” term at the ready. And Couric was probably plenty embarrassed at the awkwardness Palin displayed in delivering her cue. And to further taint Couric with complicity, it was imperative that “Mocked?” be conjugated in the past tense because it is declarative of a deed done, not timidly alleged.

Mockery has been an Election 2008 keyword ever since the RNC, where Rudy Giuliani led the Republicans in unspoken ridicule of the Democrats. “Community Organizer.” Arms punctuating the term as if it was a question. Pause for laughter. That was mockery, and yet ever since their convention, the inherently accusatory “mock” has been attributed as a perpetration of the Democrats. When Barack Obama criticizes McCain, it’s mockery.

Of course, if Obama so much as debunks an accusation of McCain’s, it’s mockery. But isn’t that due to the simplistic dishonesty of the Republican lie? Someone accuses you of being a Martian, any refutation is going to be a mockery of their intelligence. It’s a brilliant trap.

Probably there are a wonderful variety of words to describe it, but the media is keeping it simple for the American public. One slander fits all: MOCK. Specifically, Dems Mock GOP. I’ve yet to see it the other way around.

4. “Pushback”
Here’s another term that the media has been happy enough to adopt en masse. What does it mean? You tell a lie, you are called on that lie, you PUSH BACK. Tada!

Refutation doesn’t cut it, because you don’t actually make a case to justify your initial lie.

Repudiate fits. So does reject. So does deny. But those words explain a little too much about what you’re doing. If the media reported that the Republicans were standing behind their lie, and rejected what’s on record as contradicting the lie. They wouldn’t get far in the court of public opinion.

And the news reporter’s current function of avoiding having to challenge untruths would become untenable.

PUSHBACK gives the illogical untruth longer legs. It turns the debate into a shoving match, where arguments are treated as having equal weight. Push and push back. Playground verbal exchanges of nonesense. I know you are but what am I?

Joseph –I am a Zionist– Biden’s love affair with pigs wearing lipstick

CopObama and running mate Joe “I am a Zionist” Biden are big fans of hiring even more cops, funding even more militarization of the US, and exporting that military policing mindset to around the pigs-in-love globe to the torturers that the US government constantly allies itself with. Yes, Joe Biden wants to hire another 50,000 PLUS extra pigs in the US as the following excerpt from his web site illustrates…

‘Funding 50,000 Cops and 1,000 FBI Agents: In the 1990s, the Biden Crime Bill added 100,000 cops to America’s streets. As a result, murder and violent crime rates went down eight years in a row. George Bush’s cuts to the program have put America at risk and crime rates are back on the rise. Joe Biden wants to put 50,000 more cops on the street and add 1,000 more FBI agents to address the rise in crime and threats of terrorism.’

For full scope of Biden’s love affair with lipsticked pigs see his Homeland Security No priority is higher than America’s safety snoutings.

And the pigs love the Democratic Party. The love affair is mutual! MSNBC reports that POLICE ORGANIZATIONS BACK OBAMA-BIDEN. Now isn’t that lovely?

The last thing our country needs is yet more funding for prisons, military, pigs, and their weaponry. Joe Biden and Obama don’t think that though, and in the National Porcine Employment Homeland Security Department, they can certainly more than hold their own with the McCain-Palin nutters. Beware!

Sarah Palin is Just W in a Dress

Eight years ago, the Bush Error began when voters picked the guy they most wanted to have a beer with, today they are focused on which they would most like to have sex with. No wonder the country is swirling around the bottom of the toilet bowl.

Stock market crashing, after weekend bankruptcy of Lehman Bros., and Merril Lynch agreeing to be bought out by Bank of America for pennies on the dollar.

John McCain is the ultimate flip-flopper.

Wow, even Karl Rove says McCain’s ads have gone too far.

Sarah Palin is just W in a dress.

Sarah Palin lied about visiting Iraq.

Every word out of their mouths is a lie, including the words “and” and “the.” McCain lies and says Palin never requested federal earmarks, at the same time she was defending her requests for earmarks, the highest per capita in the nation.

Kinky. Sarah Palin’s husband Todd ordered to testify about her abuse of power.

Palin claims she has “nothing to hide” in TrooperGate. So why, then, has she been fighting tooth and nail to have the investigation quashed?

Joe Biden, tightwad. He just released his tax returns, and over the last 10 years he has given an average of one seventh of one percent of his income to charity. That’s 1/70th of the average for his income bracket.

Red Cross orders journalist/evacuee to leave hurricane Ike shelter, they can’t risk the press knowing how they actually treat evacuees.

Nothing says “Jesus” like genocide, eh?

Excerpts from Thomas McCullock’s Sept 15 notes, thomasmc.com.

USA! USA! Today on Jerry Springer- Alaska vs. Delaware!

Jerry SpringerSnooty, arrogant, Dupont chemical state Biden, versus Soccer Mom eating moose burgers with Alaskan Separatist hubby! Let’s hope they take their tops off and go at it! Joe, you can tag team with Hillary to make it more even if you want?

Lets’ face it, Biden= Palin! They’re both camp as can be! But America just can’t get that image of Frontier out of mind (NO, not the half bankrupt Frontier Airlines), and Alaska is just that! It’s the great military frontier, too! God Bless Us so.

Biden wants to send US troops to Africa, and Palin wants to send them to Ukraine and Georgia (NO, not the Peach Tree State). Let Israel decide where ‘our’ troops be sent then!

Oops, Biden has just left the floor and is bumping his naked chest up against that of an audience member’s tie! Wait! That’s John McCain! What’s he doing in the ring?!!!

And there goes Todd! He’s taken down audience member Barack (the only Black person in this trailer trash crowd!) with a bear-like tackle! Talk about Global Warming! (let’s not)! Todd is biting and a growling!

Now he’s got Obama begging for an aborted mission, and look at that Todd go ballistic! That Todd’s something else, and we can only hope that he and his purty wife can get into the White House for more tag team fun. Maybe with Vladimir and the now rather putrid and pickled Boris? Jimmy and Mikhail could referee that one! We can only hope… it could be a nucular blast!

And look what’ just come out! A live pig with lipstick on, a jackass with lipstick aglow too, and a pink elephant with the bright red stuff on (please, don’t write me about this slanderous ad hominem attack on Sarah)! Oh boy! This is going to be a big free-for-all that the whole family can enjoy! Look at them go! Yeah! This could only happen in a Christian nation where God’s people have the freedoms that only God’s people can have! It makes me proud to be an American to see a show like this! Thanks, Jerry Springer, thanks to you, KRCP Cincinnati. Thanks to Great America!

Would Palin just be Cheney’s secretary?

One has to wonder, just what kind of dirt Cheney has on the Democratic leadership, to make them cower so. It must be good, to make Reid and Pelosi into such obedient lapdogs.
Sarah “Cheney” Palin refuses to testify in ethics investigation against her, demands it be called off.

Two-face Biden says Obama administration might seek criminal charges against Bush administration, then the next day (on Fox News) claims it’s not true, and he “doesn’t know where such talk is coming from.”

John McCain’s fellow POW says he is not fit to be President.

Video: Palin addresses 2008 secessionist party convention.

She’s so dumb, she actually thinks the Founding Fathers wrote the Pledge of Allegiance (it was written in 1892), and that they put “under God” in there, to boot! (that part was added in th 1950s).

If you think the mayor of Columbus is over-qualified to be President, Palin’s just right!

You really gotta wonder if McCain is just plain senile. The only campaign argument he had was that Obama wasn’t qualified, now he doesn’t dare use that one again.

Excerpts from Thomas McCullock’s notes Sept 4, thomasmc.com.

Democratic Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, is one sorry ass mother

Ray Nagin and Dubya BushRay Nagin is a typical sorry ass Democratic Party hack. Like all of these mothers, Ray likes to help out the Republicans both rhetorically and concretely. When the Republicans wanted to ethnically clean the City of New Orleans by tearing down and not rebuilding public housing, they had a a friend in Ray. And what will stand out about the Hurricane Gustav that never really fully materialized, will be Ray’s waving the rhetorical shotgun against supposed future ‘looters’. Commentator David Zirin at Znet summed up Nagin’s threats against ‘looters’ below…

‘New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin said over the weekend, “Anybody who’s caught looting in the city of New Orleans will go directly to Angola [Louisiana State Penitentiary]. You will not have a temporary stay in the city. You go directly to the big house, in general population.”

Considering that many of the so called looters after Katrina, were fighting for their lives, and considering that the media had color-coded looters, with white residents classified as heroes, the implications of Nagin’s dictate is chilling. It’s horrifying to think that they could be laying their head in the former slave plantation known as Angola.’

His full commentary, Gustav & the Dome, give a good view of how the Republican US federal government is playing with the people of New Orleans, with Democratic Party Mayor Ray Nagin fully on board assisting with their crimes of neglect, corruption, and overt racism.

Might we ask ourselves, too, isn’t Ray Nagin exactly how an elected Barack Obama most likely would become? Ray Nagin seems like the perfect Democratic Party model for such a politician like Obama. None of Obama’s foreign policy plans seem to be a threat in the least to the now current Republican Party agenda. And Ray Nagin has not been a threat to their New Orleans agenda either.

When Nagin made his threats against his imaginary ‘looters’, he had just rushed back into the city from the Democratic Party Convention in Denver. It’s all photo op for these guys any way, and he was needed to show ‘unity’ with the Republicans in New Orleans more than grandstanding with Biden and Obama at the convention.

One wonders, what will it take for our country to get fed up with the likes of these guys? They come as a team, and as a team they must finally be thrown out for anything to ever change.

Human Rights Watch lied to world press about who dropped cluster bombs where?

Shame on you, Human Rights Watch! You lied didn’t you? You lied to help whip up international support for the US attack on South Ossetia that their Georgian government stooges carried out. At a key moment you spread lies that Russia had dropped cluster bombs on Georgia throughout the world press and now you’ve been caught at it! Human Rights Watch says Georgia admits to dropping cluster bombs in S. Ossetia This news comes from the Associated Press.

What will be interesting is to see if any of the Democratic Party tied liberal sites like Common Dreams and alternet actually print the real news now? My fingers are crossed. The DP leaders are almost as gung ho for whipping up a hysteria against Russia as the McCainites are. Aren’t you Biden and Barack?

Human Rights Watch will hide away the news now as best they can about how it was the Georgian government that used those cluster bombs. Shame on this group! They were doing their best to add to the Let’s Reopen the Cold War hysteria that started to grip the US media, and now… what do they have to say for themselves? Not much.

US Labor Day turned into an extra day to shop for crap at Walmart

18volgaboatmen.jpg …The US Labor Movement is in shambles and is no force at all in the economic life of this country. This is as a result of having a group of labor union heads totally tied to the Democratic Party and co-opted by big business since the post World War 2 era. What was created by radicals amongst the working class way back in the ’30s has been thrown away, and today US Labor Day is nothing more than another day when workers go to Walmart.

Labor ‘solidarity’ has now been reduced to voting for the likes of Barack Obama and Joe Biden and praying that one does not lose the small equity one might have on a home or a car. It’s a sad day for the workers of America who face illness and old age with shredded full of holes retirement and medical care plans. Brother can you spare a dime? has been changed to ‘Brother can you spare a Hundred? My car ran out of gas and we got nothing to eat.’ Labor buys nothing more than poverty for so many.

Why I’m helping Hugo Chavez

LivingstoneLike Cynthia McKinney standing up and speaking at the protesters rally in Denver during the recent DNC Carnival, Ken Livingstone, former mayor of London, has been courageously political by visiting Caracas, Venezuela. There Kenneth Livingstone took a stand against US aggression in Latin America. Here he explains why? Why I’m helping Hugo

Apparently it is possible to not be a mainstream total political whore in politics like Obama and Biden are, and certainly McCain and Palin are, too. Why don’t liberals demand such of the people they vote for? Until they do change their behavior we will get the type of horrible bipartisan mess the US currently suffers under. We need more real people in politics in the US… people like Ken Livingstone.

That photo above was of Ken Livingstone supporting the London gay community and not him next to Hugo Chavez. Yeah, another courageous stance that Ken took. We need more people who are honest and stand up for what they believe in and that have real character, not phony photo-op stuff. They are in short supply in politics in the US seeing how we only have 2 political parties that both behave about the same.

McCain’s new wife

McCain picks Palin as running mate Alaska governor to be first female Republican VP nominee Obama is now married to Joseph Biden all because dufus Barack was worried that McCain would pick Joseph Lieberman to be his VP pick. Now, McCain has a pretty ‘young’ White Woman in his household to counter the ugly looking Democratic Party marriage of convenience of his neighbors. Comedy is never pretty!

Joseph Biden… YES, Barack and I are Zionists

Obama …“I am a Zionist…You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist…” Senator Joe Biden
Yes, that’s true, Joseph. Obama is a Zionist, too, which is pretty funny since the usual gang of GOP nitwit operatives have tried to plant the idea that he is a Muslim instead.

All’s fair in love and war and political campaigns between burros and pachyderms, but both Joe Biden and Barack Obama happen to be American Christian Zionists, which simply means that they support ethnic cleansing by Jews in one small part of the Middle East. They think it’s quite useful in the Christian Global Imperialist Crusade which is their principal political platform. I know, I know…. You thought that was the program of the Republicans alone. Surprise, it is not!

Here is Biden, the VP co-candidate selection of Barack Obama, on Shalom TV… Sen. Joe Biden on Shalom TV

Putin accuses Georgian government attack of being part of McCain campaign

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the US of provoking the conflict in Georgia, possibly for domestic election purposes. Putin blames US for Georgia role Good luck, Vladimir, but not even God can revitalize Obama’s campaign at this point, not with Joe Biden on board. Besides, Barack and ‘Joe’ are just as much as trying to get a nuclear war going with you as the next ‘John’ is. Most of us Americans are too stupid to care about nuclar matters anyway.

Your vote just doesn’t count in the two party dictatorship

Hydra …Dictatorships have gotten wise. It is easier to run a dictatorship when you present the public with two parties instead of one. Dictatorial Power no longer resides in just one single individual in today’s dictatorship, but within one power bloc instead. The public face of today’s dictatorship is a bureaucratic assemble of hacks, not just the face of one Supremo.

Take the current American dictatorship for an example (though Mexico’s current dictatorship is run exactly the same way, and if the American public was more familiar with Mexico would be just as illustrative as the American dictatorship itself is), where dictatorial power resides in a bureaucratic assemble of a bloc of bipartisan DP-RP hacks. We shall look at the present US government drive towards war with Russia as our example.

The public face of the American dictatorship comes in condensed form through the faces of about 6 individuals; Obama, Biden, Cheney, Bush, McCain, Lieberman (very possibly the VP selection by McCain). All have been appointed more than truly elected, and all are united in the need for the US to attack Russia. Russia confronts not El Supremo but rather a six headed hydra of global business domination centered in the US.

A modern day American dictatorship is the viper we can all see publicly, but it is multi-faced, and not that of just one Gran Prepotente (Big Shot). Unfortunately, the public has a hard time truly understanding that the face of America’ modern dictatorship is truly not much different from dictatorship’s of the past, where Mr. Power Hog ruled over all.

In the past, the dictator put on a show election, but that is still how it is done today with the multi-headed Dictator Bloc, too. The show currently is in the pageantry at Denver and St. Paul. In both cases, your vote really need not be bothered to be counted, since the selection was already made for you by raw economic power, which you have none of.

Dictatorship has always resided in ownership, and today’s multi-headed hydra dictatorship for all its apparent differences with the past is no different. The dictatorship owns all; press, soldiers, police, banks, oil, money supply, jobs, the water and air your life depends on. Rebel, and they’ll take off the shirt on your back and the pants you wear, and give you those of their own which they will now own.

Well what about our example of the American dictatorship confronting Russia? It is obvious to see for all that should look and think, that the 6 headed hydra of Obama, Biden, Cheney, Bush, McCain, Lieberman all have obtained ‘consensus’ to rule just like a one headed El Supremo style dictatorship would. They are all for using the Pentagon and NATO to attack Russia. Your vote doesn’t count in the 2 party dictatorship! It’s because the America you live in is a dictatorship. Vote if it makes you feel good but don’t be under any delusions about it.


World will see the same authoritarian circus at Beijing, Denver, and St. Paul

Tara Reid…. Late summer authoritarianism is going full blast now! Nobody seems to be worried about anything in the Big Disconnect Universe. All is the same rosy lock-stock-and-barrel circus of grinning authoritarian clowns, as they talk empty ‘Change’ , Homeland Security, and athletic prowess in uniform military formations. It’s the Brave New World immediately before the world-wide Ecological Apocalypse!

It was China’s turn last week but now it is Klown Colorado LittleTon’s turn to co-host with the Democrats the Grand Show! To be followed of course, with the POW Hero Bomber and Christian Right’s ring of Carnival FunHouse nuts on parade. Oh what a display for the world to watch! Such inanity in such a short period of preCollapse time on display. Pre? Well, let’s not toy with when, where, and how, but it’s Collapse still for sure.

All the slow, slow incremental types are in Rapture but what a false pretend kind of Rapture they are having. Joe Biden is the leader at their head now! No, they do not convince neither here nor there, and the whole world will see the same authoritarian circus everywhere! We look and do not believe how deluded our fellow citizens self-deceive. Vote for the Grand Morass? Or smile and sigh? It’s all Great Big Disconnect.

There sure were a lot of the Thug Force out in squads the first day out. The highlight of the march was when Fox News showed up to bait us, but themselves got run off the field. And everywhere, cops, cops, cops, and more cops. Pigs on horses, pigs in the air, pigs every everywhere! Enough to keep most people away. Nothing but a big silly show.

Blackwater USA out of Sudan!

Last night, some misguided peace activists in Colorado Springs got together at ‘Poor Richards’ to call for more US-UN-EU intervention into Sudan. They want to stop the bloodshed in Darfur but seem oblivious to the actual realities of US global interventionism. Their get together comes just days after Joseph Biden, a Democratic Party presidential candidate, called for US troops to be sent into Sudan.

So what in effect we have, are Colorado Springs pacifists calling for US military intervention into an African country! It is companies like Blackwater USA who will actually carry out this intervention, along with other outfits from the USA like the Louis Berger Group.

US Out of Africa, not further into it! Blackwater USA Out of Sudan!

Bush threatening military intervention into Sudan (thanks to Democratic Party liberals)

Congratulations go out to the ‘Save Darfur’ community of liberals. How pleased you have to be now. Your campaign to send US troops and US directed troops to intervene in the affairs of yet another nation are now bearing fruit, and the Bush Adminstration is now mobilizing itself with Democrats to invade yet another country, that country being Sudan. Oh for sure you never called it a ‘Send in the Troops campaign’, but called it a ‘Stop the Genocide’ campaign instead. How clever! How so ever decent of you.

Funny though that genocide was never used to describe what happened (and still probably is happening) in the Congo, and not once did I hear you sweethearts call for a campaign to stop the US GENOCIDE in Iraq. Since 1991 the US has killed several million Iraqis through war and economic sanctions, yet somehow that never sparked your indignation and labelling of the US as a genocide perpetrator? Why not? Instead you call upon the genocidal US forces to ‘save’ others, all located far outside US borders. How very bizarre. I just don’t get it? Are you liberals total numbskulls. or what?

Yesterday John Negroponte, Ronald Reagan’s master architect of screwing up Central America during the ’80s, was in North Africa threatening US military intervention into Sudan. Joseph Biden, a leading Democratic Party hack, is also calling for US troops to be sent in. Anbd unbelievably in this context, many liberals ac`tually are holding a week of rallies around the planet in 2 weeks to rally support to this cause! Two weeks from Sunday there is one to be held in Denver, and liberals lost in fantasy land here in Colorado Springs also plan to attend the rally! How about using some of that gray matter in your skulls and reconsider what you are actually mobilizing for?

I will be attending this rally, too, with signs calling for the US to get out of Africa, not into it. What a radical concept, ay? I will have signs calling for the US to get out of Somalia, and calling for the US to terminate its new military African command center called, AFRICOM. We need to be calling for the demobilization of US controlled military forces, not calling for further extension of their warfare. Activists working for US and European intervention into Darfur are doing the absolute worst thing possible at this time when they should actually be working to pull US troops out of Iraq instead. Stop getting yourselves lost in space, Space Cadets! If you are against genocide, then at least educate yourselves enough to know which countries perpetrate it. The US would be at the top of the list, FYI.

Liberals sometimes just seem to be totally living in a fantasy world. Just this week I was at a Justice and Peace event where the speaker was actually praising the United Nations! How ass backwards is that? The US controls the UN Security Council and has these military forces doing its dirty work around the globe. The UN is now a thoroughly controlled and thoroughly reaccionary force everwhere. It specializes in mop up operations for the Pentagon, from the Balkans to Haiti to Iraq and Afghanistan. It will be a blissful day in heaven when liberals in the US can begin to put 2 plus 2 together and begin to differentiate reality from their fantasies some little bit. Praising the UN and/ or calling for African Union troops, NATO troops, and UN troops to intervene in places like Sudan is not a move towards world peace and an end to conflict, but are words and actions that will just help increase US military interventionism everywhere.

US OUT OF AFRICA NOW, not into it! Nobody likes the mass deaths inside Africa and that’s why we need the imperialists out, and not in. Demonstrate to withdraw US forces now. Get the US Out of all the foreign places where they are now repressing the world’s peoples. Our government has absolutely no progressive role to play in world politics until we can radically alter it. Since we are not even close to doing that at this point, the call for troops to be used elsewhere is about as backwards as liberal Democrats can be. You should be trying to demobize the military-industrial complex, not use it abroad! Get with the program, Liberals. And I’m not talking about getting with the Bush program for Africa, as you are currently doing.