US use of torture on POWs should stop

The U.S. has a long history of torturing its POWs. Torture of POWs is used by many other countries. However its use is denied by many U.S. authorities or government officials. The definition of torture put simply is to cause pain, emotionally, physically, or psychologically. Torture is used to terrify enemies, and hardly ever gains information.

Some examples of the U.S. A. military use of torture on P.O.W.s

Che Guevara
Che Guevara was murdered on October 9, 1967 in Bolivia. He was tortured and killed by Bolivian soldiers trained and equipped by CIA operatives. Che was told he was going to be killed by Felix Rodriguez. He was shot in the legs several times, and put into a dirty schoolhouse. His arms and feet were tied while he lay in the dirt. He lay by the bodies of his dead Guerrilla fighters. The USA tried to cover up his deliberate murder by shooting him in the legs to make it look like he died in battle. He was never given a trial. He was shot nine times.

Philippines war
The Philippine war was a war fought by Filipino revolutionaries and the USA. Waterboarding was one of the main techniques used by the CIA. It was used on Extra Judiciar prisoners.The department of Justice authorized this. Sleep Deprivation and de-sensorizing among other things was used. The use of solitary confinement and confusion is used frequently, prisoners are made to wear blindfolds to cause confusion and panic. Medical treatment is also refused. Bribery, and threats are used to force a confession.

Korean War
The Korean war was fought between South and North Korea. The US occupied the south, while the soviet troops occupied the North.

Vietnam War
Prisoners were put in Tiger cages. Lime was dumped on them, and water was dumped on them after.

Central America
In Nicaragua Somoza tortured people by putting them in cages with lions. Somoza was a dictator backed up by the US military. In Argentina children of communist parents were stolen, while their parents were tortured and killed.

School of The Americas
The CIA distributes an interrogation manual which shows torture techniques to use during interrogations. The manual was used by the CIA to train US-supported Latin American militaries at this school.

Abu Ghraib Prison
Torture has been recently used in Abu Ghraib prison, located in Iraq. Some of the main forms of torture used here are rape, sodomy, water boarding among many others. Military Intelligence has been present during these procedures, and highly encourages it. A prison guard said prisoners receive snake bites for minimum mis-behavior. In the AD. seg units prisoners are dumped into poop and pee.

Afghanistan war
The US invaded, tortured and suffocated thousands of POWs to death.

Officials claim that Torture must be used to gain information. During the presidency of George W. Bush some U.S government officials said that they believed water boarding was not a form of torture. In 2002 the Office of Legal Counsel stated that water boarding wasn’t a form of torture. The OLC said that the reason water boarding was not thought of as a torture was that “In order for pain or suffering to rise to the level of torture, that statute requires it to be severe & water boarding did not cause severe pain or suffering either physically or mentally.” Even though water boarding causes the victim to believe he/she is being drowned.

Torture hardly ever gains information but instead is used to terrorize people so they don’t resist, or to force a confession. Torture is used in interrogations by cops, being put in handcuffs that are to tight is also a less painful form of torture. During the st. Patrick Parade a couple of years ago the police stopped the parade and threw older people on the ground, an old lady was dragged across the pavement and put into handcuffs. She died a couple of months later.

People say that the US doesn’t torture people, because supposedly it is better than that.The fact of the matter is that the USA is the biggest user of torture in the world. It has and will continue to torture its POWs while everyone here says the USA government and military does not torture and has never tortures POWs.

Bush wants to torture Khalid Sheikh Mohammed again

Bush stands behind torture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, says he’d “do it again to save lives.” Yesterday, former President Bush spoke at the Economic Club of Grand Rapids, MI, where he said that had no regrets about waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the self-professed 9/11 mastermind, and would do it again.

According to Fox 17 in Grand Rapids, Bush “didn’t allow cameras inside for the event,” but reporters caught his remarks:

“Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed … I’d do it again to save lives.”

Waterboarding Mohammed 183 times didn’t save any lives. In fact, Mohammed told U.S. military officials that he gave false information to the CIA after withstanding torture. Additionally, a former Special Operations interrogator who worked in Iraq has stated that waterboarding has actually cost American lives:

“The number of U.S. soldiers who have died because of our torture policy will never be definitively known, but it is fair to say that it is close to the number of lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001.”

Bush will never be prosecuted for committing this crime he has now admitted to, because the Democrats, too support the use of government torture against Pentagon held POWs.

Did you know John Yoo is not in jail?

john-woo-daily-showThis is the kind of civility that I just can’t stomach. Berkeley Law Professor John Yoo, author of the Torture Memos which Bushco’s blimpnecks took for their greenlight to water-board, was a guest yesterday on the Daily Show. Short of Jon Stewart orchestrating a citizen’s arrest, or reality television setting Gitmo alumni upon Woo like bears on honey, I don’t want to see the John Yoo walking free.

I could see that Stewart had planned some zingers which Yoo was able to dodge, and afterward Stewart behaved like Hannibal Lecter had just passed through, but on the whole I think hosting criminals like Yoo is ill advised. For one, you have to shake his hand. Then of course the nature of television entertainment –unless you are Mike Wallace who’s just strode into the mark’s office– has you trying to make light of the interview, the whole of which has been choreographed for laughs. Worst of all I believe, are the too-many times a host finds himself asking the audience to give it up for the guest.

When Stewart first announced the night’s guest was to be John Yoo, the audience appropriately enough did not cheer. Of course when it came time for the cretin’s entrance, the applause was obligatory. And so it followed, each subsequent punctuation. How else are the audience members supposed to show their enthusiasm? It’s true, their energy is critical to the stage energy.

Stephen Colbert solves the applaud-the-bad-guy paradox by taking a victory lap himself when the audience applauds the introduction of the guest. But usually Colbert’s show specializes in leftist guests with whom the audience is sympathetic, so the maneuver is more for bringing the studio audience unto Colbert’s role-playing for the Right. Integral to his act is an audience that mimics O’Reilly-Limbaugh ditto-heads. A veritable right wing audience could never be brought to even show civility to a guest they’re told is hostile.

And I guess I long for a little more of that genuine sentiment. It began for me when I saw Sarah Palin treated with effusive cordiality on Saturday Night Live. Again the audience was expected to applaud Palin, if in fact they were really just excited to see her roasted.

John Yoo and ilk, the whole Bush troops, must be prosecuted and jailed. That they walk about at large, free to second guess President Obama’s terrorism strategies are nothing to laugh at. I’ll cop to being humorless on this point.

Excerpt, March 13, 2002 Memorandum

“… neither the GPW (Third Geneva Convention) nor the Torture Convention restrict the President’s legal authority to transfer prisoners captured in the Afghanistan conflict to third countries. Although the GPW places conditions on the transfer of POWs, neither al-Qaeda nor Taliban prisoners are legally entitled to POW status, and hence there are no GPW conditions placed on their transfer. While the Torture Convention arguably might govern transfer of these prisoners, it does not apply extraterritorially.”

Excerpt, August 1, 2002 Memo

“Under international law, therefore, the United States thus is bound only by the text of the Torture Conventions as modified by the first Bush administration’s understanding.”

You have forgotten what to remember

You are not forgottenCan someone please explain to me what it means to fly this flag? The POW-MIA flag is ubiquitous these days around veterans. Our town hall flies this black flag halfway below the Stars and Stripes. When the latter is at half mast, the former hangs indecorously low. Which reminds me of a pirate ship stalking a wavering Old Glory.

I understand POW and MIA, and “you are not forgotten.” But there is no flag for the veterans, the dead or wounded, to whom does this lone flag speak and why?

Since the Gulf War, the US military maintains that it loses track of none of its soldiers. We’ve had POWs but they’ve been returned, and we’ve had MIAs whose bodies have been found. One was recovered even recently, though it was the body of a pilot lost over Iraq, understood to have died. Casualties at sea are still sometimes unrecoverable, but at least something about American war-making proficiency now permits us to confirm deaths even sans corpus. Supposedly.

US military engagements between those wars, and later, have been kept outside public scrutiny, or not officially admitted. As a result, they’ve added no POWs or MIAs for the home front to worry over.

Which leaves Vietnam, from whose era comes the dark silhouette of a bent inmate in the shadow of a prison guard tower. According to the last report, there remain 1728 American soldiers missing in action in Indochina. They are unaccounted for — it might be more fair to say–not missing persons, expected to turn up.

During the Vietnam War, the MIA list gave hope that your soldier wasn’t among the fallen. It was a hope that loved ones could cling to for even years after the fall of Siagon. On the radio, a Dick Curless hit from 1965 continued to resonate even as the war receded from memory. “Six Times a Day” told of a bride in post-WWII Germany who met the trains every day, awaiting the return of her German soldier, held by the Soviets in war-reparation labor camps until the Russians considered them to have atoned. Was this what we expected Vietnam was doing?

Six times a day the trains came down from Frankfort
The night he came ten years were almost through
She held him close and said I knew you’d be here
He said I had no doubt you’d be here too

American wives were determined to wait even longer, except evidence of post-war prisoners never came. There was speculation of a cover-up, suspicions which politicians like John Kerry and John McCain do little to assuage. After the war, some believe that prisoner GIs were left behind, whom the North Vietnamese hoped to exchange for war reparations. Instead of paying, it’s conjectured that the US government chose to deny the existence of those men. No American diplomat has ever confirmed the scenario, and no surviving GI has ever surfaced.

The closest we’ve come to rescuing POWs was at the movies, when Rambo went back for a jailbreak and to do-over America’s lost war.

Even as the rumor persisted, the fate of the abandoned POWs is assumed to have been execution at the hands of their former foe, presumed so exasperated and bitter. The general consensus today, no matter the theory, is that no veteran is anticipated to step alive from the sad lists of the Vietnam MIA.

If they are presumed dead, then what separates an MIA from the dead, who we honor together with all veterans? The Vietnam MIA have been added to the Vietnam Memorial. How now is their memory any different?

Even recently I’ve seen relatives of those MIA conduct special ceremonies on Memorial Day, with the empty place setting, the chair, the vase and rose, etc. It looks to me as though the family members have even passed the ritual down to grandchildren who would not even have know the missing soldier. But this ceremony isn’t conducted for the regular dead, who are also missing from the family table, it’s reserved for the missing dead. And so I wonder at the distinction.

MIAs represent casualties who fell off the books. If a soldier’s capture is confirmed, his status changes to POW, otherwise soldiers come up missing through desertion, treason, malfeasance, or physical obliteration. Mother nature can dispose of bodies, but the most common cause of disappearance is owed to the inhuman scale of mechanized war. As weapons grew more powerful, physical bodies more frequently disintegrated. Missing bodies today, even looking back retrospectively, are the result of human beings eclipsed by machine violence. In the engagements America has chosen from Vietnam onward, usually the technology for the big violence is our side’s alone. Which is not to implicate friendly fire. Often USAF air strikes are called in over battlefields strewn already with GI fatalities.

At first the act of flying a POW flag was aimed at the Vietnamese, to remind all around us, with a sideways glance at our enemies, of our concern for our soldiers. Perhaps the MIA component was an urging to Vietnam as well, after the war, to put effort into recovering US soldier remains. Over the decades, I’m not sure that Vietnam could have shown itself more cooperative. If archeological digs are today able to unearth more evidence, it’s not because the Vietnamese weren’t trying.

Who today are we addressing with the POW-MIA flags? I see these flags usually paired with the Red, White and Blue. But those are directed at our foes.

If a soldier’s relation has question to suspect their soldier is an MIA, isn’t that a beef to take up with the US military? The POW-MIA flag seems to say, we don’t trust you, don’t lie to us about our boys in uniform. We don’t want you smashing their bodies to smithereens, or leaving them behind and not telling us. The POW-MIA flag is a renegade message which says: we support the troops, but not their mission. Give them back.

Flying the POW-MIA flag is so unpatriotic, it’s patriotic.

Afghan Taliban set high POW standard

Army private bowe bergdahlThere it is. The Afghans have captured a POW, we’ve been sent his image in RGB with a personal message to the American public. US military spokesmen are calling the video a violation of the laws of war. Secretary of State Clinton is calling it “just outrageous and a real sign of desperation and inappropriate criminal behavior.” She’s probably right about the desperation. But showing no signs of nudity, degradation, brutalization or rigor mortis, Army Private Bergdahl is faring better than any US detainee.

And think of the example we’ve set for the Taliban. Bagram AFB, and other unlisted US detention centers in Afghanistan, are purportedly even worse than Club Guantanamo. What happened in 2001 to Taliban forces who surrendered to the Northern Alliance is still trying to come to light, despite a desperate US cover-up. You’ve heard it by now, although the graves have been moved, the shell casings disappeared, and the witnesses killed. Over two thousand Afghan POWs were suffocated in shipping containers, those who survived were finished off by US special forces as they hastily emptied the containers at Dasht-e Leili.

US gov finally murders ‘ghost detainee’ (POW) tortured by CIA for 7 1/2 years

al Fakhiri, Ali Mohamed Abdul Aziz al ZaraniLibya reports prison suicide of top Qaeda man this week. Translated form CIA Arabic speak, that means he was murdered. Sure… so much has changed with Obama in office! I’m being facetious here. This man was murdered simply because he knew too much about how the Bush Administration tortured POWs in order to try to get them to fabricate ‘evidence’ about a Saddam Hussein-al Qaeda connection to justify their illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq.

A hit by the Libyans for Barack to help put a lid on this scandal? Well you speculate some… (Oh, Tony! Barack is not like that at all!) Sure he is. Certainly the government he heads is! I don’t doubt it for a second.

This reminds me of the President of Guatemala who has been just accused by an assassinated dead man of having murdered him. Luckily, unlike this victim of the CIA and Obama, he taped his accusation on youtube and it begins…

‘if you are hearing this, then I am already dead.’ And he is! See the video The Unspeakable Murder of Rodrigo Rosenberg (English subtitles) and the second part The Unspeakable Murder of Rodrigo Rosenberg Marzano (English sub.) part 2/2

A side note to this report about the CIA murder of this tortured American-held POW, is the last words this man made to Human Rights Watch which were…

“Where were you when I was being tortured in American prisons?”

Good question, Fakhiri. I went to the Human Rights Watch website again and it is amazing how this group never sees wars of aggression as being human rights violations. There’s nothing about US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan there! Seems to simply have escaped their interest or concern! They, at best, have been like a gnat to the US government at times, but in the meantime, they usually are absolutely MIA. Fakhiri’s murder case is case in point.

UN wants entry to Israel’s Facility 1391 an Israeli GITMO hidden torture center

facility 1391 Yesterday was a rather bad day for the Zionist Republic of Jewish Domination, more commonly known as just the Jewish State of Israel. The United Nations condemned it for its attacks on UN facilities in Gaza where the IDF dumped White Phosphorus down on the civilians hiding below, and then the UN also said that it wanted to investigate the hidden Israeli torture center called ‘1391.’

You see, Israel, just like the US, once used much more torture openly and frequently on its held POWs but also got bad press for doing so. So just like now we have a Barack Obama trying desperately to convert US policy use of torture back toward covert policy rather than overt, Israel also had a similar semi reversal of policies. They started to hide their torture use away in a much more clandestine manner. That’s where ‘1391’ comes in, so it’s really annoying to the new Israeli Administration to have the United Nations stumbling towards them and asking Netanyahu if they can ‘see’ inside?

If they have nothing to hide, then why are they hiding 1391 away from view? Actually the whole world knows that US use of torture on Muslims was tried and tested by the Israeli military on Zionist held POWs. So Bow-Wow, Benjy. Let the UN see what sort of dogs you have working there at ‘1391’?

See UN Wants Red Cross Access To Alleged Secret Israeli Prison That would be Israel’s GITMO.

Obama stuck with his finger locked in the damnation

obama fingerIt’s kind of sad reading the liberal ‘Peace’crat sites as they scream and shout about why the Democratic Party must prosecute The Republicans for the crimes of implementing torture. That can’t happen though, and there is one BIG reason why not? Can you guess why it won’t and can’t be done?

The Democrats didn’t get tricked by the Republicans at the beginning of open overt US government use of torture on prisoners, but rather were their accomplices in initiating it. There is no way in the world now that they can rush to investigate and prosecute torture use by Republican Party officials. When Bush began to use overt torture of POWs he told the Congressional Democratic Party leaders of his plan and got their OK for it. It then became an open ‘secret’ among themselves what they agreed to allow and went along with.

So why all this ‘innocence’ about this among the rank and file Democratic liberal voter set? Their leaders might have misrepresented their own desires for allowing this torture to happen, but only a tiny minority of Democratic Party voters perhaps? Support for using torture remains strong within the general US public, and that includes Democratic Party voting circles. Obama has had to deal with this Pandora’ Box because of outside (of America) pressures more than inside pressures. He’s ready to move ‘forward’ once again, and in today’s lexicon of the Demo Party bigwigs, forward means backward.

Can Obama pull his finger back out of the damnation and pretend to America and the world that it never happened? No. He is simply stuck, finger in the damn, and condemnation will continue to try to flow forth. He could go under like New Orleans did under Katrina, especially since he has his finger stuck in yet another damn, that one called the Economy.

One man’s Guerrier, another’s Terroriste

WELL LOOKY WHAT I FOUND! Published in France just after the war, this book is about “LES TERRORISTES.” Can you tell by the cover art, who play the title role?
Souvenais-vous, les Terroristes

USA POST-2001: America designates its war zone detainees as EPWs, or “Enemy Prisoners of War,” because to call them POWs would confuse public sympathies. To the average American, “P.O.W.” commemorates the GI captivity experience in Vietnam or Korea. When a soldier of ours is caught, that’s a POW. To grant both sides equal status would be to humanize our enemy. Of course, POW used to mean all “Prisoners Of War,” ours and theirs, in WWII days, before, and as mentioned in all international conventions.

We label the people of Iraq or Afghanistan who resist our occupation, as insurgents. Be they Bathists or Taliban, we call their cause an insurgency, not a resistance, because that would confuse American public affection for the French Resistance: La Resistance! Every nation in Occupied Europe had a resistance movement, and the WWII archetypes are still fresh. Occupiers equal Germans. Collaborators equal cowards, traitors, Qwislings, Vichy. Resistance fighters equal the heroes.

Since then, American occupations, of postwar France for example, have avoided mention of their assigned task. In Germany and Japan, US soldiers are merely “stationed” there. In countries which we’ve invaded, like Vietnam, Americans denied being the despised occupiers, we were advisors, protectors, etc. And the populations who opposed our military administration were insurgents, and if they attacked us by unconventional means, they were terrorists!

In Iraq as well as Afghanistan, the American spectator can discern that al-Qaeda has been the only named terrorist organization, yet Sunni, Shiite, and Taliban fighters are all called terrorists. Militant Islam is considered terrorist, Hezbollah and Hamas liberation movements are called terrorist, even the Somali pirate brigands are being condemned as terrorists.

So who were “Les Terroristes” of Occupied France? The book cover heeds us to “Souvenais-vous!” Never forget them. The book is full of their pictures and accounts of their brave deeds. Most of them fell to the Nazis, to firing squads and Gestapo tortures. The brave Terroristes were the scourge of the German Occupation, rooted out and almost eradicated before the last year of the war. The Nazis called them “terrorists,” they were LA RESISTANCE!

The truth comes out about how actually the US government tortured its POWs

Sept. 11 planner waterboarded 183 times: report, but this is a little bit different than the US government officials’ lies about how they used torture on Pentagon held POWs, is it not?

We ask, because the apologists for US government torture use have always tried to paint a picture of themselves using only supposedly limited and necessary tortures, needed and used only to protect the larger US common society from baddies. In such, they have mimicked the Israeli government’s murderous actions against Palestinians, too, where all the Israeli government abuse is qualified as being merely a restrained and rational program of protection for endangered Jewish people. But the truth actually in both cases is that both the Israeli and US governments are engaging in their own form of terrorism against people they have tried to deligitimize as supposedly not being subject to international laws of humanity and human decency.

Obama to continue torturing US held POWs at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan

buzzardsBagram Air Force Base is US military, so why this ‘No US rights’ for Bagram inmates? …The simple answer is that Obama and his Administration will continue to torture Afghan POWs held by the US military. Colorado Springs is kind of a sister city to this torture prison, are we not? BTW, the Air Force Academy Buzzards suck this year with their sad sack 9-16 record.

Obama’s coverups

obama koolaidObama is covering up for George Bush’s Administration use of torture as policy. He wants to have it both ways, first claiming that he is changing policy, then in engaging in the old policies of ‘rendition’ and coverup of torture of POWs held by the US military. But there is yet another coverup underway, and that is how Obama is covering up for George Bush’s illegal support for the illegal actions of Israel in Gaza and elsewhere (remember Lebanon?). He may want to repeat the same under his own Administration? From MSNBC:
Obama administration defending Bush secrets.

You see, Obama’s Administration is all about coverups and trying to put a new face on the same old policies of the Republican Party, whether it be with his domestic or his foreign policies. Pretending to leave Iraq yet staying there. Pretending to stop US government made torture, yet continuing to engage in all the activities that use it (occupations of Afghanistan, attacks on Pakistan, continued worship of the military-industrial complex’s God GWOT). Obama is clearly one of the most duplicitous presidents the US has ever had. He is continuing the Federal Government give away’s to the corporate world, too.

And Number One on Obama’s coverup foreign agenda is continued coverup of what the Israeli game plan is all about, simply because it is the US government game plan also. Obama is continuing Cheney’s and the neocon’s program of trying to restructure the entire Middle East into a more compliant region for continued US domination and control of the peoples and the natural resources of the region. Oil is still the name of the game and Israel is still the US bulldog enforcer.

Obama needs to cover for Israel’s crimes since he plans to use their crimes to help further the US government’s own crimes. The US under Barack Obama is firmly on the side of Israel’s ethnic cleansing program in both Israel proper and in the Occupied Territories, and these are Obama’s coverups of the Bush Administration as much as how he is trying to coverup for Bush by keeping torture records secret, keeping executive privilege intact, and so on. There is no change beyond the superficial change of faces and parties in the White House.

Military-industrial war games shall continue and Barack will now direct them. Just don’t buy these Obama coverups if you want real change to ever occur? Don’t let him coverup for the use of torture nor the use of Israel’s military machine.

US documents show that US military did torture multiple POWs to their deaths

Unredacted documents reveal prisoners tortured to death. To think back to all that denial from Americans of all different stripes and stars that POWs were ever being tortured in the least by their beloved ‘boys and girls’ in uniform! All their Pledges of Allegiance and Prayers, their yellow ribbons and gift packs ad nauseum? Meanwhile, our government hid their documentation away out of sight. But we all knew all along….

Israeli torture of Palestinian prisoners is routine

Internet megaphoneThe Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) has so much documentation of Israeli torture of Palestinians that I will just give readers the link and let them browse all the documentation all on their own. I am doing this because this web site, Not My Tribe, is now a target for the Israeli government’s propaganda spam machine, the Internet Megaphone, and that device, the IM, has just denied on this blog that Israel tortures prisoners incredible as that might seem to any informed citizen of the US or Israel itself!

US government use of torture on its own POWs held is at one with Israel’s use of torture. The one feeds the other and it must all be exposed and stopped if either society should ever be able to become humane. The US government has many client states, that it allies itself with, that use torture as a routine on their prisoners, and Israel is one of those. Torture Denial by those who use it is merely a sister form of Holocaust Denial. It is sad that the Israeli government engages in such.

Sad, too, is the fact that many American citizens, by and large copy the very same Torture Denial in regards to their own government’s use of torture on people. They simply will not admit that the government does exactly what everybody already knows it does, which is routinely use torture on prisoners. It’s time for all citizens in these 2 countries to stop playing this game of Torture Denial, and to simply get on with banning the practice entirely.

US ‘suppressing torture evidence’ says top British government official

Binyam MohamedThe Pentagon has been suppressing the press. ‘Mr Davis said a High Court ruling, which pointed to complicity by the UK and US authorities in his torture, was prevented from being published after the US put pressure on the UK.’ Tory MP demands torture statement be made against the British Labor government’s support of US torture, and thus against the US government’s use of torture, also.

This is a welcome development as the Obama government has decided to continue rendition flights to have Pentagon held POWs tortured in other countries for the US government. MP David Davis is throwing a thorn in the side of the cover-up underway to help try to save the Bush Klan from prosecution.

Obama wants to renounce the use of torture and continue to use it more clandestinely. We should not allow him to get away with this maneuvering. That is a photo of Binyam Mohamed, the man who was tortured at Guantanamo by the US.

Guantanamo highlights the colossal collapse of legality in US legal system

cooking kosher(Judge) Leon declared… “Simply stated, faithfully serving in an al-Qaeda-affiliated fighting unit that is directly supporting the Taliban by helping prepare the meals of its entire fighting force is more than sufficient to meet this Court’s definition of ‘support.’” He added, “After all, as Napoleon was fond of pointing out, ‘An army marches on its stomach.”

Thus, Judge Lion declared in his Wonderland ruling that the cook was a terrorist cook! Blame the Chef- How Cooking for the Taliban Can Get You Life in Gitmo By ANDY WORTHINGTON

Humpty Dumpty has fallen and cannot be put together ever again, Barack, at least not with you as Head of State. You cannot restore accreditation for The US Establishment to the US Legal System now after 7 years of US torture and illegal jailing there of POWs. Sleight of hand just won’t do it and the whole world is watching.

Instead of doing away with the GWOT (Global War on Terrorism) nonsense of calling POWs ‘enemy combatants, you are seemingly continuing the entire illegality of the fallen US Legal Establishment. How about a new classification for the POW cook? You can now call him an ‘enemy non-combatant’, and there are many others jailed and tortured by the government you head up now who fall into just this category.

And further, since you are supporting Israel’s terrorist definition of ‘terrorism’, why not just go ahead and classify the children of Hamas as ‘enemy combatants’ and enemy ‘non-combatants’ as well? No need to change American Law to do that since the American Legal System is already totally on board with the Wonderland approach.

I bet you a lot of those murdered IDF Palestinian children in Gaza were cooks, too? Cooking for Hamas would certainly be ruled on by American Judge Leon as terrorist participation and grounds for torture and elimination. Yeah, that’s right! And Israel was right to legally use White Phosphorus to light up the situation in a legal manner so that these tiny terrorists might be stopped in their shoes (though some might have well been bare foot). Terrorists should be seen for just what they are, even if they are tiny cooks, too!

Obama, I know that you can’t turn America around just like that. I’m willing to give you time to show how sweet and good you are. Will 4 years be enough time now for you? Or will you need 8?

Guantanamo highlights the colossal collapse of all but pretense of legality in the American Legal System. There is no real reality now, since America is without real law in the land, as nothing but money and might now rule. Barack Obama’s bought Presidency is part of all that. It is part of the cooking.

US media campaign to help Pentagon defend its use of torture on POWs

George Bush on water boardingThere is a growing effort to defend the use of torture on POWs by the US military, and it centers around the Pentagon’s and the corporate media’s effort to convince the American people that some Guantanamo inmates have become terrorists post discharge. These POWs were discharged because they were found to be innocent of ‘terrorism’, but now the Pentagon and US media want to paint a picture of US military incompetence, all to bolster a campaign to defend those that tortured these POWs when they were at the US run torture concentration camp called Guantanamo (Gitmo).

The corporate media campaign is based on utterly superficial and flimsy ‘evidence’, which is because basically it is Pentagon propaganda and lies. The following gives a link to this so-called ‘evidence’ printed out today in The Christian Science Monitor and scattered throughout today’s US propaganda industry’s coverage of the issue of ‘closing down’ Guantanamo. Ex-Guantánamo inmates return to militancy in Yemen

What is seen quickly, is that all the ‘evidence’ comes from the Saudi government, a dictatorship heavily invested into torturing prisoners. The fact that the US corporate media and the Pentagon turn these American held POWs to these world class criminals and then has the utter gall to report their stewardship over these prisoners as virtual reality and TRUTH really takes the cake! In fact, it is an endorsement of the Saudi torture regime itself, and a use of this foreign torture regime to help justify US military torture in place under Bush, and now Barack Obama.

Per the ‘evidence’ of the Christian Science Monitor stuff, all of the evidence of a supposed return of POWs found innocent and released to supposed criminal activity comes from the word of Saudi government spokesmen! Sick!

Much of American society wants to find a way to justify using torture on other people. They revel in it, and have spent years pretending that torture is not happening, torture is not torture, and in a myriad of ways supporting the use of torture while pretending not to be. This is the latest effort on their behalf by the Pentagon and corporate media, and is utterly a ghost fantasy script written for them, with the aid and assistance of one of the most reactionary regimes in the world, the Saudi Arabian government. This fact alone shows how unembarrassed much of America is about its own criminal use of torture, and this campaign may be used by Barack Obama to step back from actually even making he effort to clean up the US government’s world image by transferring Guantanamo POWs elsewhere?

The use of torture runs deep inside the entire American business of jailing and abusing its own population, too. Guantanamo hardly even begins to be the tip of the iceberg at this point, in uncovering and terminating abuse of prisoners of any kind. We are a very sick country, and many resist the CHANGE needed to turn things around. It is certain that we have a very long way to go to even begin to address these issues, let alone change things for the better. Do not let the corporate media’s lies on behalf of Pentagon use of torture convince you to change your views. America, you simply are not under any sort of threat from ex-jailed Guantanamo POWs.

Obama The Sweeper Man

street-sweeperWhat a dirty image the US government now has after 8 years of the Bush Klan in power alongside their sidekick cohorts, the Democratic Party assisting alongside and to the side. But now the sidekick has the reign in the White House at hand once again, or is it just a broom?

Where to hide all Dubya’s dirt? Perhaps Obama can get the European Union to help him out some? That would be so nice… Take some POWs, they are free to all ‘responsible parties’! Closing out sale on POWs held at Gitmo! Show some kindness now!

Meanwhile the US government campaign of terrorism goes on unchecked as Barack bombs Pakistan, Barack moves troops to Afghanistan, Barack talks tough to Iran…. and so on. We will be tough, tough, tough.

Now to the economy where some major sweeping of America’s public image needs to be done but fast. Barack will sale the growing bankruptcy of Federal Treasury to, to the American people. We”ll give you $300, Old Timers on Social Security! We’re going to look for better ways to give you pennies as we give the top corporations tens and hundreds of billions! Get on board and help us out with the Give Out Express! Don’t worry about the National Debt, you can pay for that later! Everybody qualifies for this credit card! Zero down, Zero percent interest! It’s cleanup time!

Sweep, Sweep, Sweep! It’s time to clean the dirt on the stained American image everywhere! The Sweeper Man is now in D.C. and look how clean he plans to make it all? Sparkle and Shine! Drop a bomb here or there, but do it judiciously, not like say?… Israel in Gaza just did. Need a trillion? …Just come and get it! Bombs away, Guys!

Obama The Sweeper Man. We all wish him well to a certain extent, but we know just what and who he is sweeping for. Not the POWs. Not the American working class. Not the Black Community even. He’s sweeping for Them, the guys who paid him to sweep. This place is a mess they say, and we do agree!

Who’s The Sweeper Man sweeping for though? This I think you probably know already…. since it is not for you and me. But is it just the dirt that needs to do? To me, it looks like the furniture and house itself have gone bad? I don’t see how you can clean this mess up by just sweeping the worst of it under the rug? …. a raggedy rug at that.

Barack Obama resembles Gerald Ford more than he does Lincoln

Gerald FordToday’s Denver Post print edition headline reads U.S. closes door on Guantanamo, torture. Of interest is how their internet version of this headline has changed the verb tense from ‘closes’ to ‘closing’. Yes, well it amounts to about the same thing, kind of? Well but is it a closed book, or not? That question has to be asked because Gerald Ford supposedly closed the book on Watergate, which was where a President acted in a criminal manner but was left entirely free from facing any criminal charges! The President will be stopped (after his criminal acts become just too obvious and exposed) but is simply above the law, was how the message was left later to be read by the likes of Dubya Bush and Dick Cheney.

Yes, Barack Obama wants to clean America’s image up and closing Guantanamo’s detention unit down is key to that. But he also wants to sweep the dirt under the rug and get on with it, so to speak. There is no evidence that he plans to prosecute anybody for the crimes they committed by running this Federal torture camp, and this is what makes us look on these seemingly positive moves with a huge amount of scepticism.

Eisenhower, too, eventually stopped the McCarthyite witch hunt from going further forward, but then continued to wage the Korean War that resulted in millions going to their deaths. He kept the Cold War going full tilt, and much of the world worried that the ‘cold’ would become a hot war with nuclear weapons begin launched. In fact, Eisenhower’s military command thought long and hard about nuking China. So looking at the edicts coming out from Barack Obama on his first day about supposedly moving to end the torture regime of the Bush Administration should not be looked at with rose tinged glasses on.

Suspected U.S. missile attacks kill 18 in Pakistan At the same time as Barack is supposedly ending US government torture of POWs, his Administration is continuing the bombing of targets that hit civilians in Pakistan as often as not. Further, the bombing raids are a violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty, same as the continued now Barack Occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan are, too.

While nobody can expect Barack Obama to reverse all that Bush’s Klan instituted with DP loyal assistance in just one or two days, let alone one or two weeks, there still is really no reason to assume that Barack has any plan to do so… EVER. In this sense, Barack Obama resembles Gerald Ford much more than he resembles Abraham Lincoln. Eventually this will become rather obvious but for now the liberal euphoria continues. They are being led around on their leashes by the corporate media and Barack, but what we are actually seeing so far is Barack Obama pardoning Bush and his gang for crimes committed.

Will ”closing down Guantanamo’ be like ‘pulling British troops out of Iraq’?

Gordon Brown came to power in the United Kingdom in June 2007 and became known for announcing that Britain would be pulling its troops out of Iraq. Many think that the British have actually done so, but the troops are still there. (British) Troops ‘in need of longer breaks’ is this weeks news about those British troops in Iraq. The question now is whether Barack Obama’s announcement that the US …will be… closing down Guantanamo is of the same nature as the announcement that British troops were leaving Iraq?

One other thing to note about the British troops in Iraq, is that the British are planning to follow Barack Obama’s planned surge of troops to Afghanistan. When these troops arrive, they will torture more POWs ala Guantanamo style and worse, bomb more civilian areas, and destroy any possible future stability for Afghanistan yet even more. The British and American liberal governments are liberal governments only in corporate media constructed image only, and will continues to terrorize the world, Afghanistan and Iraq included. Guantanamo is seen as a major blemish in maintaining a good image for Britain and the US in the world, but the governments continue to want to take the same foreign policies of their predatory predecessors. We are getting yet more of the con game as both countries continue to push for more world wide war.

Most likely is that Barack Obama will move to make US use of torture more clandestine and retreat from the public embracing of it, all for having a better image for the government more than for any other reason. Most of the world will hardly be that fooled by this ‘change’. Sorry to say, that most liberal voting DP types will be conned though.

Barack will put blatant torture use into the closet so that later on a new Republican Administration may better pull it back out to publicly embrace once again. Is this really ‘change’ that you can want, happily endorse, and celebrate? Do you want troop withdrawals that are not really troop withdrawals? Will you be satisfied with just a new return to the old form of Clintonite political doublespeak like Gordon Brown and Barack Obama now are engaging in? Time will tell?

Pentagon tortures 15 y/o POW, loses ‘confession’ tape, but still wants to enter it into ‘trial’!

Former Gitmo prosecutor rips military trials, calling interrogators’ practices ‘despicable’ The 15 y/o taken as POW in Afghanistan was tortured, his torture obtained ‘confession’ video taped by his interrogators, and yet now ‘the confession’ is being entered in by the US government-military as supposed evidence against the juvenile POW at their military procedures. All this taking place at its own illegal US government sponsored Kangaroo Court trial for the young man, though the US military claims that they have actually lost the taped confession!

Even Kafka couldn’t have come up with this totalitarian scenario and yet this is the standard of ‘Military Justice’ that will be used to try yet more US soldiers being brought into Fort Carson for ‘trials’. They don’t seem to be planning to charge anybody for crimes of torturing POWs, Barack or no Barack? How is that the case in our alleged democracy?

Free the US GIs that have resisted taking part in these wars waged in such illegal manner. Mohamed was tortured repeatedly at Gitmo, post his Afghanistan taped ‘confession’ obtained from torture. What were they hoping to find from this kid POW? Some Americans that mistakenly entered into the US military don’t want to take part in this sort of illegalities. That’s a crime? They should be honored for helping chip away at this Pentagon torture machine.

Pentagon resorts again to The Big Lie

PinocchioAs image-change time arrives this next Tuesday for the US Government, the Pentagon has resorted once again to The Big Lie. The Whopper this time (NO, not the WOMD thing again just yet!) is that the Pentagon says: 61 ex-Guantanamo inmates return to terrorism! Yeah… Don’t laugh.

How many lies will the US government direct its military spokespeople to commit? That POWs are not really POWs is the big one, of course. Per the Pentagon, POWs are called ‘enemy combatants’ that they then say are not subject to the international laws supposedly governing the treatment of prisoners of war. The Pentagon says that it can do anything to them, another BIG LIE. But of course it is not a lie when they say it.

But this latest nonsense from our government and its State Terrorist force is this bit about all these ‘terrorists’ that they so nicely just let go, all now menacing America once again because, I guess?, the Pentagon is just too nice and sweet to the folk? Was that your impression of the US military, that they are the good guys out there being so very responsible and decent? Pure BS, isn’t it?

I know. ‘Our boys’ are just following orders and they are just not to blame for the bad decisions ands so on of their CIC, blah, blah, blah…. Poor GIs! Don’t blame them for the actions of the PR louts that make up this horseshit lying stuff up, or the top war dogs that command them to kill, lame, and otherwise destroy innocent men. They got a job to do, which of course is defending you and I so that we can be free to say the stuff I am saying now and blah, blah, blah… Did I state that position correctly?

So be very careful since Gitmo will be closed down. The TERROR ALERT will most certainly go back up to RED! since 61 of these bad guys are back on their job of causing us ‘mericans misery. I’m scared. So very scared of this! I heard it from The Pentagon. …the Pentagon Pinocchio. So it must not be true!

Barack says his effort at image repair for US government to begin immediately

Western Hemisphere Institute for Security CooperationHow do you begin to repair US image abroad without really doing so much of anything? You don’t say a word really against the torture regime that your political party participated in running along with its supposed political opposition, the Republicans, but you begin to close the US Government’s most blatant image problem down…. name wise. That would be Gitmo… Guantanamo. See: Obama prepares to issue order to close Gitmo.

That’s kind of like in 2000 how Slick Willie Bill Clinton changed the US military’s torture school from the name of School of Americas (the SOA) to the totally obscured name of Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC). Nothing else changed except the name. Not too surprising since Obama has stacked his new Administrative Cabinet with all those old Slick Willie retreads.

Bet you had never even heard of the name WHINSEC, now had you? And I bet you that Obama has no plans to really end US government use of torture but rather to hide it more away. Bets on that Obama will actually close down ‘WHINSEC’? Didn’t think so… The US Government has always used torture on POWs. The Vietnamese could tell the typical American something about that, as so could many a Latino. How many Democratic Party presidents and top politicians have helped administer US military torture through the years? How many countries has the US government helped their government use torture on other peoples? Your guess is as good as mine?